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  • Ex is texting me?

    He s a guy I had a thing going on with and it ended a few weeks ago. He told me he liked someone else and it hurt but he said we d still be friends.

    the first couple days after he would text or snapchat but they seemed really disinterested, like he was doing it bc he was trying to be friends

    finally my friends said that I shouldn t talk to him anymore at least until I m over him, so I stopped about 2 weeks ago

    but then he texted me before thanksgiving just asking about this snapchat story I had of playing pool. I took awhile to respond and kept my answer vague and he replied and then texted again 30 min later saying happy thanksgiving btw so I told him "you too! I m thankful I met you!" and he replied "Lol I m thankful I met you too :)" and I never texted him back

    then today he texted saying we should hang out and I haven t responded & my sis took my phone to snapchat him with and once I got my phone back, we continued talking and it felt like he wanted to talk to me. I d reply with some things with just one word answrers like "yepp" and he d reply with a long paragraph and I sent back an emoji once that I didn t think would require a response but he still messaged back & he asked me what I ve been up to lately and everything

    I m just trying to figure out what s going on. I still really like him and I want him back so I m wondering if he s reaching out cause he s missing me or cause we re friends or cause he just needs an ego boost

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 6 Jahren
  • He texted me after I started no contact?

    This guy & I had a thing going on for the summer. We met/started out as friends but I think we were attracted to each other fromthere beginning. Once school started up again (he's a jr in college& im a freshman) we hung out and kissed & all that stuff happened. We never defined the relationship but around Halloween, he told me out of nowhere that there's this other girl that he's thinking about dating & that he likes her. So we ended our thing

    It's been 3 weeks since then & he said we'd be friends still so it ended on "good terms" even though Im still kind of upset & hurting. We texted a couple of times the first week and snapchatted but then it kinda stopped & my friends said I shouldn't talk to him or anything anymore

    So I decided not to & it's been a little over a week & he snapchatted me tonight & I didn't reply & then he texted me. It wasn't anything big. I had a video on my snapchat story playing pool & we used to do that together. So he txted like whooh where were you playing pool at!

    I don't want to be rude but I do want him back so what should I do? My friend thinks I should just reply inthe morning. Should I still txt back? We're technically still friends but yea, best course of action? Thanks!!

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 6 Jahren
  • Can someone explain this math problem to me?( relative extrema)?

    I'm studying for a math test and the problem is:


    I know that there is a min at x=1 and -1 and a max at x=0 but I'm not getting those numbers when I work out the problem.

    can someone walk me through it? thanks so much!!

    2 AntwortenMathematicsvor 6 Jahren
  • Can someone explain this domain question for math to me? I have the answer but not sure about procedure?

    the problem is:

    f(x)= square root of (x^2+3) and it wants us to find the domain. The answer is negative infinity to infinity but I'm not sure why. help?

    I started by setting x^2+3 is greater than or equal to 0 but I have no clue how it ends up being negative infinity to infinity. thanks!

    1 AntwortMathematicsvor 7 Jahren
  • Could he eventually want to date me?

    This guy and I have been hanging out a lot for almost 3 months and it started with movies and stargazing and eventually we'd start cuddling while we did all tht stuff. We basically hung out every other day and we've met each other's family (mostly cause we'd hang out at each other's house) and I slept over at his apartment a couple nights ago and we were cuddling but then we ended up kissing (for the first time) & hooking up. I kinda asked where we were like I asked him what's going on between us and he said he's not dating anyone at the moment and I seem like the dating type just cause all of my friends are and then he told me this story about a past experience and I asked him what he thought about me and he said tht he thought I was cute and smart and nice and kinda shy and funny. But yea I think I get the hint tht he doesn't want to date me now but could it be a possibility? I remember being half asleep early the next morning and I felt him pull a blanket over me and I also felt him grab my hand and hold it before he went back to sleep (I think he thought I was already asleep) but yea, we get along so well and it's crazy to me cause I could talk to him about anything right when we met & I'm just wondering about if this could go somewhere & what other ppl thought about it

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Getting my wisdom teeth taken out? The situation seems kinda off?

    So I went to the dentist today and he said I needed to have 3 of my wisdom teeth taken out. Only one of them has grown out. He said he could do them himself and then prescribed me all this medicine. The things tht seemed off were that for one, this was the first time is actually met him. My old dentist retired (& he was a really awesome guy) & I guess this person bought the practice and the other people tht worked with my old dentist only works some days now. So I guess my parents just scheduled with him since it was the same staff and office. And from the min he shook my hand it just felt off. Like not like he was bad or anything. I just felt sorta uneasy. Then he prescribed me antibiotics and painkillers and all tht sounded right. But he also prescribed me steroids to take the morning of the surgery. And then he told me to ignore the instructions (2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, 2 in the evening) & just take all 6 at once which seemed like a lot. (Then I have to take 5 the next day and so on) I'm definitely not a dr but that made me feel uneasy. Then I asked my uncle who is a dentist about it and he said he's never heard of this drug (medrol) being prescribed for this kind of thing and tht I don't need my wisdom teeth taken out bc they haven't even grown out yet, let alone started hurting me.

    Does anyone have experience or have an opinion on this?

    I guess the whole thing just made me feel uncomfortable and uneasy

    Thank you!

    2 AntwortenDentalvor 7 Jahren
  • we had to write a sonnet for english, will someone let me know if this counts?

    This is what I came up with but I realized a lot of my lines aren't iambic pentameter...i have no idea how to fix that. I think it's ok if we change it up a bit if it adds meaning to our poem but I don't think she'll accept it if a lot of the lines aren't in iambic pentameter. Will someone let me know if this is ok? or if it's even a sonnet? (I am terrible with meter) Thank you!

    Here's to the goodbye I never meant to say

    The nights I spent crying, the days spent dead

    When you promised but came through only halfway

    And I trusted, you chose to lie instead.

    Here's to when I misunderstood your pain

    Not appreciating at times I should

    Believing that to know you was inane

    Times I can't take back, I would if I could.

    You'd think after all this time we'd be fine

    Through all the days and nights and mid-mornings

    The little glances I could have sworn were mine

    But maybe those looks were life's forewarnings

    Left alone with memories nonetheless

    Some photos, words we ne'er said, here's to us

    1 AntwortPoetryvor 7 Jahren
  • My sprained ankle never fully healed?

    I sprained my ankle during cross country back in September. I tripped while running down an uneven hill. Then I think it most recovered and the trainer at school said it was fine to run on. Then 2 or 3 weeks later I sprained it again. I thought it was completely better but I noticed that I can't bend my ankle the same way. I sprained my left ankle and if I lay the top of my foot on the floor and like bend my leg forward, I can feel a slight pain there. & this doesn't happen when I do it with my right ankle. Do sprained ankles ever fully heal? What should I do? It's been 3-4 months already. Thanks guys!

    3 AntwortenInjuriesvor 7 Jahren
  • I basically offered securing & he didn't say no, he said we shouldn't? Help?

    This guy and I have a complicated history I guess? But anyways like two weeks ago he said we should stop talking because 'this isn't good for either of us' and I was upset and was wondering why he said tht but I kind of just brushed it off. Then this weekend I texted him askingif he had a snapchat bc I wanted to have some fun & first he didn't know who was texting him so it means he deleted my number (& I know it's not just cause he didn't recognize my name or anything cause we've known each other for 5 years now) & then when I asked about the snapchat thing he said 'I really don't think we should' I mean I would never send nudes but I was implying some sort of fun snapchatting which I know he's the kind of person who wouldn't pass tht up. And it wasn't even like he said no I don't want to or lie and say I don't have one. He said he doesn't think we should. What is going on in his head? First the us talking is bad for one another, then deleting my# (which I did once to try to get over

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • What does he mean when he says....? Please help?

    This guy and I have a complicated history I guess? But anyways like two weeks ago he said we should stop talking because 'this isn't good for either of us' and I was upset and was wondering why he said tht but I kind of just brushed it off. Then this weekend I texted him askingif he had a snapchat bc I wanted to have some fun & first he didn't know who was texting him so it means he deleted my number (& I know it's not just cause he didn't recognize my name or anything cause we've known each other for 5 years now) & then when I asked about the snapchat thing he said 'I really don't think we should' I mean I would never send nudes but I was implying some sort of fun snapchatting which I know he's the kind of person who wouldn't pass tht up. And it wasn't even like he said no I don't want to or lie and say I don't have one. He said he doesn't think we should. What is going on in his head? First the us talking is bad for one another, then deleting my# (which I did once to try to get over

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • What does he mean when he says we shouldn't talk anymore?

    This is a really long and complicated story but basically it's this guy and I who have known each other for almost 6 years now (never dated) and we've been through a lot and today when we were texting he said look I'm sorry this isnt good for either of us. And then I asked him what isn't? And he said us talking. If a guy says tht does it mean he just hates you and doesn't want to talk to you again but wants to let you off easy with a ite not you its me thing or does he actually mean that he doesn't think it's good for him and me? I'm afraid of losing him, he's the most important guy in my life...

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Are there supposed to be sounds when you kiss?

    Whenever I kiss the person I like, there's a sound like when I'm kissing his lips, his neck or his face. But when I asked my friend about making out, she said that if there is a sound, then it means I'm doing it wrong. Is that true? Should there be a sound when you kiss? & it's not a French kiss or anything just like a mouth naturally open, peck kiss

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Grabbing my butt when kissing?

    So the guy I like and I were sitting in the car today and we were talking and we hugged and he kept his arm behind my back and we were looking at each other and all of a sudden I had ended up in his lap and I was straddling him and we started kissing and the entire time, he was grabbing my butt. I've never made out before this time and so I had no clue what I was doing. I was kissing his lips and his face and his neck and stuff. But I don't know if he was enjoying himself or not cause I'm really inexperienced. Then we stopped because he had to go to work and I got out of the car with him and we kissed again and he automatically grabbed my butt.

    I was totally fine with it. I'm just wondering why his hands didn't move anywhere else and if he had a good time or not cause I had no clue what to do when making out

    Help? Thanks!

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Please help! I need my counselors signature by tonight! what should i do?

    I'm applying for college and there was an extra form on the application that doesn't show up until after you submit it. I just finished everything today and I printed out the form and realized I needed a counselor's signature on it! What should I do? I emailed my counselor but she hasn't emailed back yet and I tried going to the school but it's closed. and I don't want to forge it cause that makes me feel terrible! what should I do?? it's due at 11:59 tonight and if I don't turn it in on time,it could mean losing full tuition to college! please help me???

    1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 8 Jahren
  • Can anyone help interpret this dream? its about the guy i like?

    i'm not sure where it took place cause it kinda looked like a mix between a school, a stadium and a nice indoor waterpark/salon. and i think it was supposed to be his school though (we go to different schools) . but anyways i was running down stadium-looking stairs cause i wanted to get away from him cause i was sad and the bottom of the stadium was filled with water. and then i ran in and the water got my capri jeans wet and it went up to just under my knees and it was warm but then he and one of my friends called to me and they told me not to run off and they asked me to go back up and so i did. and then when i got there he and i started talking and he said something about how the only reason we couldn't be together was cause he didn't know if his heart could take it. (like the reason why i dont want to be with him now- if we broke up i dont know if id be able to get through it/idk if my heart could take that). but then i think i let him know that thats what i was afraid of? im not sure about that part. and then we decided to be together and so we walked back up the stairs and there was a blanket laid out and my sisters and friends were sitting there and so he and i did too and the minute i sat down i moved close to him and he put his arms around my waist and so he was holding me the whole time

    that's basicaly it, can anyone help interpret? Thank you!

    1 AntwortDream Interpretationvor 8 Jahren
  • Am I overthinking this? What does it mean when a guy keeps something you gave them? I'm so confused, help?

    I used to leave star sticky notes for a guy i like (we go to different schools) Well I was at his school on Saturday and I went by his locker and they were still there. I've left 3 total And so the one I left from when i took the act (december) is now gone, but it was still there when I asked him to to a dance in January and later on when i saw it in february. then after that, I left him two more (and one was left in January & one the week of the dance) so it's at least been almost 3 months and those two are still on his locker! they're post it notes you can just take them off and throw them away easily. And it can't be tht he was too lazy to actually take them off because whenever I leave them I leave them right on the lock so I can be sure he sees it and so to get into his locker he would have to move it. So why not just throw them away instead of putting them on another place on his locker? And the lockers there are pretty small and he would definitely see them every day whenever he went to his locker so if he thinks I'm annoying (situation that happned over spring break) or he doesn't like me (he & i talked about this before) then why does he leave it up? Why not just toss it? Especially if I annoyed him cause the notes are still up and it was around two weeks after the thing that happened over spring break. And also when I asked him to the dance I saw the one from dec (during act) and I was like aww you left that up and he just told me that he never takes anything off, but that's a lie! Cause when I was there in December his entire locker was covered like it was filled with XC stuff but then when I saw it when I asked him to the dance, half of the stuff was gone. There was still some XC stuff but it was a lot less cluttered. Then when I saw it just this previous saturday it had even less stuff on it cause I remember that when I put the magnets up to ask him to the dance it was hard to figure out where to put them all cause I had to work around magnets and move stuff around. but I'm sooooo confused!!! I mean if you saw post it's that you know were from a specific person(cause I've been leaving them for him since 7th grade. And he saw them 8th and then soph year and jr year) and they had that persons handwriting on them, you would definitely be reminded of me right??? So why does he leave them there?? Am I just over thinking this? Cause I honestly don't know, like maybe he thinks I won't ever see them?

