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Lv 55.410 points

David W

Favorisierte Antworten18%
  • Had any of you heard of this Senate bill for veterans?

    This was a bill to address many of the issues that the Veterans Administration is having with helping veterans and it failed in the Senate. It was brought by Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont.

    4 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 7 Jahren
  • Airplane pilots sleeping?

    This article gives a 'lesson learned' that seems to miss the point. It doesn't even address why the pilots were exhausted.

    Are some folks going to tell us that airlines need to be less regulated to solve this?

    3 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 Jahren
  • What if Nazi Germany had occupied Iceland?

    In 1940, shortly after Nazi Germany had conquered Denmark and invaded Norway, Great Britain invaded Iceland in a move designed to prevent the Nazis from establishing a base there and gaining more control over the North Atlantic.

    For Harry Turtledove and other alternate history fans, what if the Nazis had acted first and gained solid control of Iceland one week after the invasion of Denmark?

    8 AntwortenHistoryvor 9 Jahren
  • What are some memories of 1983?

    Just seeing what common experiences people remember or think about if I ask about 1983. I remember Return of the Jedi, Ms Pac-Man (older than 1983, I know), hearing about Carl's Jr. for the first time (on a trip to California, during which I experienced my first smog alert). I also remember President Reagan, the A-Team and of course, Michael Jackson being a superstar.

    There's tons more of course, but I think that will do from me for now.

    2 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 9 Jahren
  • Does Arnold Schwarzenegger get underestimated too much?

    I'm reading an article that he wrote concerning the current state of the Republican party, and find it very in-depth and well-put.

    So do people still count him out of the running of important issues a little too often?

    2 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 9 Jahren
  • Not Mormon, but they enjoy reading the Book of Mormon?

    I'd noticed some folks, that although they themselves are not Mormon/LDS, enjoy reading of the Book of Mormon as a regular activity. (and yes, they get some questions and a bit of guff for it. It doesn't seem to shake them in the least.) If someone who does that happens upon this question: What is it that you enjoy about the Book of Mormon?

    4 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 9 Jahren
  • In October of 1962, how did two weeks of near extinction affect the psyche of those that knew?

    What was the change in outlook (if any) of the people that lived through, and knew of the near-nuclear war? I was thinking of people spending 2 weeks thinking that it could very well end tomorrow. No 'maybe someday' vagueness, but having the end very near and aware of it. Could that have caused the kids growing up in that time to develop the attitudes seen in the later sixties?

    A related question, did the Soviet and Chinese populace (including Eastern Europe and other communist controlled lands, know of the near war in October of that year? Or did they learn about it all later?

    2 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 9 Jahren
  • Anyone remember Crystal Pepsi?

    I remember enjoying the flavor of it. It was a little 'unexpected' to my tastebuds, mostly because of the clear soda appearance, but I was sad that they stopped making it so soon. Anyone else remember it?

    2 AntwortenNon-Alcoholic Drinksvor 9 Jahren
  • Is the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act of 1978 actually considered law in the U.S.?

    I came across this, , and tried to think of any references I'd heard to it in national debates. Is it acted upon by the government in any way?

    1 AntwortGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Wondering about Yahoo Answers in the near future?

    I know Yahoo as an organization is going through some changes and I wondered about Yahoo Answers' future? It appears lively and looks like it has many users that see the advertising, which should recommend it as a feature of Yahoo to keep, but sometimes corporate decision-making is a little unclear. Have you gotten any news yet?

    3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 Jahren
  • Mega Millions Lottery prizes?

    I noticed this article:

    and wondered two things: 1. How does the prize get so big? 2. Would it be better to have multiple winners, instead of one mega winner? Instead of one person winning $476,000,000 instead have 5 people winning nearly $100,000,000 or some arrangement such as that? (Sometimes it ends up that way anyway, if a group has purchased tickets, but that kind of arrangement seems to end up in court now and again, when the bickering begins.)

    3 AntwortenGamblingvor 9 Jahren
  • If you are in the U.S.A and protest Iran's actions toward its people, will you be killed?

    Seems like this lady, Gelareh Bagherzadeh, wasn't the first person in the U.S. that Iran has targeted for speaking out according to CNN. What's next? Will I be targeted for mentioning it? Well, I'm going to speak out anyway.

    3 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 9 Jahren
  • What are the ways to vote in the United States?

    If a person isn't able to make it to the polling place on Election days, how would they vote? I've learned of 2 so far,

    1. Absentee voting, or mail-in ballots, depending on the voting rules in your state, and

    2. Early voting is available in many places.

    Am I missing any other methods, if one is unable to physically be at their assigned voting place on Election Day? Do those 2 cover it?

    3 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • Afghanistan on its own in 2015 and the fate of the women?

    The Taliban in Afghanistan are going to cause suffering on a level that only extremely abused women and children elsewhere can understand. And the men in Afghanistan feel that starving and beating their mothers to death is right, just because she's a woman?

    1 AntwortCurrent Eventsvor 9 Jahren
  • Mormon practice of fasting and Tea Party 'doctrine'?

    Mormons adults and teens have a practice of fasting for 2 meals (or 24 hours or whatever your health permits) one time each month. They donate the equivalent of that 2 meals (or more) to the church for helping the needy, as part of the church's welfare assistance.

    The Tea Party has recruited many LDS/Mormon people into the group. But as the Tea Party tends to eschew such things as welfare and programs for the needy, does this mixing:

    A: Produce conflict between the non-Mormons and Mormons in Tea Party circles, or

    B: Not become a source of friction or a concern at all, or

    C: Supplement some already held beliefs of other faith groups within the Tea Party?

    (And perhaps there could be a D: a mix of all of the above)

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Nazi attitude toward the elderly?

    I've read the story of Corrie ten Boom in the Netherlands and a portion regarding the attitude of Nazis toward the old was interesting. It isn't mentioned much in comparison to their treatment of so many other groups. Are there more stories available that mention how seniors were treated by Nazi Germany? Do we have similar things being encouraged in our political groups today?

    5 AntwortenHistoryvor 9 Jahren
  • If most higher education was cut off in 2012, what would 2017 look like?

    We have individuals in power such as Ron Paul, that want to end federal support for education. Student loans have come under attack. If they were to disappear this year, many college students and medical students would not have access to funds to continue their education.

    If our higher education system were cut off in such a way to at least 70 to 80% of Americans currently pursuing degrees of some kind, what would our workforce look like in 2017? In 2037? Would America be able to compete in a 21st century world economy?

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Did the Occupy movement offer a specific message, and a workable solution that was fair for 100% of Americans?

    Anyone can say "I'm angry!" A six month old can express displeasure. But for most of us, a clear coherent message needs to be expressed in order for a problem to begin to be solved. From what I saw, there wasn't a coherent, workable message. I wish there was, as it would have helped make the Occupy movement a more positive moment. Did I miss an actionable message in there?

    12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Wikipedia blackout impact?

    I like reading Wikipedia and others find it extremely useful as well. We've now had some experience with not having access to a portion of the internet (although with Wiki-provided workarounds). What would it be like to lose, or have made ineffective, major portions of the internet forever? We survived without the internet before... but in the 15 years that the internet has become so mainstream, it seems that we've grown some important institutions that give people more power.

    1 AntwortWikipediavor 9 Jahren
  • If the Tea Party and Ron Paul get their way on student loans, how will medical students afford school?

    College can be expensive, but medical schools are much more expensive. Enough so that if you actually had a system for getting enough cash to pay for it up front, you'd probably have a system in which you could retire very early any way. Most of us do not have that kind of option.

    So if federal student loans are abolished, how are we going to even begin to continue to educate enough medical people for the U.S.A.?

    These students aren't going to magically have another source of credit. We'd see a medical crisis that would last years. Hope you never break a bone, need vision correction or have diabetes if this 'vision' is implemented in the U.S.A.

    16 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren