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Lv 745.404 points

Delusion Crusher 10000

Favorisierte Antworten6%

Interested in anything that is positive, especially if it helps people in some way. I like to absorb knowledge, and pass it on, too. I've found that Jesus, when on earth, was God manifest in a body, and that the Bible is true. I'm a born again Christian and that will never change. Those who refuse to repent cannot be saved, and there are no exceptions to sin in the Bible, as many, even in the churches, have been making recently. I hope and actively seek to be more Christ-like with the help of the Holy Spirit. I guess you could say I am a conservative fundamentalist, even though no such tag is contemplated in the Bible. However, I am non-judgmental (non-condemning) since that is not the function of a Christian. In the "worst case", I will speek the truth to the best of my ability, and then move on. If you have been offended by, or wish further explanation of, my answers, feel free to email.

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