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How long does it take for 'album only' songs to become available for individual purchase?
I know we've all had this problem. We already bought the actual album and then we find out that the digital version comes with extra. I have had this happen, but I do know that sometime later, if I go back, then the song is available for individual sale. Does anyone happen to know how long that takes, or if that's even supposed to happen.
Thank you all for having patience with this question. It's quite stupid, but I appreciate whatever input.
3 AntwortenRock and Popvor 8 JahrenCan you choose who you are?
Where I am now, I feel like I am just a regurgitation of my parents. Other than my music clothing and food choices, I think and act like them. I don't like it at all. Do I have a choice in this matter? Is my brain really wired like theirs permanently? Do I have to act like them or do I have an actual choice? Psychologically, can I be someone other than them? I feel like I don't even have my own personality. It's just a regurgitation of their personalities. (Which aren't the best, mind you) Not that I don't care about my parents, I just have no interest to be like them personality wise or the like. Basically, I want to know if I can make my own personality, character traits, etc,- or if I just have to learn to accept the way I act and think now.
I'm sorry if the question doesn't make much sense. Thank you for your patience and thank you for the help.
3 AntwortenPsychologyvor 9 JahrenHow much of you is just you?
I feel like I only was able to choose my music, clothing, and food tastes, but then the rest of me is just a regurgitation of my parents. Do we really get our personalities and our character traits from our parents? Are our brains literally wired the same, or is it just growing up with them has made us mimic them? Is there any hope that I could develop my own personality? With my own character traits? Is that possible? Am I just hoping? I'd like professional opinions, but I'll take you guy's opinions too. :)
Thank you in advance.
3 AntwortenGenealogyvor 9 JahrenIs life truly worth living (Response to Lucas's question of the same title)?
Not too long ago, someone named Lucas asked this very same question. I really don't know where he is, but I am going to post my answer to his later questions to me here- as well as asking you guys where your motivation comes from to keep on living and how you can be positively sure that it's right. I know I'm totally spamming Yahoo! but Lucas needs to see this somehow.
This answer is for Lucas, I really hope he sees it.
I'm not even going to begin to judge you on your walk with Christ. Or whether you did or did not accept him. Honestly, even with Jesus there are still going to be problems in your life. I want you to know though, that doubting your salvation and questioning your sincerity of faith is totally normal. We doubt, it happens.
I want to start at the beginning though. Jesus does love you. It's not just a feeling, it's a fact. Jesus has been there every single time you came to him. Only you and him know if you were sincere or not. If you believed you were sincere then you were. God has accepted you and you are a son of the one and only. Cling to that fact. Doubts will come, I promise you, but remember, you have Jesus now. Jesus loves you. All it takes is one sincere time and then your salvation is LOCKED whether you're having doubts or not. I would encourage you to accept him one more time. I'm not discrediting all your other times, but this one is for you to be sure. I want you to accept him as your savior and Lord, only if you want that of course. After that, after you come to him and say something like, "God, I've seen how messed up the world is, I've seen how messed up I am. I need you, I need someone to save me. I can't make it to heaven on my own. The only way I can get there is because Jesus died for me. I accept what this means and that by accepting it, that my life is turned over to you, God. Thank you for the love you give and the sacrifice you made for me. Amen." You are saved. No more doubting necessary. I think the problem is that you don't trust God enough yet, which is normal. Just know that when God said he'd save you, he saved you. Trust him and lean on him when you feel those doubts come. Go to your Bible and read some of the promises he has for you. Go to someone who will pray for you, pray yourself. God will get rid of your doubts, you just have to trust him.
As for the answers thing, it is ok to have questions, it's ok to not be sure. I went into my relationship with God with some questions of my own. And you know what? That is totally ok. God WANTS you to ask questions. He welcomes them. He doesn't expect you to blindly follow him all the time. Ask away, and if you really are honestly looking he will answer you. It all just goes back to trust.
To address your statement on life. Once you have accepted Jesus Christ into your life, he works in you to make your life better. He builds you, purifies you, molds you and creates you into the you he wants you to be. People have often compared what God does with us to gold being purified.
As gold is being turned into the beautiful substance that we know of, it first has to be melted completely down, exposing all of our impurities. This part is hard, it hurts, and many don't like it. However, it is using these problems and conflicts, God shapes us into who he wants you to be. When the gold comes out from the the fire it has become more beautiful and more pure than it was before. I'm praying
Thank you for your answers everyone. If this question is even answerable............ Ummmmmmmmm yeah, sorry about that. You can ignore this question if you want.
2 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 9 JahrenCan you actually contact the contacts you have on Yahoo!Answers?
I have a 'friend' who I added as a contact and I really need to speak to him, but I don't know how. I don't actually have his email address, but it is urgent that I talk to him. Is there a way to use Answers to communicate?
2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 JahrenAtheists: What could Christians do to convince you to be more open to Jesus?
I know we Christians have a reputation of obnoxiously telling you about our faith, or maybe we don't live it correctly and we end up turning you away from the idea of Christianity. There is a way to be civil about this and still get the message across and I'd like to find out how. So, if you wouldn't mind, some input would be nice. Also, I would like Christian input too, how you guys do it.
Well, I suppose I better get ready to be spammed now. ;)
Thank you for your answers anyway!
13 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 JahrenCan someone REALLY explain a dna molecule to me?
I need to know how they work so I can make dna model for my biology class. I can't really say that I understand how they work and that could be a problem when making a model. ANY information would be helpful. Project tips, building material suggestions, and maybe even a lecture on the structure of a DNA molecule. Thanks
2 AntwortenBiologyvor 9 JahrenIs it bad to have a long face?
I mean no harm when I ask this question. It just seems like long faces are not good and I want to know if that's true. I have seen models with long faces and high foreheads and they are pretty
8 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 10 JahrenCan a child be prettier than her parents?
I love my parents, I do and they are fairly good looking people, but as much as I love them I don't want to look like them, it's just part of my selfish self which I NEED to work on.
9 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 JahrzehntIs 13, 14, 15 and so on your awkward- looking stage?
I am 14 right now and I look pretty WEIRD if not completely ugly. I look AWFUL in pictures and I just don't know what to think. I have been told that when I grow up I'll be very pretty and I have had other compliments recently of people who told me I was pretty ( girls mostly). I don't know what to believe because I have been called ugly and weird looking in the past. Can someone help me? I know I ask this kind of question a lot but I need you to bear with me. Thank you guys in advance. Love you guys YOUR AWESOME
5 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 JahrzehntIs Imesh a good, legal, site where I can buy music?
Just wondering, because I have had some bad experiences with music sites
1 AntwortOther - Internetvor 1 JahrzehntHave you noticed that only the pretty girls post their pictures?
and ask if they're pretty. I mean all the people who are self confident are gorgeous. I can't post a picture because I look flat out ugly in them. It's not fair. I'm sorry if I'm ranting, it just feels like I'm the only ugly girl and every other girl is gorgeous. Can someone help me
4 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 JahrzehntWhat are the definitions of materialism?
Any and all are acceptable, I just want to know
1 AntwortPhilosophyvor 1 JahrzehntWhat does it mean when......?
A guy calls you somewhat pretty. Does it mean you're ugly, but slightly ok. Does it mean you're ok looking. Does it mean you're pretty? Was it just a comparison thing. Maybe I'm just over-analyzing, but I want to know. Is there a hope of me being pretty? Should I put stock in what he said, cuz it wasn't meant to be mean at all. Thanks guys
4 AntwortenOther - Skin & Bodyvor 1 JahrzehntAre free blogs safe to use on my computer?
Will they give me a virus. See I want to use this one called, but I don't know if I can trust it.
1 AntwortSecurityvor 1 JahrzehntAm I just being overly hopeful and pathetic?
Is it possible to look good in some mirrors and not in others? For example I think I look prettier in the mirrors at home, but at the same time I look ugly in it sometimes. And there is one particular school bathroom I look kinda ok in occasionally. It sounds pathetic doesn't it? Is there any way to get over being ugly? It's something I really have a problem with
2 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 JahrzehntChristians: What kind of music is ok to listen too?
See I have been trying to clean up my music collection. Do I have to listen to only Christian bands, or can I listen to other bands as long as they don't cuss or talk about inappropriate things. And what if they do cuss in either a song that I like or another one of there songs that I don't listen to. Is it still ok to listen to them? And if you can't answer can you please just pray that I'll be able to do what I'm supposed to? Thanks
13 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 1 JahrzehntChristians: Christian girls more specifically?
I am a Christian teenage girl who may get called pretty 4 1/2- 5 times out of 10 and ugly 3- 4 times out of ten. Basically I just want to be pretty, to know I'm pretty and for others to see I'm actually pretty, physically. Is that selfish or bad in any way? I want to know because as huge as it is for me it could be a roadblock in my faith and I DON'T want that
13 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntHow many Susans are offended by the term Second Choice Susan?
I was looking on Urbandictionary for something about Second chances or something and I saw that and I got very offende. I doubt there are that many Susans but still that's just NOT right
1 AntwortOther - Society & Culturevor 1 JahrzehntIs this just me? Hopefully I'm not the only one?
I'm a girl. And when I look in the mirror and sometimes I think I look kind of pretty, then someone will take a picture of me and I look ugly. Does this happen to anyone else or am I alone on this
4 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 Jahrzehnt