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  • I don't know if I'm having feelings for my ex again. Please help and I'll answer one of yours!?

    I'm currently dating a girl (I'm 24 & she's 22) who I know loves me and I know I loved her, but recently there has been a disconnect between us. Also, the last 6 months I've had at least 3-4 dreams a month about my ex and in them we are always married or dating. These dreams made me start thinking of her daily. Tonight I went to a get together that friends from my comm. college had and my ex was there (didn't know she would be there). I couldn't help but try and sneak glances towards her and I caught her looking at me as well. My ex and I left on good terms and we've recently sent a few messages to each other like me congratulating her for getting into law school and her wishing me a happy birthday. I feel awful for having these feelings while in a relationship and know that I shouldn't be having thoughts of my ex while in a relationship, I just can't get her out of my mind and don't know if these feelings are simply because she was my first love and we strongly thought of marriage or because we left on good terms and never had the "I never want to talk to you again" break up.

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Monaten
  • I can't tell if the thoughts and dreams I'm having about my ex are me missing her or the thought of her. I appreciate your advice and help!?

    I am 23 with a girlfriend of 10 months. My ex and I dated for 18 months, but broke up late 2017 and haven t spoken, text, or talked to each other in about a year and half. However, over the last 5 months I've had 7-8 dreams of her (either dating or being married to her) and certain words people say will trigger memories of her. For about a week now I haven't been able to get her off my mind. I feel bad for thinking of my ex while dating a new girl, but I can't figure out if these are feelings for my ex or missing the thought of her. While dating my ex we had talks of marriage and engagement. I've talked to some people who say the dreams and thoughts could be me missing my ex, or it could be me simply needing to figure out what my current girlfriend is to me concerning marriage. Do you have these thoughts and what is your opinion?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahr
  • Is it normal for parents to go to their kids as counselors?

    Myself (23) and my brother (28) have parents who have fought for all of our lives. Sometimes it’s verbally, sometimes it is more. The fights are broad and include finances, the things they say to each other, not working on the house, work in general, deaths in the family, and more. Neither of my parents want anything said about their fights to anyone outside of our family, unless it’s one of them telling other people. That leads to mom just calling and texting my brother and I about their fights and everything said, and more. This has gone on for over 20 years. My brother and I have advised counseling, going to church, going to talk to a preacher, or divorce. I have even drove 35 mins home at 10:30 at night to try and talk to both of them at the same time about this. Nothing between them gets resolved, it just goes away for a few days till something else sparks a new fight. After over 20 years, there is nothing I know to say other than counseling, Church, or divorce, but my mom doesn’t want to hear that, she just wants to talk about every detail of their fights for 20 years. If I don’t pick up or want to talk about it, my mother holds everything she ever did for us over our heads. Is this normal for parents to use their kids as counselors? I’m tired of getting calls and texts once-twice a month about their fights

    6 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahr
  • What is your unbiased opinion of politics today?

    I’m so sick of politics now. Republicans and Democrats are supposed to be elected to serve the american people and do what’s best, yet it’s turned into doing what’s best for the party. Dems have been so fixated on impeachment and investigating trump that no one truly knows what their main points are for 2020. Republicans are so worried about not having a republican president impeached that they are going against their own word to defend him and not worrying about if he committed crimes. Both only want to investigate the other side, but don’t want to investigate their own party because the “look” it will present to the public. Both Obama and trump made good decisions in different scenarios, but the other side will never admit it. Both supposedly were going to help fix and clean up Washington, yet I don’t know if it’s ever been more of a swamp and soap opera than it is today

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahr
  • Can you help me understand this? Answer and I'll answer 1 for you!!?

