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Where is this quote from!?
"Тихо в церковь я зайду. За семью зажгу свечу. Тихо Бога попрошу: Береги их, я молю. А за себя я не прошу, да и просить не смею. Тебя Господь благодарю за всё, что я имею"
I have seen it a couple of times and I just can't figure out where its from originally!
1 AntwortLanguagesvor 9 JahrenMy parakeet is crazy?
Who does my parakeet keep trying to talk to!?? She just chirps and chirps for no apparent reason! I'm pretty worried, can parakeets have mental disorders?
4 AntwortenBirdsvor 10 JahrenThe fourth dimension............. . .. . .?
So I'm writing a short story about the fourth dimension for school, but I need a little information on how it would be like in the fourth dimension. I have done a little research and thinking about making it be all about time and your thoughts/imagination. I need a little bit of help thinking more up. (yeah I posted this twice, because I wasn't sure which section to put it in)
3 AntwortenPhysicsvor 1 JahrzehntThe fourth dimension............. . .. . .?
So I'm writing a short story about the fourth dimension for school, but I need a little information on how it would be like in the fourth dimension. I have done a little research and thinking about making it be all about time and your thoughts/imagination. I need a little bit of help thinking more up.
4 AntwortenOther - Sciencevor 1 JahrzehntWhy do people ask questions when.....?
Why do people ask questions on here when they could easily research it and find the answers for themselves on google?
(excluding of coarse the opinion questions)
9 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 JahrzehntWhat is Cosmetology, and what do they do?
I am thinking about being a cosmetologist and doing make-up and hair, but I am wondering what do cosmetologists do exactly and what is the best kind of school for this field of work? Do cosmetologist actually do make-up or does doing make-up have it's own special name? (I am looking for schools in the NorthWest or East Coast)
3 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 JahrzehntHow much is 10.9 mb on a computer?
I want to install a game, but I'm not sure about how much room I have for it?
8 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt