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Need advice on marriage problems?
Me and my wife live with her dad. Here lately she puts me on the spot and he backs her up on whatever she talks about. I'm getting to the point where I'm about to call it quits. I have tried talking to her about getting our own place she just changes the subject. I have tried talking to him he ignores me. I just need advice on what I should do
2 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 10 JahrenWas Jon Cena basically saying?
look what I have rock. I felt like he was playing show n tell cena does not know what the attitude era was about the rock has been through more do you think cena is trying to get into the rocks head
3 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntWrestlemania what do you think?
We all know cena is in a match with the rock. Wouldn't it be better if taker wanted to be involved? Takers streak wouldn't end plus cena would be beltless.
1 AntwortWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntTaker v hhh wrestlemania help?
I have seen all of takers match at wm if triple hhh tries the pedigree taker could easily reverse it unless hhh uses his sledgehammer on taker I'm a huge fan of both competitors my opinion is if this is the year takers streak ends is the year he will retire what do you think if triple hhh loses will he retire or pull a hbk 2peat? Since this is a no holds barred match the ball is in triple hhh court.
1 AntwortBoard Gamesvor 1 JahrzehntLadies need an answer please?
When your tired sore or cranky do you take it out on your boyfriend/spouse? If so what are we suppose to do?
4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehntwwe raw going hardcore for a reason what do ya think?
Every year I see questions with people asking about wwe going hardcore boosting things up. It is obvious that raw is trying to boost things up for a reason. Wrestlemania is the biggest ppv of wwe. It not only increases sales it also boost ratings. I look forward to watching wwe before wrestlemania because it gets better. Now I am curious do you agree or disagree why or why not?????
2 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntSocial security took my taxes what?
I found out today social security took my federal taxes. I admit I owe money I applied for a waiver and never heard from them. My wife is not responsible. What steps should I take to get my wides part of the taxes back?
2 AntwortenUnited Statesvor 1 Jahrzehntwhat is a good auction site for jewelry?
if you have been to any of the auction sites below please let me know and how you felt about it were you satisfied? why or why not?
1 AntwortYahoo Shoppingvor 1 JahrzehntCurious about a video game whats your opinion?
So I just purchased heavy rain for the ps3 and I already completed the game. Is there anything else I am missing. Let me add that I already played it both ways. Where the girl dies and all things go wrong and the other scenes as well such as the girl lives and everyone saves the day. I just want to know are there extras?
3 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 JahrzehntHas anyone ever tried the link below?
It is one of those make money at home deals. I am very skeptical of them. If anyone has had success with this than please share your story below. If you have a better work at home place please share.
3 AntwortenGooglevor 1 JahrzehntMy Dad past away need help with finding whats owed to me?
I know my dad left me something. My brothers have called and told me there is nothing. I feel like they are lying. How do I find out legally whats owed to me such as property money etc
5 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 JahrzehntFans from the attitude era wwe what do you think?
Admit it if this was the attitude era. Cena would be wearing nexus gear instead of his own. Agree or disagree why or why not?
7 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntI owe social security money need help please?
I use to be on disability. I quit receiving benefits because I got a hire paying job. Now they are saying that I owe $50,000. I have appealed twice and no luck. Do I need a lawyer or file bankruptcy ?is there another way out of this without filing bankruptcy? Any ideas or suggestions would be grateful.
6 AntwortenUnited Statesvor 1 JahrzehntHow many people from university of Phoenix?
graduated and got a job? Reason why I'm asking is because I graduated last year and I have not found a good job. I also found out that UOP is under investigation for fraud. If that's true, do I need a attorney? If not how do I file. I called my school and they denied it.
3 AntwortenFinancial Aidvor 1 JahrzehntThis question about WWE got me curious please help?;
The people who gave me a thumbs down tells me that they are not my age. If anyone remembers WWE during the attitude era. Than you will understand why most people on here are kids. I don't know about you all. I am tired of seeing stuff like like like him or hate him Jon Cena questions. Obviously that question will never be answered correctly so why ask it. I encourage all of you to ask better questions. Also I am tired of seeing dream match or guess this match. I would much rather see questions about the attitude era. It is like that one guy said the only questions on here about the attitude era are about stone cold or taker. My question for everyone is I have read online that wwe is contemplating to move from the ratings back to attitude era ratings. Would that be a good move?
1 AntwortWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntWWE what is your opinon?
Here is the link to what happend at the end of raw last Monday.
As most of you know Nexus has been beating up the raw superstars. When Sheamus pushed the leader of Nexus in the middle of the raw superstars. I was hoping they would clothesline him beat him up instead of throwing him out of the ring. Evan Bourne could have came out and do some high flying action off of the top of the rope on top of him. My question for everyone is will the Raw superstars ever try to put an end to the Nexus? I think not they had the opportunity last Monday and blew it by throwing the leader of the nexus out of the ring.
3 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntGive me one good reason why?
I should purchase Madden 11? The first thing I look for in games is graphics. Madden 10's graphics was awsome. Are the graphics better than madden 10. I noticed the player control is better in madden 11 and the practice drills are better. What about commentary is it the same as madden 10?
2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 JahrzehntIs this a good timeshare rental?
Click on link below. Me and my family are looking for a vaction and saw this ad.
2 AntwortenOther - United Statesvor 1 JahrzehntNeed an opinion about computers please help?
My roomates keep downloading keep downloading stupid stuff on my laptop. I am tired of coming home and running clean up on my laptop. I have tried to hide my laptop from them that did not work. Also I have done everything that you can imagine to keep them off. I dont mind them being on my laptop. Is there a way to set my laptop for a password when someone decides to download something?
5 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 JahrzehntWWE storyline what do ya think?
The Nexus are beating up Jon Cena in the ring again. All of the sudden the lights go out and bong. Undertakers music comes on. The lights go out and one of the nexus stars disappears.This keeps happening until all but the leader of the nexus is still in the ring. Lights go off once more and back on and taker is in the ring with the microphone. Taker says Nexus you have paid for what you have done for me and now you will rest in peace. The leader of nexus says taker you have a fatal mistake by taking out my friends and now you will pay. Taker chokeslams the leader of the nexus and the lights go out again this time leaving the ring empty. Lights come on and kane is backstage with all of the nexus tied up. All the nexus state you will pay for this. Kane says in your dreams and the lights go out. Raw is off the air. The next week on raw Stone Cold arrives and demands a statement from Kane and Taker about where the nexus are. The brothers of destruction shows up and says look at the tron. It shows a graveyard with each of the nexus tied up to a headstone. Cena is standing there says I want a match with a the leader of the nexus at wm. Until then we are going to have a match with each one of these twirps. If one wins one will turn loose but if Cena wins the nexus are banned from WWE forever. Except for the leader of the nexus. Cena also said there is a stipulation Cena gets to chose the nexus opponent and cena will be guest referee at each match.
Now for my opinon what main event will be at wm it will be cena v the leader of the nexus at wm thats all i have for now. what do you think? any insults or bad remarks will be flagged.
3 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 Jahrzehnt