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Lv 43.658 points


Favorisierte Antworten14%

all there is to say is ╔══╗♫ ║██║♪ ║♥♫All About My Music♫♥ ╚══╝♪♥♫SNSD♫♥♪

  • Psychology Majors need help, *Question* give an example of Top-Down and Bottom-Up processes in perception?

    I need a good semi 500 word example of a Top-Down and Bottom-Up process. If you guys could help me. PLEASE HALP

    I can't describe the process in my own words to save my life, but i understand the gist of the model

    1 AntwortHomework Helpvor 7 Jahren
  • Help me out with factoring this trinomial please. x^2-x-7?

    I've tried every possible factor and i don't think the answer exist or it's unsolvable in my opinion what am I doing wrong?

    6 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 7 Jahren
  • Do you think the newspaper industry can be saved? If so, what steps need to be taken?

    If not, what will replace it?

    curious as to what people think.

    2 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 7 Jahren
  • Faster controller response on new gen consoles?

    i've noticed this for awhile now but i used to have an old x-box (white 360) that i fairly played a lot and i noticed that transitioning from that to a new gen xbox (black/elite blah blah bullsh*t) the controller responses are slower well maybe not slower but

    let me try to make it simple, whenever i move the joystick/analog stick, on my old xbox it would react as soon as i move it, maybe about half a centimeter and my character/gun/cursor/crosshair would respond RIGHT AWAY

    now with the new gen consoles i would have to move it about half way if not more till i get some sort of response, what i mean is that lets say the joystick has about 3/4in in diameter till it hits the edges

    with the old consoles i would barely have to move the joystick 1/8 if not 1/10 of an inch to get some sort of response

    now with new gen consoles i would have to move the joystick about halfway till i get something and it kinda creates lag whenever i play FPS games or just ... games in general

    its like when you have someone holding a slinky on one side and you're holding the other and after you shake your side it still takes some time for the other side to shake know what i'm saying?

    and its not just xbox but ps3's as well

    long a** story short

    is there a way for me to decrease that lag time with the new gen controllers/consoles to where i barely have to tap the joystick for there to be a response?

    on xbox and PS3 as well since my nephew has a PS3 as well

    1 AntwortXboxvor 9 Jahren
  • Help! Nikon D300s or D600, D800, D7000?

    So a deal recently came up and i would be able to snatch a 300s for under $1000 and to me thats a freaking steal in of itself.

    i have a an old old d50 that i pretty much studied the ins and outs of the camera and i am in dire need of an upgrade.

    When the d600 came out, i was REALLY considering that until i saw the crazy deal i would be able to get.

    so pretty much my dilemma is, should i upgrade to the 300s now? or should i wait save up and possibly grab a d800, d600 or even maybe a possible d7200 that might come out in the future?

    6 AntwortenCamerasvor 9 Jahren
  • Is there any way for me to upload/convert a video to use as a screen saver on a mac running 10.7.4?

    i have a video that i would like to use as a screensaver for my MAC and i'm just wondering if that is possible with some sort of program?

    1 AntwortLaptops & Notebooksvor 9 Jahren
  • Which of the following is true of federal systems of government?

    (a)the central government completely regulates the activities of state governments

    (b) citizens vote for central government officials only

    (c) the central government shares power with the states

    (d) most democracies are federal systems

    (e) federal systems tend to have just 2 major political parties

    1 AntwortGovernmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can anyone recommend me a good Action, Comedy, Romance throw in some ecchi and it will be great?

    lately i finished Anime's like

    Samurai Champloo


    Sekirei season 1 and 2

    Gundam Seed 1 and 2


    thats just recently within the last 2-3 months

    could anyone recommend me something like Sekirei and Freezing, that Comedic Romance in an Action world?

    6 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Anybody know if there are any news about a Sekirei Season 3?

    cuz i REALLY want them to keep on continuing it!!!!!!!!!

    any info would be great articles, ... articles, ... and NEWS!!?? lol

    4 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does Jo Kwon look like Jay Park?

    my sister is insisting that they look alike, i do not see the resemblance at all and i can easily tell them apart.

    ^^^ little comparison picture

    what do you guys think?

    9 AntwortenKoreavor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What does the name "Jonghyun" mean?

    no i am not referring to Shinee's jonghyun ... i'm referring to CNBLUE's Jonghyun xD

    but is their like a significant meaning behind it?

    like how some korean names have meanings behind like it means something

    3 AntwortenKoreavor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do i make it so that each slide on powerpoint has a different song/sound without overlapping?

    i'm using powerpoint 2011 for the mac and i'm inserting some sounds in and i have different sounds for each slide, but somehow when i play the presentation the sounds overlap as each slide passes. <<<< IMAGE of where i go to input the sound

    Lets say slide 1 has Song 1 and slide 2 has song 2. when i play the presentation, it starts off fine but then when i hit slide 2 the song from slide 1 keeps on playing while slide 2 starts thus resulting in them overlapping.

    i want to know if there is a way for me to stop it from overlapping.

    2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can someone tell me which Jackie Chan movie this is?

    So i like Jackie Chan films and there is this one particular film that i just can't find

    so this one scene where Jackie is fighting with maybe 2 or 3 asian guys who also know pretty decent martial arts, they are fighting in like a construction building and one of the guys find a bag full of, what can be called fireworks. He tosses the fireworks at Jackie and his shirt wherever the fireworks hit catches on fire. So basically they're just fighting by tossing balls of flames at each other. After that Jackie then gets the bag and starts tossing it at the guy and he's all pleading to Jackie because he doesn't want to get burned anymore after Jackie tries to escape he goes down a tube and the guy throws the whole bag of fireworks down the tube and it burst into flames.

    so yea thats all i can remember from this movie, can anyone help me out? its not Mr. Nice Guy or Rumble In The Bronx

    i would list more but theres a lot

    so anyone know this particular film?

    1 AntwortMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can someone tell me which Jackie Chan movie this is?

    So i like Jackie Chan films and there is this one particular film that i just can't find

    so this one scene where Jackie is fighting with maybe 2 or 3 asian guys who also know pretty decent martial arts, they are fighting in like a construction building and one of the guys find a bag full of, what can be called fireworks. He tosses the fireworks at Jackie and his shirt wherever the fireworks hit catches on fire. So basically they're just fighting by tossing balls of flames at each other. After that Jackie then gets the bag and starts tossing it at the guy and he's all pleading to Jackie because he doesn't want to get burned anymore after Jackie tries to escape he goes down a tube and the guy throws the whole bag of fireworks down the tube and it burst into flames.

    so yea thats all i can remember from this movie, can anyone help me out? its not Mr. Nice Guy or Rumble In The Bronx

    i would list more but theres a lot

    so anyone know this particular film?

    1 AntwortMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • HTML CODE HELP on Tumblr?

    so this is my theme

    [[[ ]]]


    but whenever i go to my page it doesn't display the Audio File's Album artwork/track name/album name/artist name and so it looks like this [[[ ]]]

    but i want it to look like this for example [[[ ]]] not the same style but like to just display it

    tumblr HTML help, tells me i need to put this in [[[ ]]] but how do i put that on my tumblr and where

    i'm a real noob to html coding

    and if it helps how would i display the date of the post and the audio play count

    like this [[[ ]]] not the same style but like to just display it???

    so i'm a need like an expert html coder cuz i am so damn confused right now

    3 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • alright so birth by sleep aqua finish command question?

    so i just recently found out how to like ... level up certain finish commands but i can't get thi certain one

    so you have the green one that turn into rahmuh judgment when you get it, then you have the second green one that attaches to magic pulse 3 i think

    so its at 1 right now but i have no idea how i got it because i'm trying to level it up right now i keep on thinking thunderstorm (or whatever its called) but it only worked for the first green one not for the second green command

    so how would i like level that one up? also the other ones on level 5 like besides diamond dust cuz i figured that one out

    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • So is gonna come back?

    i heard that jenpoo might be back in the future but are there any sites?

    i've heard of ihoneyjoo which isn't it but its okay

    jenpuu sounds like a hybrid but they dont have old school music ... like new stuff for the artist

    so my basic question is, will jenpoo comeback? and are there any backup sites that are just as good

    1 AntwortOther - Musicvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Kingdom Hearts, Finish Command question?

    okay so i started out with aqua, and i "understood" most of the game and until i started realizing why my Purple and Red finish Command (Lv 2) weren't increasing, and then it hit me when i read someone had the same problem

    apparently whichever finish command you pick (in my case the yellow) you stick with that and it levels up for that command only, yea so i'm boned

    is there ANY way for me to like reset my finish commands without having to start a new game?

    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Latest bleach chapter 420 Spoilers!!! Discussion?

    yea so i'm pretty sure Ichigo can pretty much curb stomp almost any character in the manga universe right now without even trying

    end of bleach soon anyone?

    oh and before you idiots start going on about "oh so and so can do this that can f*ck up the earth so i dont think ichigo is stronger"

    yea i said ALMOST any

    10 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • does anyone have a demonoid account? and if so do you think you can message me an invitation code?

    exactly what the title says i need to download something but i'm a need an invitation code so can anyone like help me out

    4 AntwortenComputer Networkingvor 1 Jahrzehnt