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Born in USA 1957, member of Baha'i Faith, lacto-vegetarian, Health Information Adminstrator for a mental health agency, treated for depression and anxiety since 1983, part time musician with recordings on the Internet.

  • how is spoliation proven in court?

    I have sued my former workplace for discrimination, harassment and retaliation.

    About ten or eleven years ago I got a note from my doctor stating I have depression with panic attacks and that I should not be subjected to unnecessary stress. I had just gotten a new supervisor and her treatment of me was causing my symptoms to get worse. Once I got the note from my psychiatrist, my boss backed off and we got along reasonably well for the next ten years.

    Then suddenly the harassment started again--not just my supervisor, her boss (the CEO) and the director of HR were also involved. When it was starting to get bad I asked the HR director if a new doctor's note was needed since the original was so old and he said it wasn't needed, the old note was enough. Later, he denied any such doctor's letter ever existed.

    I had kept a copy of the doctor's letter all these years, but unfortunately, I kept it at my work desk. I was placed on administrative leave due to spurious allegations and I was never allowed back access to my belongings again until I was fired. My bosses' secretary went through my stuff and backed it in boxes. The copy of the doctor's note is also gone.

    Both my personnel file and the papers at my work desk included documents dating back to 1996 but the doctor's note from 2003 or 2004 is gone.

    I feel incredibly stupid for not keeping a copy of the note at home, but I followed what I was told to do by the EEOC--get a note from my doctor give it to my boss and HR.

    3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 7 Jahren
  • The five prisoners traded for Bowe Bergdahl: what crimes are they guilty of?

    The news media has repeatedly referred to these men as "terrorists" but I'm unable to find any information about a single terrorist act that can be attributed to any of them. It's my understanding that most of the prisoners in Gitmo were never charged with any crimes. If they are terrorists what did they do?

    I'm not interested in political arguments; I just wonder if there is any strong evidence that they are guilty of any crimes. Thanks.

    5 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 7 Jahren
  • What if you're looking for a job and you're suing your last employer for harassment and discrimination?

    Even though I was fired, I was still able to take retirement because I have enough time in the system. But I didn't want to retire this early--I want to work. When I apply for a job I say I retired and I'm interested in trying something different. I don't say anything about being fired or suing my former employer. Any suggestions? Serious answers only, please.

    5 AntwortenLaw & Legalvor 7 Jahren
  • If you are performing music to an audience, what if some of the performers start laughing and talking?

    We had a free "gig" where we played in front of a fairly good sized audience. I looked forward to it a lot because I got to play stuff that I really like and hardly ever get asked to play. The problem is the rest of the band don't share my enthusiasm for the type of music. But they agreed to do the performance, I didn't hold a gun to their heads.

    The audience appeared to like what we were playing. Two of the band members started talking and laughing to the point that it was disrupting the performance; I couldn't even concentrate on what I was doing. I was extremely angry with them and tried really hard to keep it together.

    Then, to add to the tension, my wife was repeatedly calling me on the cell phone to remind me that I told her I was going to do something with her that the time overlapped with the "gig."

    We had only one song left; I was so keyed up I told them I had to leave.

    I thought it was generally understood that a musician should not disrupt a performance no matter what as long it the audience still wanted us to play regardless of our own personal taste. I had played music with these ;people on and off for about 30 years and I simply couldn't comprehend how badly they behaved.

    What an ordeal--I spoke to the two band members later and said how I felt about it. One guy apologized immediately. The other person, a woman argued with me about for about a year before finally agreeing that it wasn't okay for them to act that way.

    Ironically, the forth person in the band declared that I was "unreliable" and hasn't spoken to me since. He didn't participate in the talking and laughing and even shouted at them to "pay attention."

    Also ironically, we did the gig again a year later. I just brought the girl percussionist and we had a pretty good performance without any incident. It was snowing really hard and I nearly wrecked my car when I skidded into a divider on the way home.

    I don't know how I could be more "reliable" than that; I wasn't even making any money--I just really loved the music and was tickled to death anyone would show up to listen to me play it.

    There were many, many, many performances over the years with the same people where I literally hated every song on the list but didn't complain at all. It seem to me that I deserved one time a year where the tables were turned.

    Oh, by the way, I have a problem with depression and anxiety; that might explain why I took it so seriously, acted that way and so on. The female percussionist also has a mood disorder and the guy who laughed and talked is married to a woman with bipolar disorder.

    5 AntwortenPerforming Artsvor 8 Jahren
  • What do Mormons think about the musical called The Book Of Mormon?

    I haven't seen it and probably won't. The reason is that I'm tired of South Park and I'm not in a big hurry to see any other work by the same people. I think South Park is overly preachy, like they are trying to shove some political agenda down my throat; I don't think it's funny anymore so I doubt if I would enjoy The Book Of Mormon.

    I'm just curious as to what Mormons think about having a play/musical or whatever it is that apparently makes fun of their religion. Thanks.

  • How does Samaritanism differ from Judaism in doctrine?

    I've been trying to figure this out but everything I read is mostly about history and there is little or no reference to doctrine. Does anybody here know?

    7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • Has anyone here ever had a postitive experience with the EEOC?

    Has anyone here ever reported an instance of employment discrimination to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and actually accomplish anything useful? Just curious. I tried to report discrimination in the world place due to my mental illness and found them absolutely useless. I just wondered if they actually help anybody. Thanks.

    1 AntwortLaw & Legalvor 8 Jahren
  • Does anyone know anything about Kobad Ghandy and the Communist Party of India?

    Someone showed me an article written by Kobad Ghandy, who is apparently an Indian communist leader who is currently in prison. I never heard of anything like this before, is there anyone here who can explain to me why he was arrested and imprisoned? All I can get from Wikipedia is that the CPI advocate a "people's revolution of India" and they are a "security risk." Have they committed any actual terrorist or violent acts? I'm just curious. My wife is from India but this is the first time I ever heard of anything like this going on with the Indian government.

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • Why is it considered cool to be Irish in American popular culture?

    For some reason the Irish seem to be held is higher regard than most other ethnic groups? I notice a lot of Americans claiming to be Irish. I'm supposed to have Irish ancestry, but so far my ancestry search has turned up England, Scotland and Wales, but not Ireland. I don't know why, but I feel disappointed. However, I think I have Scots-Irish ancestry, but these were Scottish people who migrated to Ireland.

    A friend of mine claims to be Irish, but I think her maiden name is either Danish or German. That doesn't prove she has no Irish ancestry, of course, but I have my doubts.

    Are Irish people cooler because they have a reputation for being tough and rebellious?

    6 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 8 Jahren
  • Master's in Public Health or Health Informatics?

    I have a Bachelor's in Health Information Administration and I'm considering going for a Masters in either Health Informatics or Public Health. Does anyone have any insight into which might offer more job opportunities?

    1 AntwortOther - Healthvor 8 Jahren
  • Any gun defense statistics?

    With all of the gun talk going on lately, one of the things commonly brought up is the need to have guns to protect ourselves from criminals. Are there any reliable statistics from unbiased sources that positively back up the success of regular people fending off attackers with guns?

    I found this web site but the wording of the article makes me suspect bias in favor of gun ownership:

    This web site goes the opposite way:

    4 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 8 Jahren
  • Why is Lao Tzu now spelled Laozi?

    I think that's just lousy.

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • Is it possible to play a shruti box with your foot?

    I play string instruments and my friend plays percussion. I was thinking about using a shruti box to fill out the sound a little more. There are electronic shruti boxes but they just sound too artificial to me; I prefer the sound of a real shruti box.

    2 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 9 Jahren
  • What's the deal with wearing hats backwards or sideways?

    Some folks seem to hold special significance in the way someone wears a hat. Why is that?

    I was in a band some years ago. We played for a festival in another state. When it was our time off we went to a bar. One of our members was wearing a baseball cap backwards. There was a sign that indicated "no backwards hats." He was told he had to turn his hat around or they wouldn't let him in; which he did.

    What difference does it make?

    11 AntwortenEtiquettevor 10 Jahren
  • When Muslims say Jesus was not crucified, what do they mean?

    Do they mean that Jesus was literally not crucified, or do they mean that he was only physically crucified but not in the spirit? Are there different interpretations, different schools of thought on the subject within Islam?

    I don't mean to start an argument or whatever, I'm just trying to understand the Islamic view of Jesus' crucifixion. Thanks.

    12 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why are some churches called Full Gospel?

    I used to live in a rural area and I would see signs for "Full Gospel" churches. I just wondered why they call it that. Does it mean the church is full of people? Or does it mean they use all four Gospels and imply that other churches don't?

    8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt