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I'm love answering questions for people who take the time out to seek one, gaining knowledge from an area other people know, and viewing other's opinion in a "silent auction" type format.. Finding Yahoo! Answers gave me all corners of fun. In life, I live in the one and only Las Vegas with my family and 2 dogs. My best field of knowledge is modern technology and family/friend relationships; occupation is surround by both. If my question/answers were/are totally out of the ball park just let me know with a simply thumbs up/down, I'm not one to get angry over THAT.

  • Would you temp lease to musician/band?

    Hi All,

    I understand people have businesses to run and money to make, however, how you you approach this scenario as a land-lord/land owner:

    I'm a college student interested in learning how to play the drums. I live in an apartment. This is Plan F in my long list of attempts to find somewhere to practice (including storage units, parking garages and friend's houses). I thought of this though--there's a small office space available a stone's throw away form campus. It's been empty for months and the ad is recurring online for about a year and a half.

    As an owner, how would you feel if a college-student temporarily rented the space solely for drum/music practice at a lower rate than the rent? He has other tenants but I would use it at night while they aren't there more than anything else because I have day-life to handle. I have the tenacity to think I can get away with a lower rate because:

    (a) I'm not making money--this wouldn't be a venue, just space. It does have utilities but I'd pay those no problem.

    (b) I have no intentions of making "home" there (no sleeping, 2nd apt type deal) Within 24 hours of him saying "Out." I'm out!

    (c) Since it is just temporary, his ads can still stay up until a real tenant arrives.

    Currently the rent is $250 (including utilities). Would all this be reasonable at $75 + utilities?

    3 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 8 Jahren
  • Residence Hall (Dorm) and sexual harassment--where is the fine line?


    My roommate and I have been fighting tooth and nail. Everything turns into a fight one way or another. Especially when it comes to noise and space. I will throw out there that my roommate has special needs but nothing that would keep them for NOT being a spoiled brat.

    Essentially, the space as been littered with poorly colored coloring pages--I mean EVERYWHERE. At first it was just our front door but now they are in every public space. They are all, in my eyes, products of retaliation and spite; I've put "sensible" decor up in the kitchen and living space (school memorabilia, tin signs, and (2) posters)--none of which she has confronted me on. I make effort to try and not dominate the space--all my decorations are out of the way (as I think decorations should be).

    These coloring pages are getting out of hand. I haven't torn any of them down because in the end, these are her tokens of expression but they starting to become a nuisance. The pictures themselves don't irritate more so than the energy that is being put into them to annoy me. It's making my living space uncomfortable. I ignored it the last half of the semester but they're just getting worse (in quantity and quality) and as they say "misery needs company".

    ----------------SUMMARY QUESTION----------------

    The last week of the semester, I have a plan to purchase obscene materials and plaster them all over the apartment adjacent to her colorings. I find them to be a tacky art form that can be complemented by her tacky decor. Period. However artistic, I also understand everything comes with consequences. I plan on posting these magazine tear outs in the privacy of my dorm-apartment. Nowhere in the hall guidelines or university rules does it mention private space in the realm of sexual harassment but I know everything can be gray put in the right light.

    Is this a form of sexual harassment even in a semi-private space? My goal is to express my feelings towards her efforts to upset the flow of the apartment not necessarily (primarily) ignite a reaction out of her. If she doesn't care then it'll be just another college event I can truly laugh at later. Again, I've tried talking to her (about a range of issues) but this is not effective whatsoever.

    3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 8 Jahren
  • What are some things to keep in mind when choosing a bass guitar kit?

    I'm planning to get another bass guitar this February--I got my starter Kona last Valentine's day. Between then and now I've decided that I like this hobby and that I crave more involvement.

    After some time searching on the internet, I'm having a hard time finding exactly what I want. I've come to the conclusion that trade-offs are just going to have to happen.

    What I want is a 5-string, lined fretless electric bass (unfinished or kit) guitar between $160 to about $275. It nearly looks like I'm crazy for thinking this is possible.

    So this brings me here. As a beginning bass player and novice tinker, what looks to be the better trade off:

    A 4-string fretless kit (I really like the sound and sliding that comes with fretless)

    A 5-string bass guitar (the range of sound is appealing)

    Increasing my budget to about $300 - $450 (quality of sound and equipment just at a later date then I wanted)

    And if anyone knows of a hole-in-the-wall place that I can find what I want, where?

    Thanks for all advice!

    4 AntwortenPerforming Artsvor 8 Jahren
  • Can a woman be TOO independent for a man?

    Guys, can a woman be too independent to the point that she's deterring men? By independent I mean involved in a life of her own, able carry out business without assistance from anyone (not necessarily a man) and or comfortable by herself. Does it turn men off if they can't find a place to "help" or "provide" some how?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • How should I go about having fun but remaining considerate?

    I'm going back to my hometown for the semester break. I'm staying at my best friends' apartment.

    Here's the problem:

    For a while they have complained about lack of food between the three of them (three guys). I've already given enough to compensate my stay for the 5 days that I'll be there (tickets to concerts and local events). As far as I understand, when someone invites you to stay under their roof, the bare necessities (shelter, food, and water) are taken care of.

    I've budgeted for months to make sure that I could feed myself with whatever and whenever I wanted as I've logged starving time while on campus. How should I go about enjoying myself without the sense that I'm being "unfair"?


    *With such a short stay, it will be near impossible to sneak away, eat and come back

    *2/3 of them are between jobs

    *They can eat FOREVER, buying food for the house is not optional; they will also attempt to keep as much food in the house as possible by the time I leave by not eating and or hiding it (yes, they get that serious).

    *I would be willingly to cook cheap bulk meals as I've done in my dorm but they don't have cookware.

    1 AntwortFriendsvor 10 Jahren
  • Should I have to paid for this apartment misunderstanding?

    I just recently (15 May) rented an apartment--on my application I stated that I can smoke outside and prefer to smoke outside. Upon moving in, I saw ashtrays, small burn holes on the furniture and ashes on the coffee table (including an "illegal cigar" butt).

    Even under the impression that I had gotten a smoker's apartment instead, I (and my guests) still continued to smoke outside until I asked my roommate (who was there prior to me) whether or not smoking took place inside. Without hesitation, she said "Yes, we smoke inside".

    Today, my apartment office called and identified me as "the smoker"--this leads me to believe that:

    (A) Someone complained/is trying to divert illegal activities from them to me

    (B) I'll be blamed for any smoke-related damages (burn holes, etc) despite the fact that I didn't cause any of it.

    Bottom line question:

    If I do in fact get the charges of the damages, I should I handle it?

    1 AntwortRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do I go about asking drop-outs to my high school graduation?

    I have three awesome friends that I want to invite to my graduation in June. The only standing reason why I'm hesitating is because none of them actually graduated themselves; one dropped sophomore year, one was a credit short and the other was also in line for graduation this year but was too behind.

    I truly just want them there to celebrate with me and my family but I don't want to make it seem like I'm shining a walking graduation in their faces.

    Would you invite them to the actual walking graduation ceremony? How would you feel if you dropped out for whatever reason and was invited to a friend's graduation?

    Thank you!

    1 AntwortFriendsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can it be made clear that we're just friends?

    I'm really good friends with this guy [John],18 and myself 16. We haven't been friends long, as a matter of fact a year; but we've seem to become the best of friends in that time.

    We hang out on a regularly basis, so of course we're close. It's not a "Gal Pal" or a "The Guys" format, it's just two people who are really 'too good of friends', hence why 'it's a problem' according to outside powers. Recently, John's father made a questioning statement, as it he knew without a doubt that we we're flat out sleeping together and it's even a worst of a problem cause I'm not white, although we didn't hang out in the house, but clearly outside in open area, and my mom asked was he my boyfriend on a serious note. The level as reached to sharing belongings, but what friends don't? A detail that may or may not influence the viewpoint is that he's a 'punk rock' motivated where I'm on the lines of 'ghetto' youth and by society standard; biggest question by them: 'How in the world are we friends? You guys don't have anything in common.' Which is the exact opposite.

    Why would they make such statements after we've made countless efforts to explain to them we're best friends?

    What would it take to show them, we're JUST FRIENDS?

    3 AntwortenFriendsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What and how do I calc the concepts of motion?

    I'm so lost in my physics class...

    I understand this much:

    speed is distance/time

    you can't have negative distance

    you can have negative time

    thus you can have negative speed

    where I'm lost at is:

    How do I get velocity if it's not constant?

    How do I get position based off this information?

    If these two questions are solved, then translating a position v. time graph to a speed v. time graph should be easy right?

    I have a test tomorrow and my teacher doesn't teach, my concern isn't really focused on the test but understanding this concept so I won't be lost in the future.

    Thank you!

    3 AntwortenPhysicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do I gain my emotions back to show my friends and family I care?

    Ok, for the most part, I'm either pissed off, irritated or annoyed.

    It's been like that for so long I don't know when I can say I was happy.

    My family thinks I don't care about them because for the most part I'm yelling...

    My friends don't think I'm happy being with them...

    and the guy I like is getting mixed signals because he thinks I'm just straight up emo minus the cutting.

    I have my stressful times with school, work, and home, but I've seen worst and see feel empty.

    What can I do to get rid of this feeling of complete indifference?

    2 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If I tell him I like him, is it possible for a win-win?

    There's this guy who is just down right awesome, he's an awesome friend and my feelings for him have grown to something more.

    Only real problem is he has deep feelings for someone else and constantly tell me about them which makes me even more nervous. On top of that makes me friend on permanent 'friend island' because guys don't tell you their plans to gettin' a girl to a girl they may like.

    Another major thing is, I don't 'show' that I like him, but I really do, so it may seem like a joke to him. I show more of a 'me and you...yea right!" attitude even though I want him...bad!

    I think he kind of likes me, but I'm not completely sure, so assume he likes me strictly as a friend. If I was to tell him my true feelings and the whole nine, would that change the friendship permanently and drastically if he were to not have the same feelings?

    He's a person who loves the truth but I like what we have now, but not completely satisfied with hiding my attraction (if that makes since.)

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • In the case of conjoined twins...?

    The twins are attached at the heart and liver. They each have a set of arms and legs. Kinda of like "Stuck To You" format.

    What if one of the conjoined twins was convicted and sentenced to murder...and the OTHER HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. What would the state do?

    5 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where can I get Braille done?

    I have a project on Louis Braille and a nice touch would be actual Braille.

    Where can I get Braille done?

    1 AntwortOther - Arts & Humanitiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What are some good/short games that could test ones ability?

    What I mean is take for example:

    arm wrestling, two people battling physical strength

    What are some other games, that are short sweet and up to the point. Not games of proability like paper rock scissors. Game of skills.

    Also no gambling type things like blackjack.

    I mean something REALLY fast...

    Not board games, they take to long. Russian roulette was the closest to what I wanted, but it has the potential to kill and is also a probability game.

    2 AntwortenGamblingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What are some games that it's either you win or your lose?

    What I mean is take for example:

    arm wrestling, two people battling physical strength

    What are some other games, that are short sweet and up to the point. Not games of proability like paper rock scissors. Game of skills.

    Also no gambling type things like blackjack.

    7 AntwortenOther - Games & Recreationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I prevent alcoholism in myself?

    PS [Third Party Question]

    Age: 15


    I haven't taken a drink of alcohol in my life but I feel that I will become an alcoholic just based on my mannerisms...

    Love to party, Love competition, Love drinking (anything tea, soda, ANYTHING).

    idk if it sounds weird but I seriously feel it.

    How do I stop this thought?

    6 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is something two friends, of the opposite gender, can do without it seeming like a date?

    What is something a girl and a boy could do together but not as a date but as friends? What are the boundaries for an outing and a date?

    16 AntwortenFriendsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where can I find nominees for the 1950 Nobel Peace Prize?

    I know who won; Bunche, but where do I find the other nominees for that year who were 'running against him'?

    Through a website? article?

    2 AntwortenHistoryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why did Britian want Northern Ireland?

    I'm completing an agrument for World History, but I'm a little confused.

    Why did Britian want Northern Ireland in the first place?

    As a matter of fact do they still want it?

    Do they have it?

    8 AntwortenHistoryvor 1 Jahrzehnt