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Favorisierte Antworten51%
  • What companies offer cheap car insurance in the UK?

    I am looking for companies that offer cheap car insurance in the UK for my dad by obtaining quotes and was wondering what companies you recommend.

    Any extra details that may help are that my dad is a safe driver who has never had any accidents or convictions, he has been driving for 30 years and he has 8 years no claims discount which he still wants protected. Let me know if you need another details. Thanks.

    4 AntwortenInsurance & Registrationvor 8 Jahren
  • Can someone help me understand the moments topic in Mechanics 1 (A-level Maths)?

    I am studying maths A-level and I am going to have a trial exam for Mechanics 1 on Monday but unfortunately, despite asking teachers, peers and using revision websites and textbooks to try to teach myself, I still seem to struggle with moments.

    I understand the concept of multiplying force by perpendicular distance to find moments and I am starting to understand directions but I still seem to get every question wrong so could you please give me any tips that could generally help me with moments? Thank you :)

    3 AntwortenMathematicsvor 8 Jahren
  • Are there any easy ways to make my hair curlier?

    I have always wanted curly hair but have never been able to get the curls I want as my hair seems to go back to its limp frizzy waves.

    I've tried cutting my hair shorter, getting layers and thinning it out to take the weight off. I try using mousse or other curling products and either leave my hair to dry naturally or mainly use a diffuser. I even got a perm, but none of these methods work.

    The only method that works are foam rollers but they are too time-consuming to use on a daily basis so I was wondering if there are any simpler methods I can use. However, I don't want to use curling irons as they damage my hair and I prefer natural-looking curls. Thank you.

    2 AntwortenHairvor 9 Jahren
  • How can I calm the pain on the side of my tongue and inside my ear?

    For the last 3 days, I have kept getting sharp pains on the side of my tongue which is shortly followed by a sharp pain inside my ear.

    I don't feel the pain is strong enough to go the doctor but I would like to know if any of you have experienced any similar pain or if you know any ways to calm the pain.

    All answers appreciated. Thank you.

    1 AntwortPain & Pain Managementvor 9 Jahren
  • I keep getting blue screen stop errors. How can I stop this?

    This message seems to come up randomly when I'm on the internet, mainly if im watching older videos that have been posted on youtube. It isnt the website though because it does happen at random moments.

    The message says something along the lines of "starting dump of physical memory" and to "press F8 to go to safe mode", but no matter how many times I press F8, the screen is completely unresponsive and wont go to safe mode and the only way for me to shut down the PC is from the plug.

    I haven't installed any new hardware or software and it wont come up on Event Viewer either. (I have windows xp if that helps)

    Thanks =)

    4 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 10 Jahren
  • Help please? I need advice on horror dvds to bring to my best friend's birthday party...?

    Hi my best friend's birthday party is coming up, and she has asked me to bring 2 horror dvds.

    These are the following horror dvds to choose from:

    The last exorcism


    No vacancy

    The ju-on (Grudge)

    The blair witch project

    The exorcist

    Could you please help me by choosing which films you feel are the best/scariest.

    Thanks in advance =)

    5 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Im 15 years old and I'm looking for a saturday job?

    Like the question says, I'm 15 years old and I'm looking for a saturday job to do until I'm 17. I feel like doing this because I want to get as much money as i can before i go to an accountancy college when I'm 18.

    I will do any job available and any hours as I am not picky at all about that, as long as it is a saturday job that pays. The salary doesn't have to be high, as long as I'm receiving some sort of money.

    I've already tried looking for jobs on websites, but there don't seem to be any for 15 year olds. Can you please help me by telling me where to look or if there is any jobs that would be suitable for me and what I should do to get them? Thank you.

    2 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • serious blood test phobia-need help please?

    I have a blood test coming up very soon and I don't know what to do about my phobia. I'm ok with vaccines as they don't hurt but blood tests do extremely hurt.

    The last time I had a blood test, i ended up shaking badly in the chair whilst screaming, crying and laughing hysterically with the doctors and mums looking at me funnily. I made a complete fool out of myself but I couldn't control myself.

    I'm aware that I can't get rid of my phobia, but is there anything I can do to prevent this embarassment from happening again.

    P.s. I also know about the cream that numbs the area but they only give it to patients under 10 so theres no way i can get that...

    Thanks in advance for any answers

    1 AntwortMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Problems with t-mobile content lock on my samsung tocco lite which has 6 months free internet? Please help?

    Basically, I have 6 months free internet and it has been fine but lately, content block is appearing on almost every website I go on, including the ones that I have always been on such as hotmail, and facebook. Also if the website isn't blocked, then another website will fail to open up properly which is annoying as it will be wasting my 6 months free internet.

    I have tried contacting t-mobile and going on the website to try and remove content lock but all of the methods require credit cards or other proof of being over 18 and unfortunately, i am only 15 years old.

    I would try and get content lock removed by someone older, but it doesn't seem right seeing as these websites have always worked before.

    Thanks for any help in advance

    1 AntwortCell Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Help with simplifying algebra question please?

    I have a question that says:

    Simplify (2xy^2)^3

    Can anyone please tell me the answer to this, and also the working out to see how to solve this problem myself next time a question like this comes up.

    Thanks in advance

    3 AntwortenMathematicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Something seriously wrong with my pc...please help?

    Basically what happened today was that i switched on my computer and plugged in my samsung tocco lite into the computer to transfer music files from my pc to my phone. However the computer froze, so i waited 20 minutes, but ended up having to switch the computer off from the plug.

    However, when i switched the computer back on, i noticed that lots of things were missing like major fonts and certain icons, e.g. on the google homepage, the actual google writing isn't shown, and this goes for all websites and normal computer programmes, such as my mcafee antivirus.

    I tried switching the pc off, then on again for the third time, but nothing has changed. I am now in the process of running a scan with my antivirus, even though i doubt this will help, and will put the details of this antivirus scan later.

    Please help me by providing any solutions to this problem, if this problem isn't solved I could even get in trouble...

    Thanks in advance

    3 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Windows live messenger on blackberry curve problems...please help?

    I sign in to windows live messenger on my blackberry curve while i am out. 10 minutes later i get signed out of windows live messenger with a message that says, "You have been signed out because you signed in on a different computer or device". No computers or devices are signed in apart from my phone. I changed my password, i even made a new msn but it signs me out randomly. Please i need help asap

    Thank you all answers appreciated x

    1 AntwortPDAs & Handheldsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Need english translation of this-not 100% sure of language but i think it is urdu? if not hindi?

    What exactly does this phrase mean in english?

    pyari hai yar

    And what language is it in?

    Thanks in advance all answers appreciated

    2 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hi can someone translate this message i got on facebook?

    Ok i got this message on facebook and i have no idea what language it is, whether its in slang, and what it means. Can someone please read the message below and tell me the following things i've asked in the previous sentence. Thanks xx

    This is the message...

    slt Tao,t veu chat?

    slt Tao,t veu chat?

    on sew cnai?

    moa mnt p gagn n ti letemp pu chat

    on sew cnai?

    moa mnt p gagn n ti letemp pu chat

    ti po revise entr ami

    enfn,raknt un peu

    4 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What language is the word 'namaste' in and what does it mean?

    Ok, i know this may sound weird but i had a dream where i heard the word 'namaste' and i spent the whole dream trying to work out the language and what it meant.

    Now that i've woken up, i was wondering whether this word is real or not, so can anyone please tell me what language it is and what it means.

    All answers appreciated. Thank you soo much xxxx =D

    7 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I know this sounds silly but please help with maths as its getting to the point where i am feeling suicidal?

    Right i know this sounds melodramatic and ridiculous but im being totally honest here.

    For the last month or 2, my usual maths teacher hasn't turned up to school anymore so after months worth of useless cover teachers and book work where we werent taught any methods, i now have a new teacher, however he isn't very specific in what he teaches.

    i now have a maths test coming up in 3 days where i dont know what is going to come up and he has only taught us to do quadriatic equations and circle theorems. i've tried revising from everywhere but nothing will go in no matter how hard i try. i feel like im doomed to fail and am gonna be humiliated by this seeing as im in the top set for maths.

    i dont know what kind of help i need, but i hope you have some good revision resources or tips, or maybe just advice to calm me down.

    thanks x

    4 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Blackberry messenger problems, please help?

    i have blackberry messenger. i add my friend using the pin, he didn't get the request and it is still pending for me. so he added me, i didnt get the request and his bbm says pending. what is going on? am i missing something?

    3 AntwortenPDAs & Handheldsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hi im looking for a r&b song iv got a bit of information on it can u help please?

    hi there is a song i keep hearing on the radio. im not sure who its from but it sounds like beyonce. the chorus keeps repeating bring it six times and then says bring it on i think. please help all answers appreciated.

    2 AntwortenR&B & Soulvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I can't take any more blackmail from my confirmation. Please help?

    Hi im getting confirmed this year and i've been to a few sessions but i really cant take anymore. The leader of my confirmation group is really annoying me because not only does she force me to read infront of everyone, she is also blackmailing me into going on a trip. she said to me that if i dont go then i cant get confirmed. this is really getting me down because im only getting confirmed because my parents want me to as i actually dont believe in religion at all. Please help me out.

    14 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt