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Favorisierte Antworten14%
  • Could Donald Trump just buy the Presidency?

    I mean he's worth like 9 billion$. That's more than Clinton and his majesty Bush the 3rd combined, plus all of the other candidates. But I'm thinking since he's a WASP, he will have alot of pushback and the globalists will stack the deck against him.

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Jahren
  • Operation American Spring. A good idea?

    On May 16th there is a movement to galvanize 10s of millions of ppl to go to DC and peacefully protest until the resignation of obama, Holder, Boehner, and more.

    I don't know how good of an idea this is. I mean first off, if the organizers are to be un-armed, as the site says, do they really think obama will resign? Surely they can't be that dumb. I mean I could see him being forced to step down if, let's say, 20 or 30 million ppl showed up, armed or not. But that's an unrealistic expectation.

    Another thing: " Those with the principles of a West, Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson, Lee, DeMint, Paul, Gov Walker, Sessions, Gowdy, Jordan, should comprise a tribunal and assume positions of authority to convene investigations, recommend appropriate charges against politicians and government employees to the new U.S. Attorney General appointed by the new President."

    While it's a nice vision, in reality I highly doubt any of them agreed to that.

    I really don't think it's a good idea to telegraph your moves. I think many ppl will gather and converge on DC eventually, and it's inevitable, it will happen, but to announce to your enemy your plans? I just don't think that's a great idea.

    4 AntwortenElectionsvor 7 Jahren
  • Firing an unregistered rifle?

    I have a WASR Ak-47. It is registered, just not to me. The guy who it is registered to sold it to another guy, who in turn sold it to me.

    Now in a few days, I plan on taking it with me to a shooting range. Will I have any problems?

    5 AntwortenOther - Outdoor Recreationvor 7 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    Is this Putin's cellphone?

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Operation American Spring. A chance to reclaim our government. Who's in?

    On May 16 millions of patriotic Americans are set to heed the call of the Declaration of Independence, and like Iceland and Egypt, seize and arrest all of our corruption in DC!

    7 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • What would your Presidential platform look like?

    If you were to run for President, what would your platform resemble? Mine would be:


    Make English the official language. Make Christianity the official religion, although atheism is recognized, the only religion to be respected is Christianity. The USA flag is the only flag to be recognized, although a person may display any flag they like on their property, as well as speak any language and practice as they please on THEIR property. In other words, their property, their rules.

    Totally re-arrange the way our public schools teach our children. The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence will be required reading from k-12.

    Automatic tax cuts for everyone. I would take steps to abolish the Federal Reserve and the IRS. If we get rid of the FED, we will only have self-defense related-conflicts. You see, if the FED cannot print money to pay for wars, the taxes will have to be raised drastically to foot the bill for war, and nobody wants higher taxes!

    No unnecessary spending. I will continue unemployment, but I will hold a press conference and tell the ppl that unemployment will cease to exist in 3 months time. I will severely restrict welfare, section 8 housing, and food stamps greatly. This is a sink or swim economy. If you don't think you can hack it here, I'll provide transportation, at no cost to you, to Europe.

    Bill of Rights always in effect, no matter what. No restrictions on our 2nd Amendment rights, and any government bureaucrat whom tries to enforce any restrictions, shall be jailed.

    Have Ms.NBC and CNN hold a 30 second programming warning prior to airing any show, on how they support the progressive agenda, and the information you hear is most certainly biased and is their opinion, not fact. This applies to FOX news also. And to conservative radio hosts, and all other forms.

    I would have race pimps like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson be called what they really are- black supremacists. If the name fits David Duke, it should also fit these 2. What's good for the goose is also good for the gander!

    Permanently seal our southern border, as a nation without borders is no nation at all! I would put a bulk of our military on the southern border with instructions to shoot anything that moves!

    Foreign policy- I would adopt a foreign policy of non-interventionism. If we are not threatened with attack, or actually attacked, we do not belong in other country's affairs. I would retract our military from everywhere in the world, so they could spend their money here, as opposed to supporting the economies of ppl who hate America.

    Alot of this is impossible to do with checks and balances; how our government exists now. But if our government were filled with patriotic Americans, not bureaucrats whose allegiance is to big bankers and special interests, alot of these ideas would be reality.

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Should we follow the liberal agenda?

    I happen to think the best way to ensure a conservative gets elected in 2016 is to follow the liberal agenda lockstep. Raise taxes through the roof, spend like there's no tomorrow! Right now, there is minimal support for cutting spending, but that'll change once Americans actually get a taste of the hands-on progressive policy they supported. So by 2016, Americans will be crippled at the gas pumps, and well over half of their paychecks will go to the government. So all of a sudden, a conservative candidate swoops in and promises a return to fiscal sanity; to get rid of the IRS and drastically lower taxes. They will explain to the ppl, in Cliff notes terminology, how by slashing spending and living within our means, we can get the economy on the up and up once again.