    He does all these things that makes me think he could like me even though he doesn't (like the way he looks at me or the way he acted when we were at the dance or how he like knows what I'm thinking or how I would react to things & keep the sticky notes up) but then he does lots of things that make me think he doesn't (he hits on my friends, he'll ignore me, he refuses to be friends even after I told him I didn't want a relationship & after he said he wanted to be friends) I'm so confused. Am I just overthinking everything? There's so much more going on but it would be extremely long if I wrote it all. What do you guys think?

    Thank you so much! & I'm sorry this is so long

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 8 Jahren
  • Does anyone know where I can find shoes like this?

    I've been to at least 10 places and I can't find them anywhere! I'm looking for a pair of silver, close-toed platform heels for prom. Also they have to be at the store cause I want to be able to try them on & I really don't want to order them online. If anyone has any idea where I could find a pair (under $100) that would be amazing!

    I want to find shoes that kinda look like these:

    They don't have to look exactly like that, just silver platforms and I'm especially looking for close toed (which I can't find anywhere in stores) thank you so so much!

    4 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 8 Jahren
  • When a guy keeps something you gave him? So confused?

    It's this guy I like and we go to different schools but whenever I happened to be at his school I would leave these little star post it notes on his locker with messages on them and I was just at his school today and they're still on his locker. I left the first one last fall and that one is gone now but it was still there in January. But the other two are still there and they're both from almost 3 months ago.

    He says he never take stuff off of his locker but I don't think that's true cause when I saw his locker the first time, he had a bunch of cross country stuff on it and now half of the cross country stuff is gone. So there's still some of his stuff on his locker but also my notes. So what does that mean? He'd see it everyday he goes to school right? So if he doesn't like me ( cause I know he doesn't) why does he leave it up? Or am I just overthinking it?

    And I want him to like me but we're complicated (long story) and I know for a fact he doesn't because he has said it, we've established that he diesnt. But then he does all these things that people say guys do when they like someone and he also does a lot of things that shows me he's totally not interested. I'm so confused. Especially about him leaving the post it notes cause when I leave them I leave them right on the lock so that he would definitely see it cause he'd have to move it to get into his locker. But he just leaves them there & I've seen them every time I've gone to his school And they're small notes so they're easy to throw away. I've never been so confused by a guy

    What does this mean?

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 8 Jahren
  • What does it mean when a guy keeps something you give them?

    It's this guy I like and we go to different schools but whenever I happened to be at his school I would leave these little star post it notes on his locker with messages on them and I was just at his school today and they're still on his locker. I left the first one last fall and that one is gone now but it was still there in January. But the other two are still there and they're both from almost 3 months ago.

    He says he never take stuff off of his locker but I don't think that's true cause when I saw his locker the first time, he had a bunch of cross country stuff on it and now half of the cross country stuff is gone. So there's still some of his stuff on his locker but also my notes. So what does that mean? He'd see it everyday he goes to school right? So if he doesn't like me ( cause I know he doesn't) why does he leave it up? Or am I just overthinking it?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 8 Jahren
  • How do I pull an all nighter?

    I have relay for life tonight & i have to stay the entire night since I'm on committee. I've done relay before and stayed up all night but this year, I have to take the SAT the morning after. I was being dumb when I signed up & I didn't check the dates!

    So basically from 7pm-7am I have relay for life & then at 8am I have the SAT. I'm freaking out cause I'm afraid of falling asleep during the SAT! I'm going to try to catch a bit of sleep (but we're not supposed to durin relay) but I'm still worried. What should I do? How can I stay awake all night and the day after?? Thanks!!

    2 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 8 Jahren