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smileitslydia :)
Will the Sims 3 work with these graphics cards?
Hi, I'm buying a new mac, since I've got an ancient black macbook, and I'd like to know if The Sims 3 will be decently playable on either of these machines.
the first choice is it's got an Intel HD Graphics 4000 card
or this iMac it has an AMD Radeon HD 6770M graphics card with 512 MB memory
I need help in deciding...I know that I can record music with either (main reason for new mac), but I'd also like to be able to play The Sims 3 and expansion packs.
Thank you!
2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenDoes this make any sense at all as a nickname/contraction?
So my name is Lydia, and recently someone started calling me 'Ellie' ... I guess because of the 'Ly' part of my name. I just wanted to see what you guys think. I mean, I don't really care, not enough to the point where I'm going to correct her.
Thoughts, questions, comments, life stories, all are welcome.
2 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 10 JahrenWhat would you think if you saw this tattoo?
Script on a back that says 'absence?'
3 AntwortenTattoosvor 10 JahrenIn your opinion, am I too young and naive to make this decision at 17?
I've had it in my head the past few years, but now I am positive,
I am not going to have children.
I know this because I am ambitious. I have dreams and goals, I am going to go to school to be a cardiothoracic surgeon. I know that something like children will only hinder me.
In your opinion, do you think I am still too young and naive to make this kind of decision?
As an added note, I'm not saying I hate kids, or marriage, I do hope I meet that someone, I'm just saying that in my opinion, I think kids will only get in the way of my dreams.
21 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 10 JahrenWould you call me young and naive for making such a decision at 17?
I've had it in my head the past few years, but now I am positive,
I am not going to have children.
I know this because I am ambitious. I have dreams and goals, I am going to go to school to be a cardiothoracic surgeon. I know that something like children will only hinder me.
In your opinion, do you think I am still too young and naive to make this kind of decision?
As an added note, I'm not saying I hate kids, or marriage, I do hope I meet that someone, I'm just saying that in my opinion, I think kids will only get in the way of my dreams.
9 AntwortenFamilyvor 10 JahrenBaby name you like?
Just wondering if you guys like these names. I really like them, particularly the first in each group, what do you guys think?
Maura Emery
Nora Scarlet
Tally Alia (Alee-uh)
Lucy Amara
Charlotte Elaine
Alice Natali
Jude Story
Emrich Cain
Zachary (Zac) Claude
Emery Jonas
Zane Christopher
Jeremy Neil
15 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 10 JahrenCome up with nickname?
Hey guys,
This is pretty random, but can y'all help me come up with a nickname?
My first name is Lydia and my middle name is Kaye, and I'm sick of 'Lyd' being my nickname...
I would really like something that has to do with a culture, like one Lydia or Kaye in Greek or Russian or something, I'm Greek, Croatian, and Russian.
If anyone can come up with anything, that'd be cool. I just really want to redefine myself for my junior year, and this is just the start!
If it's any help, I'm a musician all the way, I love recording music, and making art. I'm not quiet, but I think through what I'm going to say before I say it, but still like to be funny. Just thought knowing my personality might help.
3 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 10 JahrenRib tattoo too painful for first one?
Hey everyone, I have a few questions about rib tattoos....
So here's the story I planned on getting it on my ring finger, but I realized I want it bigger, so I decided on my right ribs/underneath my breast, mainly because I'd be able to enjoy it and I won't be visible for work and professional events since I'd like to be a surgeon, anywhere majorly visible is out of the question.
So about the tattoo, it's going to say 'born this way' mainly because Lady Gaga taught me that this is who I am, and I need to love myself because I was 'born this way.' I was in a really bad place, I was cutting, I was unstable, but she spoke to me. I just want you all to try and understand what the record and Lady Gaga have done, how much they have really helped me, how dark of a place they pulled me from.
My questions include: How long will it take? How much do you think it'll cost? What kind of font should I get (script or just plain letters)? How much wil it hurt, 1 to 10, 1 being pinched, 10 being childbirth? How long do tattoos need to be covered after you get them? Will one in this position fade?
Thank you!!!
And haters, y'all can hate, just not here. AND my decision is not automatically what is said on here
6 AntwortenTattoosvor 10 JahrenWhere to put tattoo? 3 word phrase...?
Hi all,
So I planned on getting a tattoo on the right side of my left ring finger (where a wedding ring goes), it's going to say 'born this way' mainly because Lady Gaga taught me that this is who I am, and I need to love myself because I was 'born this way.' I want it on my ring finger because that's where the wedding ring goes and a wedding ring is a profession of love, and through Born This Way I learned to love myself....sorry for the long and possibly repetitive explanation, I just want you all to try and understand what the record and Lady Gaga have done, how much they have really helped me, how dark of a place they pulled me from.
BUT, I've had it sharpied there for a week now, and I'm like, IT'S NOT BIG ENOUGH! What if I put it along the top of my ribs, right under the breast? I really like having it on my ring finger from what I say above, but as long as I have it with me forever, I guess it doesn't really matter.
SO, my questions for both places consist of what kind of pain will there be (I have an above average pain tolerance I'd say), how quickly will it fade (will it), what kind of cost am I looking at, and which location do you like best?
Thank you!!!
And haters, y'all can hate, just not here. AND my decision is not automatically what is said on here, I am not that stupid.
8 AntwortenTattoosvor 10 JahrenTattoo on finger? Fading, pain, etc question....?
Hi all,
So I plan on getting a tattoo on the right side of my left ring finger (where a wedding ring goes), it's going to say 'born this way' mainly because Lady Gaga taught me that this is who I am, and I need to love myself because I was 'born this way.' I want it on my ring finger because that's where the wedding ring goes and a wedding ring is a profession of love, and through Born This Way I learned to love myself....sorry for the long and possibly repetitive explanation, I just want you all to try and understand what the record and Lady Gaga have done, how much they have really helped me, how dark of a place they pulled me from.
SO, my questions consist of what kind of pain will there be (I have an above average pain tolerance I'd say), how quickly will it fade (will it) and what kind of cost am I looking at?
Thank you!!!
And haters, y'all can hate, just not here.
5 AntwortenTattoosvor 10 JahrenDo you like any of my tattoo ideas?
Hey y'all,
So I've decided to get a tattoo, and yes, my mother is on board, as long as I can cover it up decently it's cool, please don't preach about it hindering my work opportunities etc, please don't get me started.
ANYWAYS, here are some ideas, I am pretty set on getting it on my right rib area, and depending on which it is, font and font size will differ.
‘As artists, we are eternally heartbroken’ - Lady Gaga (cursive)
‘Born This Way’ (the font on the record)
‘Fearless’ (larger because it's a singe word, cursive)
“Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backwards.” ~E.E. Cummings (small, small font, printed so it's readable)
Some explanation, I'm a musician and will always be, and music is dear to my heart, just like the first quote. Second, Lady Gaga has almost literally saved my life, her lyrics spoke to me about accepting myself and I can't thank her enough for that. Next, fearless is a contender, not because I'm some arrogant weirdo, but it's really something that I know I strive to be everyday, you know, I can't let myself be held back out of fear of what could happen. And lastly, E.E. Cummings is my cup of tea, and that last quote just gives me butterflies.
Which do you think would be best? Which do you think I'll "regret" the least? Which do you hate? Any non-in-my-face-hater thoughts are welcome!
Thank you
P.S. This isn't some spur of the moment decision, and I'm not choosing based solely on whatever the 'best answer' is, I just want to know what you guys think.
6 AntwortenTattoosvor 10 JahrenWhich tattoo idea do you like best?
Hey y'all,
So I've decided to get a tattoo, and yes, my mother is on board, as long as I can cover it up decently it's cool, please don't preach about it hindering my work opportunities etc, my mother has 5 and is still single-handedly pulling in roughly $105,000 a year, without a college degree, so please, again, don't get me started.
ANYWAYS, here are some ideas, I am pretty set on getting it on my right rib area
‘As artists, we are eternally heartbroken’ - Lady Gaga
‘Born This Way’
“Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backwards.” ~E.E. Cummings
Some explanation, I'm a musician and will always be, and music is dear to my heart, just like the first quote. Second, Lady Gaga has almost literally saved my life, her lyrics spoke to me about accepting myself and I can't thank her enough for that. And lastly, E.E. Cummings is my cup of tea, and that last quote just gives me butterflies.
Which do you think would be best? Which do you think I'll "regret" the least? Which do you hate? Any non-in-my-face-hater thoughts are welcome!
Thank you
6 AntwortenTattoosvor 10 JahrenWhich tattoo do you like?
Hey y'all,
So I've decided to get a tattoo, and yes, my mother is on board, as long as I can cover it up decently it's cool, please don't preach about it hindering my work opportunities etc, my mother has 5 and is still single-handedly pulling in roughly $105,000 a year, without a college degree, so please, again, don't get me started.
ANYWAYS, here are some ideas, I am pretty set on getting it on my right rib area
‘As artists, we are eternally heartbroken’ - Lady Gaga
‘Born This Way’
“Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backwards.” ~E.E. Cummings
Some explanation, I'm a musician and will always be, and music is dear to my heart, just like the first quote. Second, Lady Gaga has almost literally saved my life, her lyrics spoke to me about accepting myself and I can't thank her enough for that. And lastly, E.E. Cummings is my cup of tea, and that last quote just gives me butterflies.
Which do you think would be best? Which do you think I'll "regret" the least? Which do you hate? Any non-in-my-face-hater thoughts are welcome!
Thank you!
3 AntwortenTattoosvor 10 Jahrensomeone help me with The Sims 2 please?
Hi, I recently put my Sims 2 stuff back on my computer to play during the summer, and I just went to play it (worked at about noon today), and now I get this error message
failed to find any DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics adapters
what the heck does this mean? I haven't uninstalled anything since I last played it, and I just reinstalled DirectX 9.0
Please help me reconncet with my sims!!
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 10 Jahrenwhich tattoo should I get?
Hey y'all,
So I've decided to get a tattoo, and yes, my mother is on board, as long as I can cover it up decently it's cool, please don't preach about it hindering my work opportunities etc, my mother has 5 and is still single-handedly pulling in roughly $105,000 a year, without a college degree, so please, again, don't get me started.
ANYWAYS, here are some ideas, I am pretty set on getting it on my right rib area
‘As artists, we are eternally heartbroken’ - Lady Gaga
‘Born This Way’
“Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backwards.” ~E.E. Cummings
Some explanation, I'm a musician and will always be, and music is dear to my heart, just like the first quote. Second, Lady Gaga has almost literally saved my life, her lyrics spoke to me about accepting myself and I can't thank her enough for that. And lastly, E.E. Cummings is my cup of tea, and that last quote just gives me butterflies.
Which do you think would be best? Which do you think I'll "regret" the least? Which do you hate? Any non-in-my-face-hater thoughts are welcome!
Thank you!
3 AntwortenTattoosvor 10 Jahrenmy car is having an identity crisis....?
Hey guys,
I got a car, it's my first car, and it's a goldish 2000 Ford Focus. I need to name it, obviously, but I am confused as to which gender cars are. I know that when guys get cars they are "she"s, so if I'm a girl is my car a "he"?
If my car is a boy car its name is "Tamale" and if it's a girl it's "Miss Lucy"
Please help my car and its identity crisis!
5 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehntneed help with song form...lee konitz song?
Hi guys,
For jazz I have to do a presentatino on a jazz artist, and I chose Lee Konitz. I have to show my jazz band a song, and with that the song form. I'm just having a lot of trouble with this. It all seems like solo, just switching to different soloers...It's called "Subconcious-Lee" by Lee Konitz, you can listen to it by going to pandora radio and typing in Lee Konitz or Subconcious-Lee
I'd really appreciate any help with this..
Thank you guys!
1 AntwortJazzvor 1 Jahrzehntjenga for presentation on smithereens?
So for english we have to do a "word of the day" presentation, and my word is smithereens. I know, I know, really easy, but regardless, I have to do it. To get full credit, you have to do something with the senses. I was thinking of splitting the class into two teams and having them do a "jenga-off" because when it falls, it is "broken into smithereens"
I know it's not super tiny pieces and bits like the definition says, but I think for english class and my purposes it'll suffice.
What do you guys think?
P.S. I'm also planning on handing out reese's pieces to everyone, since they're pieces, and pieces are bits, and bits are smithereens.
Just someone help me, please
1 AntwortWords & Wordplayvor 1 JahrzehntHelp with college planning/career track/CNA?
Hey guys,
So I'm a Sophomore in High School with a cumulative GPA of 4.0, and I want to be a surgeon. I plan on doing my undergrad (chem or bio) at state school, and then med school from there. While I was taking my Medical Terms and Business Practices class, they told us about a program my high school and the local tech college worked out, where they set up 2 special classes for surrounding high school students to take a CNA course. If I'm accepted (there arelimited spots per high school, mine was given 6), and I pass and complete the course, they'll pay for the class. WIth my school though, they require some 450 hours of volunteer work before you can actually work in nursing homes.
But that's the thing, all the other kids that applied want to be nurses. I DO NOT want to be nurse. I am going to be a SURGEON, actually, an orthopedic surgeon. I was accepted into this program but I don't know if I am/should do it.
What are the benefits of doing it? What will I really be missing out on?
If anyone can help, I thank you!
1 AntwortHigher Education (University +)vor 1 Jahrzehntflying on a plane, pill question?
Hey guys, I have a question about flying... I've been feeling a little sick lately, so I take chewable pepto-bismol tablets every 4-5 hours, and often advil to go with it every 3 hours. I'm going on a 4 hour flight and I need to know what the policy is for taking these on my carry-on. Can I just have my advil in a sandwich bag, and the pepto-bismol chewables in the plastic "grid" they came in? I don't have the box or bottle for either of them at this point. I'm kinda at the airport right now, so, any quick advice would be great!
Thank you!
7 AntwortenAir Travelvor 1 Jahrzehnt