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Favorisierte Antworten3%
  • Lipoma turned red and grew!?

    Noticed bump on back about a year ago and went to the doctors to get it checked out and they said it was just a lipoma and there was nothing to worry about. In the past week it has turned bright red and has gotten somewhat bigger...should I be worried?

    1 AntwortCancervor 10 Jahren
  • Is the schedule for 2010 College Football going to be different with the Big-12 Breakup?

    First of all, Would this take affect this year? Secondly, how much is this going to change the schedule of a team like Texas. What if people have already bought tickets to games. If it changed it a lot for each of these teams wouldnt it have a domino effect? Also with Texas and Texas A&M being rivals would they continue playing? So many questions haha.

    4 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How Can something Come from nothing.?

    How can evolution be true if it would involve something appearing from nothing. Even if the energy used to cause the Big Bang came from another universe something would have had to come from nothing to create this other universe.

    Wouldnt it make more sense that a being that created all realms and has the power to break the laws of the universe? Im starting to think it would make more sense than the theories that would be hinging on something coming from nothing.

    1 AntwortOther - Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Annoying 1364 MTU!?!?!?!?

    I have been messing with this annoying thing all day...I have used multiple routers plugged the xbox in straight through the high speed modem and every time i get the exact same MTU error..I know this has nothing to do with the router because i have hooked it striaght into the high speed modem.

    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Who do you want as Obamas or Mccains VP?

    If your supporting Obama name your ideal VP for him Same with Mccain supporters

    10 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why does every 1 hate bush????

    He has prevented annother major terrorist attack on the US and made it so YOU dont pay as much money to the government every year. Does every1 just need some 1 to hate

    19 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why Change???

    Why are sooooo many people asking for change. When Obama says change what change does he want!!! He could want to change our flag he could want to change our religion.

    8 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why is America so Concered about Race and Gender?

    Why do americans care so much weather the president is black or if the president is a woman. Because all that matters is what they believe

    22 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt