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Another GTA V question?
Can someone tell me what stock/bonds to buy and how does it exactly work out? is there certian ones I buy and dont buy? etc.
1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenHow to apply Yahoos new screen formar?
I understand Yahoo looks different based on what everyone else is talking about, I still have the old one : / how do I change it?
2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 8 JahrenChristian thing to say to my cousin?
Ok well my 11 year old cousin goes to his church for youth activities, and I watch him afterwards till his mom gets off work. Basically he said Jesus or whoever made the world or life 2000 years ago and he brought up dinosaurs being millions of years old. So what do I tell him? Hes really religious and so is his folks. How can I explain this to him without telling him god is possibly not real, im Agnostic by the way.
7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 JahrenQuestion on the next gen consoles?
Well I was wondering if Sony and Microsoft are gonna be coming out with another model after its release? Like what they did with 360 & PS3, im still debating on which one but I just wanna know if they there will be updated models?
4 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenPokemon Question? Is Dragonair any good?
Ok well I had a dratini and he wasnt that great and I thought well I maybe should wait until he evolves, hes now a Lv 33 dragonnair but hes still not that good. Hes weak, always missing attacks. I thought this Pokemon was supposes to be a beast? Do I just wait until Dragonite?? Im playing Firered.
4 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenWhich is a better Pokemon? Nidoking or Vileplume?
Well I have a lv. 34 Gloom and a 35 Nidorino.. I like Gloom for some reason, and it doesnt seem my Nidorino is trustworthy. The rest of my Pokemon team:
All of them lv. 35
6 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenTexture packs for Minecraft Xbox Edition?
As some already know TU12 came out yesturday.. And texture packs/mash up packs were included, but when I pick on the ingame store menu, none of the content displays. And when I check the "extras" for Minecraft in the Xbox live dashboard it does not show any texture packs or mashup packs. Are they gonna be rolling out as the week progresses?...and yes I know I should buy a PC cuz that Minecraft is better, yeah I get it.
2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenWhat starter should I choose?
Just downloaded Pokemon Dark Rising (Hack Rom) and my first choice of starters is:
Gible (i never seen this one before)
They are all dragon types
3 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenWhy do Christians think Stephen Hawking is the devil?
13 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 JahrenDo Christians think Stephen Hawking is the devil?
5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 JahrenWhat to evolve my eevee into?
these are part of my team in Firered
But what should my Eevee be?
5 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenWhat to evolve my eevee into?
these are part of my team in Firered
But what should my Eevee be?
6 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 8 JahrenWhich Pokemon is a better starter?
I just downloaded Pokemon RubyRed(fan made rom) and the first choice of starters is:
Who do I pick?
2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenIs Assassins Creed multiplayer fun?
I have Assassins Creed 3 and it has a multiplayer disc and my friend asked if he could have it.. None of us played multiplayer yet, so should I keep it?
2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenWhats the point of living?
Like everybody just fights all the time.. We worry about working and paying the bills but for what??
9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 JahrenWhats the point of living?
Like everybody just fights all the time.. We worry about working and paying the bills but for what?? Whats our purpose??!!
11 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenWhats a good team for Pokemon FireRed?
I havent played any Pokemon game in a while!! And I nearly forgot Pokemon also.. But yeah I need a refresh on whats good and whats ugly??
2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenIf god is all knowing why didnt he know satan would betray him?
I dont know if he had a name before satan or whatever but doesnt God know better??
9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 JahrenPeople from California? Is this illegal?
if you have worked before do you know if you quit your job without giving a what reason would your ex-employer hold you paycheck longer than 72 hours? Like as soon as 72 hours and they still dont have it.. It been 3 days and a half. Lol or somebody wanna look it up im lazy.. Its 1:31am
1 AntwortPolls & Surveysvor 8 Jahren