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michelle s
can a driving licence be used as id?
im travelling from Newcastle to Belfast with my husband in a few weeks and just noticed his passport has gone out of date. can he use his driving licence as proof of id since we are still travelling in the uk?
5 AntwortenInsurance & Registrationvor 8 Jahrenany idea when the big bang theory will return?
the big bang theory (season6) took a break just after christmas, does anyone know when it is due to return?
3 AntwortenComedyvor 8 Jahreni'm off to Liverpool at the weekend for a hen party.?
Going to Liverpool this weekend for a close friends hen party, can anyone tell me any good bars, pubs to go to.staying near the city centre.
6 AntwortenLiverpoolvor 8 Jahrenbruise on my forearm.?
now i know this may sound a bit silly but im bruising very easily, ive got a bruise on my forearm i know i havent banged my arm i was just carrying a shopping bag. i know elderly people bruise more easily but im only 28, i dont fancy ringing my doctor for a bruise.
any ideas why this is happening its not the first time
2 AntwortenInjuriesvor 9 Jahrenstar icon on my blackberry?
ive got a star icon on my blackberry 9300 i don't know what it means, ive tried to look in the manual but cant find anything.
can someone please tell me what it means and how can i get it off.
1 AntwortPDAs & Handheldsvor 9 Jahrenwhen is supernatural back on in the uk?
1 AntwortDramavor 9 Jahrenso worried about my son?
he is 4years and will not eat ive been to the health visitors spoke to them for advice all they say is to keep a diary of what he eats.
i weighed him the other day and he is just over 27lbs. now he has been a bit unwell the last couple of weeks with a cough and temperature, he is getting better.
all he asks for is toast he will only eat half a slice if im lucky.
ive tried to force him, ive tried to bribe him, i even try to make it fun by pretending that i will eat it and take a little bite sometimes it works but 90% of the time it doesn't.
im at my wits end can anyone suggest anything
6 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 9 Jahrenprinter not printing?
its a hp photosmart c4180. it will print when i scan but it will not print any documents from the computer, my step daughter has a lot of homework saved which she does need to print out, any ideas what could be wrong or how i could fix the problem myself.
5 AntwortenPrintersvor 9 Jahrenwhat do you prefer???????
on a bacon sarnie red or brown sauce?
15 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehntwhat is his problem ?
what is Angelo's problem with hugo in home and Away?
2 AntwortenSoap Operasvor 1 Jahrzehntgot any good jokes............?
ive just lost my job and could do with a laugh
best joke an easy 10 points x
17 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 1 Jahrzehntwhat do you think of this........?
a little guy is sat at the bar,when all of a sudden a thug smacks him in the face and says "that's kung fu from japan"
a bit later the thug smacks him again and says "that's karate from korea"
the little guy gets up and leaves the bar. a short time later he comes back and smacks the thug knocking him out cold and says to the barman " when tw*at wakes up tell him that was a shovel from b&q".
11 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 1 Jahrzehntwhat is the name of the movie?
ive only seen the trailer so haven't got much to go on.
it starts with a couple in bed the woman gets up to go to work, a little while later the man is on getting ready listening to the radio and the news cater is going on about bombing in down down.
the man goes down town to try and find his wife but guards will not let him past.
i think it was a chemical bombing?
i think it is based in L.A?
it's really doing me head in now.
thanks to you all
6 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnta man was having an affair..........?
a man was having an affair with an italian woman.
one night she told him she was pregnant, not wanting to ruin his reputation or his marriage he gave her money to have the baby in italy. if she stayed in italy he would provide child support until the child was 18, she asked how he would know the baby was born.
he told her to sent a postcard with the word spaghetti on the back.
9 months laterhe came home from work his confused wife said " you have got a strange postcard today"
he read the card, turn white and fainted.
the card read
two with meatballs
one without, send extra sauce.
11 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 1 Jahrzehntcould you give me some ideas?
im have a girls night in, in a couple of weeks time and im stuck for party games, we are all going to be over 18 and probably a lot of drinking involved, ive already got a drinking game sorted.
thankyou for all your ideas x
6 AntwortenEntertainingvor 1 Jahrzehntwhere do i find????????????
in pokemon fire red, where can i find the bike?
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnthow can i get my child to eat?
i have a 15month boy who hardly eats i give him a good variety of foods but won't eat any or very little, even the foods i know he does like. he just thinks it is better off on the floor.
18 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 1 Jahrzehnt