    Do you realize how depressed Americans will be once they have to fork over nearly 2/3rds of what they earn? They won't be traveling, as they'll get raped at the gas pumps. Millions of ppl will now be in poverty, as they cannot afford the left's tax increases, and putting food on the table will be that much harder. The majority of the population will be receiving government assistance, but that will crash, as working Americans cannot afford to pay it much longer.

    I think by following the liberal agenda for a few years, a conservative candidate is a lock for 2016!

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Is John McCain a p.o.s.?

    The RINO himself was censored by his own party. lol. And when asked if Rand Paul ran against Killary, he replied that he didn't know who he'd support!

    This guy seriously needs to switch parties, he is no Republican!

    10 AntwortenElectionsvor 7 Jahren
  • Did algore pull a Chris Christie?

    In the 2000 NH primary, algore blocked traffic so that Republicans couldn't get out and vote for Bill Bradley. The media was giddy about this and thought it was an excellent strategy.

    Wow, the bias of this media never ceases to astound me. You can get away with murder if you have a "D" behind your name, but if you have an "R" behind it, you had better toe the media line or else they will crucify you!

    1 AntwortGovernmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Problem importing pictures from my camera?

    I have always used my digital camera and this very computer to import pictures, but suddenly it has quit working. I plug in the cable to my USB, and no dialog box comes up, my camera reads "DSC"- so it knows it's connected, a check-marked box appears on my top rightand corner of my computer that reads "eject devices" or "Eject USB mass storage".

    What is going on?

    4 AntwortenCamerasvor 8 Jahren
  • Are you participating in the facebook blackout?

    I once got my facebook account hacked, probably by some leftie that wears his emotions on his sleeves, but many of my conservative friends have been subject to "sudden" suspensions and put in facebook jail over posts that put the boy king in a negative light, but then racist posts towards white conservative males go unpunished.

    On Sunday, Aug 25th, 1000s of conservatives have already signed up to de-activate their accounts for only 24 hours to protest. If you are a conservative and have a facebook, even if you barely use it, you should join us and de-activate!

    8 AntwortenElectionsvor 8 Jahren
  • How do I remove this virus?

    Everytime I click on a link a page pops up with the address of It's really annoying, it's telling me to download a flash player.

    3 AntwortenSecurityvor 8 Jahren
  • Could this be the beginning of yet another false flag attack?

    I bet Kim Jong Un doesn't even know that he "supposedly" said that he'd attack us; I don't think he's that suicidal.

    I am betting that the US government nukes a US city so Americans will get up in arms and want a war with North Korea, but instead find out that it was a false flag, and another 1776 might go down. It will be an excellent oppurtunity for Hussein to claim "martial law," and confiscate all guns. Don't beleive me? Look what happened in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina!

    That could be one reason why they bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, 37,000 artillery tanks, and over 17,000 Ar-15 assault rifles- an insurance policy.

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • Are these YA Mods out of control?

    I'm getting sick of it. It seems more times then not, I spend a good amount of time answering a question, then once I hit "submit", I get a message of "Oops, YA is currently unavailable". It seems more and more they are removing or blatantly deleting questions that place the boy king in a negative light.

    13 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • Did Gabby Giffords husband forget he's a ultra-liberal?

    Mark Kelley, the husband of Tuscon shooting victim, Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, went to a sporting good store and purchased an Ar-15 and another semi automatic pistol.

    I guess I was wrong when I thought he was anti-gun. He's only anti-gun for us, but not for him. The same way all liberals seem to act! I mean, I get why a gun shot survivor is anti-gun, but for this clown to turn around and buy the same type of weapon that he is actively trying to deny other ppl is a dick move!

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • Flash player doesn't work on firefox?

    If I use IE or Chrome, adobe works fine. I mainly watch youtube videos, and with firefox, it simply reads "an error has occurred". I tried searching for an older version of flash, but couldn't find one. There has to be an easy fix for this, as Godzilla Firefox is my favorite browser.

    1 AntwortOther - Internetvor 9 Jahren
  • Is there a natural supplement equal to metronidazole?

    Over a decade ago, I was put under the knife in an intense abdominal operation. After that said operation I developed uncontrollable gas. I was told it was because of "bacteria overgrowth", and was put on flagyl, and that took care of it.

    I don't feel too safe relying on an antibiotic my whole life, my gas problem is getting to be really uncomfortable in social situations. Is there any alternative for flagyl that I can purchase OTC?

  • Ron Paul has 500 delegates going to Tampa?

    Ron Paul, even though his campaign has been marginalized, blacked out by the medias, and scoffed at by mainstream Republicans, will have a small army of delegates heading to the convention.

    I can feel it, something big is going to happen. I highly doubt that all of his delegates are going to concede, and it will be a Romney coronation.

    12 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • Have blacks been lied to by dems again?

    The progressive Morgan Freeman put the spot light back on Obama when he came out and said that Obama is NOT black. The Obama-loving media have driven the point home that Obie is a card-carrying afro-American. The truth is Obie holds no claims whatsoever to history; as he's half white and has no slave ancestors.

    All of a sudden there is alot less loyalty in the black community as they have been lied to...again!

    5 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren