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Lv 759.131 points


Favorisierte Antworten37%

I am a mother, survived very advanced lymphoma13+yrs., I've been dead for aprox 3 min.I have a BS in microbiology. I am a research analyst in a univ. lab. In the past I have been a cook, baker, florist, candy store owner, lab researcher/scientist, I study ancient scripture of all sorts, and am an "old soul"-- I've collected over 2,000 reference books on all topics which I do read. I have the resources to answer many questions.

  • About human electrical energy?

    Exactly what type of electrical energy does a human being/animal produce and use, how is this energy measured, and in what units?.

    I realize a human heart/muscles can be stimulated through low voltage and low current electrical signal, but is it AC or DC pulsed, at what pulse rate or frequency does the body utilize this power. How close to our naturally generated power is the output of an artificial muscle stimulating device such as a pacemaker or muscle stimulator able to get?

    Where might other non-cardiac related nerve impulses tie into all of this, and do they share the same type and source(s) of electrical energy?.

    Any input will be appreciated

    1 AntwortBiologyvor 8 Jahren
  • S/he--A new contraction for she/he. How is this to be used?

    I have seen this in use a few times now the contraction "s/he". Is this the now acceptable form for writing she/he? Would you use this in a formal business letter or report, or reserve it's use for more casual communication? Lastly how would you pronounce this? I personally like the abbreviated style and I want to sound current in my writings but maintain proper form.

    1 AntwortWords & Wordplayvor 9 Jahren
  • Can a photon change frequency or have a set of harmonic offsets?

    This may seem ignorant, but I am not a student of elementary particle theory . I am trying to determine if a single photon at a specific frequency can be changed to a different frequency without the influence of a distorting collision with more mass or photons? If so what force can change this frequency? Is it in the electromagnetic spectrum? Lastly, do photons have harmonic offsets as radio does?

    1 AntwortPhysicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Did YA change the type font in the question and answer response area?

    Did YA make this change or is there some problem with my Windows browser. All of the type runs together making it very hard to read and frustrating to deal with. They have also changed the color of the spell checker to a dark blue making reading the mashed together words even harder to see. What is going on. If this is a permanent change to Yahoo Answers, this top contributor is out of here.

    1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 9 Jahren
  • Will an electric guitar produce sound if played in a vaccuum?

    My son was watching Mythbusters today and they claim that due to lack of atmosphere an ELECTRIC guitar(not a mic'd acoustic) played in a vacuum will not produce sound. I disagree. My reasoning is that an electric guitar is amplifying the resonance of the string as received through the pickups and not the sound of the body resonating. Assuming the guitar is played in a vacuum and the amplifier/speaker is in standard atmosphere who is right? My son is siding with Mythbusters but I am claiming they are spouting their usual junk science.

    6 AntwortenPhysicsvor 10 Jahren
  • Solar X -class flares imminent? Atomic meltdowns a result?

    I have now read from several sources that we may very likely experience catastrophic X class solar flares as we enter into the upcoming solar maximum. Said flares if directed toward earth as some are scheduled to may cause a global power and communication interruption/ blackout for several days to months--no one seems to know.

    What concerns me regarding this scenario is the lesson we have just learned from the Japan nuclear cotastrophy. If there is an extended global power failure, that would leave all of the nuclear power plants on a world wide basis out of power for cooling. Once their fuel reserves run out and local water supplies dry up due to lack of pumping power, they ALL would potentially go into a complete meltdown-- virtually simultaneously making Japan and Chernobyl looking like a fire drill. What then? Is my scenario way out of line?

    8 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • On cooling the Japan nuclear reactors?

    Why must water be used to cool the Japanese atomic reactors? Is there a reason that pumping liquid nitrogen or liquid carbon dioxide etc could not be used to cool,freeze and stabilize these reactor cores? Am I way off base?

    5 AntwortenEngineeringvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why does Yahoo allow continued abuse?

    I have been using YA for about 6 months. I have noticed the same companies posting the same spam over and over and over. These posters seem to be operating with full impunity and Yahoo has taken no apparent steps to squelch and block them. They are always directing people to go to the same addresses--they have never changed. I used to report these "violators" until yahoo quit removing their posts with my reports, it was then that it became apparent that Yahoo must be approving these people or bots to post these "answers". Is there something I am missing? Or is Yahoo Answers really that far behind and unable to block repeat violators?.

    These posters change their account names daily but their content remains identical from day to day. The part that really bothers me about all of this is that these spam-bots identify themselves as "medical doctors" and routinely recommend medications and direct people to sites with ads for big brand prescription drugs. As far as I know it is considered felony misrepresentation if these spammers are not really the physicians they are purporting to be. What is going on with these repeat spammers who appear to be in full violation of the YA community standards and the law?

    8 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Former cancer patients-Would you remove your radiation alignment tattoos?

    I was in my oncologist's office for my annual check and she told me that there is a program at my hospital that will remove my cancer treatment tattoos for free. I am going on a cruise next fall and will probably be out in a bathing suit that will show three of my alignment tattoos.

    One of them has become quite large (almost the size of a dime) as the ink has flowed out over the years. I can either incorporate this into another tattoo and then have some tattoo on my stomach or get it removed and have a red scar for a year or two. Or i can just leave them and consider them battle scars. There are 5 total 3 of which are visible in a two piece bathing suit. Has anyone else ever considered this?

    8 AntwortenCancervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are there other areas on Yahoo that give Yahoo points?

    I am wondering If other areas of Yahoo give points for participating and what is the benefit of amassing all of these Yahoo points?

    1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why is it not possible to edit your questions after posting?

    Why does YA make us waste 5 points by deleting and starting over the main question if a problem is noticed after the posting? Why can we not edit the main question? I now understand why there is so much misspelling and poor grammar in the question lists.

    3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can two or more Ouija boards be used at the same time?

    I am wondering if two or more ouija boards can be used in the same room or area at the same time successfully without causing a "spiritual meltdown". Has anyone tried this?

    7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • EUR/USD-USD/JPY Slide today.?

    Did anyone besides me get bit by that nasty slide on the forex today?

    2 AntwortenInvestingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I"M VERY DISTRAUGHT! I just can't believe that "Arthur" is an aardvark.?

    Doesn't Arthur and all of his cartoon family look just like teddy bears? It blew my mind when I discovered on Wikipedia that someone wrote that he is an aardvark!!! Could it be true?

    11 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I "LOVE" Jesus if he is completely intangible?

    How do you love someone/thing where the object is not there and you have never seen,talked to,or tangibly experienced any form of contact with out side of your Imagination? I understand the whole faith issue but I'm asking people to really introspect and think about it.

    7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is there a Reputable Forex broker out there?

    I'm considering trying out online forex trading. What are the better and honest sites? Is there ever any problems withdrwalwing funds from your acct?

    8 AntwortenInvestingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Best answer vs. Total points Discrepancy?

    Why is it that when viewing the leader board some of the top contributors with say 500,000 points you see these same people will have a best answer percentage that is off the charts statistically? You will see ratios like 51% best answer that's approx 250,000 "BEST ANSWERS" out of aprx.500,000 answers total. Yet there are other top contributors with a "Best answer" of 7-10 % for the 500,000 answers which I think is way more in line with normal. One more thing ALL of these "top contributors" have blocked their Q&A history so there is no way to see all of these supposed "Best answers"!!! No way to verify anything. Why the need for secrecy they are just answers in a public forum right? Seems like something real fishy is going on.Or am I just not understanding something?

    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Palin in the White house?

    C'mon can anyone seriously see palin anywhere in the white house? much less any govt. office .

    14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red?

    I have a video tape of the 1988 election returns of CNN showing democrats as red (as they always had been) and republicans blue Then in 1992 they reversed it and evryone just blindly followed it and now its accepted as having always been that way!!!

    5 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt