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Favorisierte Antworten17%
  • How soon after a neighbor sprays herbicide weed killer is it safe to go outside?

    As soon as I saw a neighbor beginning to spray a heavy duty week killer, I went into the house. How soon will the airborne effects go away so I won't be breathing in the stuff?

    3 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 8 Jahren
  • What is the cheapest internet service provider for WiFi ?

    A service provider which does not require bundling with TV, cell phone, land line, etc, but is cheap and works with WiFi in hotels, coffee shops, etc?

    1 AntwortOther - Internetvor 9 Jahren
  • What are the cheapest internet connections in NJ?

    Do you know of any that are stand alone and don't require bundling with other services like TV?

    1 AntwortComputer Networkingvor 9 Jahren
  • Is a wheel alignment the only way to diagnose whether there is bent strut?

    My car was hit near the wheel, and I am getting conflicting advice on whether or not I need a wheel alignment.

    Some say that a wheel alignment is necessary to determine if the strut by by wheel was bent, and that may not show up until the tire begins to wear unevenly.

    The car seems to drive straight down the road, not pulling left or right.

    3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 9 Jahren
  • How would you get rid of woodchucks?

    Two young ones have made a hole next to the foundation in my garden. I have put pepper flakes into the hole, and I broke a couple of eggs down the hole, in hopes that the smell would drive them away. But they are still there.

    There are stray cats in the neighborhood, so I am surprised they have not driven these small ones away before they get big eating from my garden.

    1 AntwortZoologyvor 9 Jahren
  • Are satellite dishes allowed everywhere in the U.S.?

    In some suburbs, one does not see any. I was wondering if those towns had ordinances against them, or if there was some other reason they are not there, especially when the local cable company is very expensive.

    6 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why is there no discussion about insurance that covers only catastrophic risk?

    Insurance is supposed to be for the big things, but in the U.S. it is essentially a prepayment plan for not so serious, ordinary health care. Having a middle man collect that money and pay it out increases the cost tremendously. And when people do have very serious illnesses, insurance often does not cover it.

    Is our whole focus on how we do health insurance flawed?

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Are the costs of education and health care destroying the U.S. economy?

    New Jersey now spends an average of $18, 000 per child per year for education.

    And health care expenditures are also a large and increasing percentage of our GDP.

    At what point do these fixed overhead costs become unsustainable?

    4 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Why should it cost $18,000/yr to educate a child K-12?

    How can costs of this sort be sustainable by our economy?

    Why is there not a property tax revolt protesting that the taxation power for education is given to local school boards instead of to another governing body that will pay more attention to costs?

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is it now expected that frail old people in supermarkets should get out of the way of a healthy mother?

    I was in a supermarket today and moved to the side to let pass an old woman who was bent over and could hardly walk. But she couldn't pass anyway, because a young woman with a baby in a baby carriage came barreling down the center of the aisle, taking her good old time. The woman with the baby kept hogging the center of aisles and had no sensitivity about how she was blocking the way of other people, and she seemed to act like it was expected that everyone would make way for her.

    How prevalent is this kind of behavior?

    8 AntwortenEtiquettevor 9 Jahren
  • Why does some whole wheat bread from the supermarket taste like its loaded with sugar?

    This morning I made toast with whole wheat bread, but it just tasted awful to me because of the sugar they put in.

    Does that sort of taste appeal to most people?

    10 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 9 Jahren
  • What kind of plant produces small triangular hitchhiker seeds?

    My knitted hooded jacket was covered with these tiny seeds after I took a walk.

    The seeds are small, flat, long triangles, with two barbs at the top of the broader end.

    What is the plant that produces these called, and what does it look like?

    4 AntwortenBotanyvor 9 Jahren
  • Is it okay to tell a parent their child is rude?

    Or will that only result in a rude response from the parent these days?

    I notice increasingly that when some children are rude their parents are okay with that. For example, today I was carrying something heavy on a narrow path and a girl about 8 years old came running at me from the opposite direction. There was no room to step aside, so I had to step back about 3 or 4 feet to let her pass. The father watched this and only told the girl she should have said "excuse me." "Excuse me" when the kid forced me off the path? That's about the same as saying get out of my way or I'll run right into you. I said nothing but thought that the father was a real jerk.

    What would you have done?

    16 AntwortenParentingvor 9 Jahren
  • What does it mean to dream about a city you do not know?

    I had a vivid dream last night about having a job interview in a city called Rockford, Illinois. In the dream, I looked at a very detailed topographical map of Illinois and scrolled to the top to find Rockford. There was the office building on one side of the highway, and on the other side of the highway was a rocky outcropping, and after that was what looked like a large body of water. So, in the dream, I asked if that was Lake Michigan. The people at the company were reticent and did not answer.

    So, today,while awake, I looked up Rockford, Illinois and discovered that there is actually a city by that name in the north of Illinois. (I live in another part of the country.) It is not on Lake Michigan but on the Rock River.

    While it is possible I may have heard the name of that city, I certainly could not have known where it was or that it was next to a body of water. And the map in my dream seemed very detailed.

    What could it mean that I was dreaming about that city?

    4 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 10 Jahren
  • Have any Mormon women ever challenged the all male priesthood?

    In other religions which used to have male only clergy, we now have women in that role -- ministers, rabbis, etc.

    There has been discussion by some about changing the all male priesthood in the Catholic Church.

    Are there any such women activists in the Mormon church?

    I am not looking for any justifications for why it is the way it is, just facts at to whether anyone is challenging it.

    14 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 Jahren
  • What website are useful for trading garden plants with other gardeners?

    I would prefer to get in touch with other local gardeners.

    There is a site, where people can trade plants, seeds, cuttings, etc. But people post from all over the country and the world. It would be so much easier to trade plants with local people.

    2 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 10 Jahren
  • Have studies been done on increased telepathic abilities of dying people?

    As health declines and the ability to communicate in normal ways is impaired, could dying people find other ways to reach out and communicate what they feel still needs to be said, using telepathic ways?

    Have people reported "hearing" the thoughts of the dying who could no longer talk?

    4 AntwortenParapsychologyvor 10 Jahren
  • Why is there no Report-A-Bribe website in the U.S., like some people started in India and China.?

    Actually, the Chinese site was recently shut down by the Chinese government. It seems they had a problem with making the information public for all to see. You would think they would be grateful for the help, if they were fighting corruption.

    Why does not a similar website exist in the U.S.? Does the U.S. government have a problem with the concept? Who/ or what would prevent such a website from being established in the U.S.?

    Or has no one thought about it?

    I think we need one especially for the corruption at local levels. Many towns are run for the benefit of a few families, with even state and federal funds funneled to the localities used improperly.

    We need a similar website regarding how those funds are used, and also on how local government contracts involving state and federal funds are awarded.


    The FBI has limited resources. It would be great if they could go after every case of government graft reported to them. But they cannot.

    The problem of corruption at the local level is too widespread. In some areas its even become an accepted part of the culture.

    To those who think the local police can help, think about who pays the salaries of the local police.

    Corruption of government officials is a political problem.

    But if people could learn on the internet what shady dealings are going on in their towns and cities, then you can bet they will be motivated to work for political change!

    Before the internet, some newspapers actually did a good job of investigative reporting. You don't find that anymore.

    What do you think about this idea?

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • Why do some lawyers think is private lawsuit is the way to deal with public corruption?

    Why is it a response of lawyers, when they hear about abusive, corrupt acts of government officials, to advise those harmed by the corrupt government officials to hire a lawyer?

    Some things should be dealt with as a crime, not as a lawsuit. Or don't lawyers care, especially if it generates fees they can collect from those harmed by the corruption.?

    And do they really think that such lawsuits would accomplish much in a locality where corruption is widespread, even accepted as part of the culture? How many of the local judges could be trusted in such a situation?

    4 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 10 Jahren
  • Don't woodchucks like lettuce?

    There is a woodchuck that has been eating my flower tops and leaves. The orange poppies did not even bloom this year because he ate the heads off of them. Now he is eating the leaves of the chrysanthemum plants.

    But he leaves the lettuce alone.

    3 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 10 Jahren