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  • Whats causing parent's respiratory issues?

    I recently moved back in with my parents and I noticed that my mother had a pretty nasty. Its been about 3 months and her cough isn't gone, infact it doesn't seem to really affect her when she's not home. Now I'm noticing that i too have developed a cough and sensitive throat, but i do not feel sick. To top everything off, last night when I brought this up to my mom, she told me that before i moved in, a doctor prescribed both my mother and father inhalers due to them developing "mild respiratory issues". I'm freaking out now. Could this be mold? I remember years ago there was a bad leak in the upstairs toilet that seeped into the floor (1st floor ceiling) but idk what to do. My mother thinks it's due to her smoking medical marijuana, but that doesn't explain my father and I. Please help, thank you!

    1 AntwortRespiratory Diseasesvor 3 Jahren
  • Should I quit now, or wait until I get paid.?

    I have the worsed, most illegitimate and unprofessional, job I have ever had. I absolutely hate it. The boss has a reputation of screwing ex employess on thier final check after they get fired/quit. I have a paycheck coming at the end of the week, but I'm afraid he'll mess with it if i quit now. However, i do not want to put in anymore hours just so that I'll have to worry about getting screwed over on that check later. I am still hired on as an Independent Contractor even tho that was only supposed to be for the first 3 month and I've been there 9. Not sure if that effects my rights when it comes to my last check. Any advice? Should o quit now, or wait til my upcoming check comes in, then have to worry about the next one.

    2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 4 Jahren
  • Should we take another morning after pill?

    My girlfriend and I got drunk at a party and ended up having sex. The next morning she took the pill, but soon after got a hangover and threw up. Alot. Should we take another morning after pill? Is it safe?

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 5 Jahren
  • Am i overreacting for not wanting my girlfriend to share a hotel room with two other guys?

    My gf is going to an upcoming music festival for a couple of days. At first it was an all girls thing and i was happy to let her go. However, it turns out now that the other two girls invited their boyfriends and will be sharing the room all together. I know that the couples are very "open" and "experimental" and i also know that they're gonna do drugs. I trust my girlfriend, but I'm just not comfortable with the situation. I feel cornered between letting her do something that makes me uncomfortable or telling her she can't go and being a controlling boyfriend. This situation is already causing us to fight. What should i do?

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 5 Jahren
  • Do you think my girlfriend's pregnant?

    She seemed like she was about to have her period when we had sex, but then afterwards she was fine. She was having cramps, mood swings, and even sensitive breast. Can fertilization stop a period you're about to have?

    1 AntwortPregnancyvor 5 Jahren
  • Do you think my girlfriend might be pregnant?

    We had sex and i pulled out. A couple hours later we did again but i forgot to pee. I still pulled out though. She was having mood swings, cramps, and nips were sensitive before we had sex; she thought she was going to have her period soon. However, now she seems fine and no period. We had sex on monday. Can fertilization cancel a period so soon?

    1 AntwortPregnancyvor 5 Jahren
  • Migraine from vomiting lasting 4 days?

    4 days ago i ate alot of junk food until the point of vomiting. During the vomiting session i actually began to choke on my own vomit. I stick my finger down my throat in a panic to free the clog. It worked, but there was blood in my vomit. Immense afterwards i got this terrible headache above my right eye. It's been constant, mostly bearable, but sometimes it hurts so bad i can barely walk. Also this redish petechiae developed around the bottom of my eyes. Anybody know whats up?

    2 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 5 Jahren
  • Is okay if my girlfriend is attracted to other guys?

    I understand it's natural, but it still bothers me. I love my girlfriend and trust her. There's a guy at work that she says she can't stand, but i also get the impression that she's really attracted to him deep down. Should i even bring it up?

    7 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 5 Jahren
  • Am i over thinking or does my girlfriend like this guy?

    My girlfriend has this coworker. He's a douchbag, but he's not bad looking. Infact, my girlfriend is the only girl at the workplace who hasn't hopped in bed with him. She can't stand him, so she says. As long as I've known her she's always made it apparent that she doesn't like him. But she makes that apparent quiet alot. Always mentions him and how much of a d*ck he is after work. I'm actually tired of his name. She's also so quick to forgive him. After he hopped in bed with her best friend (right after her breakup) my gf was pissed, but then he knocked a dollar off her coffee and she's like "he's really trying to be a better person" that friend of hers i mention is basically f*ck buddys with this guy now and my gf hates it. She says because she doesn't want her friend to mess with a douchbag guy, but i think otherwise. Also last night she went to a play with her friend that the guy was in and took all theese snaps of him with captions like "yellow is SO his color ;p" idk im just kind of suspicious but am i over thinking this?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 5 Jahren
  • Am i being over possessive because i dont lile her yoga pants?

    Me and my girlfriend go to the gym togeather. I dont care usually when she decides to wear yoga pants. However, there is a specific pair that i hate. She doesnt wear underwear when we workout and whenever she bends over with these pants they stretch around her butt and are completely see through. It bothers the hell out of me. She doesn't seem mind it and says she'll stop or cover up with a sweater, but every once in a while she still wears them without it. I always feel lile the bad guy when i bring it up. Am i in the wrong here?

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 5 Jahren
  • Should i break up with my girlfriend?

    Weve been together for 6 months now. Last week we go into our first fight and the first thing she does is start texting a guy that she knows has feeling for her in order to comfort her. When i found out she tried lying and turning it on me. After everything she said that she needs more space and now we dont hangout as much as we did, which im ok with. The problem is i can't trust her. I don't thing she's cheating on me with that guy because he's alot older and quite unattractive, but i still don't trust her. She acts like all is ok, but every time i think of everything i get this worried feeling in my stomach. I've tried talking to her, but i still don't feel resolved. I feel like whenever her phone goes off when we're togeather she stalls so bad to open it in my presence. Should i give it time or just break it off? I do still love her, but i am not happy.

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 6 Jahren
  • I love her more than she loves me?

    At first it was amazing. That lovey dovey romantic stage, but that always ends. Still i try hard to keep the love going. I send her little "i love you" or "miss you" text. I buy her flowers on our monthiversary and take her on dates. And she usually replies well. But sometimes I'd like her to do those things without me doing them first. She tells me that I'm the best boyfriend she's ever had, but i know they got gifts from her. Idk, my friends say that i should stop and let her miss it, then she'll do it. Any advice?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 6 Jahren
  • My girlfriend doesn't appreciate me?

    The first 5 months we did absolutely everything togeather. I treated her right and did everything i could for her. I took her to work every morning at 4am, bought her dinner every day, MANY random surprises and gifts. It's not like i had to do these things, but i just wanted to be a good bf and make her happy. I started noticing about 3 months in that she was less lovey dovey, Now she said she needs space; that she feels suffocated. Seriously? Suffocated? Anyways she said she needs more independence. Should i just treat her like crap more? Being the best bf i could be obvious wasn't good enough. This is my 1st relationship if you couldn't tell. 6months. I just want to make it work.

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 6 Jahren
  • First fight with girlfriend, please help?

    First girl, first fight. Not really a big fight, but she s refusing to talk to me. She says "give me time" ive given her 7 hours and still she won t talk. Should i continue to try or wait til the morning?

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 6 Jahren
  • Do you think my girlfriend is pregnant?

    About 2 weeks ago the condom broke. We immediately rushed to the nearest walgreens and bought the morning after pill; which she took about 30 minutes after the deed was done. Apparently the sooner you take the pill the better its chances of working. Now my girlfriend is about a week from her normal period time and I've noticed that she's been having terrible headaches and she seems to be peeing more often. Well she did yesterday, not so much today. I guess i wont know for sure until her period comes around, but I'm kind of growing impatient. What do you think?

    4 AntwortenPregnancyvor 6 Jahren
  • Should i quit masterbating?

    Im a guy who masterbates quite frequently with a lot of pressure and no lube whatsoever. It s easy for me to climax during masterbation, but not so much during sex. I can last over an hour and I ll stil have to finish myself off. My girlfriend feels insecure about this even though she s amazing in every way. If i were to stop masterbating for a couple weeks would i be able to climax during sex?

    2 AntwortenMen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Should i take my girlfriend flowers at her work?

    We ve only been dating for about 3 weeks now. We hangout about every day and things are really good. She seemed a bit stressed this morning. I was thinking about taking her some white lilies (her favorite) to her work later on tonight. Would that be wierd or smothering?

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 6 Jahren
  • should I tell my best friend that she's playing him?

    So my best bro is totally head over heels for this girl. He's not the most confident guy and she's really attractive, so he lets her play him. She's totally friendzoning him. He's knows as much as I do. Here's the thing. He doesn't use any social media, so he can't see that she's talking to other guys and going out with them. I dont wanna say anything cuz it'll crush him, but I dont like seeing him get played. Especially since now he's starting two ditch me to give her rides and stuff. What should I do? Tell him? Or let him find out the hard way?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 6 Jahren
  • good looking but insecure...any help?

    So growing up I was always a fat nerdy kid with pimples and nasal issues. Girls never looked twice in my direction. Two years ago I decided to change my life. I dropped all kinds of weight, started working out, and took some allergy pills :) so now at 18 years old im a pretty decently attractive guy. The problem is that now im noticing that the pretty girls that I like are actually giving me some attention now. And I have absolutely no idea what to do. Inside I still feel like the insecure fat kid I was every time a pretty girl tries and talks to me. Any advice? Pick up lines? Something? Thanks in advance!

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 6 Jahren
  • would it be wierd to text her?

    Girl i like gave me her number (for a school thing) would it be wierd to text her? What should I say? We dont talk very much.

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 6 Jahren