    Me and this girl predated for 5 months (she said she didn't want to date over the holidays b/c of how her last bf treated her over the holidays the year before). Some friend drama happened in our group and she ended up breaking up. When she broke up, she said she thought I liked her more than she liked me. Days later she said she was embarrassed by what she said because she said she did like me "A LOT". Days later I told her how I felt and she said she didn't feel the same way she did in November. A few weeks ago (a month had passed) I told her I still liked and cared for her and asked how she felt. Her first words were "I don't know" and that she loves talking to me, spending time with me, likes me a lot, respects me, but that she needs to figure out who she is and that she doesn’t know if she can date anyone right now and that it probably doesn't make sense that it doesn't make sense to her mom or friend. Since then, we still snapchat, we went on a mission trip together and talked and were together for most of it, she asks about wanting to do group things with me involved, and people come tell me she thinks she flirts with me when we talk in person. What do you think do? I don't know about having this same conversation again if I'm reading things wrong, but I don't know how to act or what to think around her anymore.

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 2 Jahren
  • Can you help me understand this? Answer and I'll answer 1 for you!!?

    Me and this girl predated for 5 months (she said she didn't want to date over the holidays b/c of how her last bf treated her over the holidays the year before). Some friend drama happened in our group and she ended up breaking up. When she broke up, she said she thought I liked her more than she liked me. Days later she said she was embarrassed by what she said because she said she did like me "A LOT". Days later I told her how I felt and she said she didn't feel the same way she did in November. A few weeks ago (a month had passed) I told her I still liked and cared for her and asked how she felt. Her first words were "I don't know" and that she loves talking to me, spending time with me, likes me a lot, respects me, but that she needs to figure out who she is and that she doesn’t know if she can date anyone right now and that it probably doesn't make sense that it doesn't make sense to her mom or friend. She also has kept a snapchat streak of 40 days now with me and was upset when I broke it after we broke up. We recently went on a mission trip together and friends thought we were still together with how we talked, acted, and stayed around each other. What do you think?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 2 Jahren
  • Would you play games and be distant, talk to her, or move on? Answer and I'll answer 1 for you!?

    Me and this girl predated for 5 months (she said she didn't want to date over the holidays b/c of how her last bf treated her over the holidays the year before). Some friend drama happened in our group and she ended up breaking up. When she broke up, she said she thought I liked her more than she liked me. Days later she said she was embarrassed by what she said because she said she did like me "A LOT". Days later I told her how I felt and she said she didn't feel the same way she did in November. A few weeks ago (a month had passed) I told her I still liked and cared for her and asked how she felt. Her first words were "I don't know" and that she loves talking to me, spending time with me, likes me a lot, respects me, but that she needs to figure out who she is and that she doesn’t know if she can date anyone right now and that it probably doesn't make sense that it doesn't make sense to her mom or friend. She also has kept a snapchat streak of 40 days now with me and was upset when I broke it after we broke up. We recently went on a mission trip together and friends thought we were still together with how we talked, acted, and stayed around each other. What do you think?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 2 Jahren
  • Can you help me understand this? Answer 1 and I'll answer 1 for you!?

    Me and this girl predated for 5 months (she said she didn't want to date over the holidays b/c of how her last bf treated her over the holidays the year before). Some friend drama happened in our group and she ended up breaking up. When she broke up, she said she thought I liked her more than she liked me. Days later she said she was embarrassed by what she said because she said she did like me "A LOT". Days later I told her how I felt and she said she didn't feel the same way she did in November. A few weeks ago (a month had passed) I told her I still liked and cared for her and asked how she felt. Her first words were "I don't know" and that she loves talking to me, spending time with me, likes me a lot, respects me, but that she needs to figure out who she is and that she doesn’t know if she can date anyone right now and that it probably doesn't make sense that it doesn't make sense to her mom or friend. She also has kept a snapchat streak of 40 days now with me and was upset when I broke it after we broke up. We recently went on a mission trip together and friends thought we were still together with how we talked, acted, and stayed around each other. What do you think?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 2 Jahren
  • I can not understand what happened between us, can anyone help me understand? Answer and I'll answer 1 for you!?

    Me and this girl (I'm 22, her 20) predated for 5 months. Some friend drama happened in our group and she ended up breaking up. When she broke up, she said she thought I liked her more than she liked me. Days later she said she was embarrassed by what she said because she said she did like me "A LOT". Days later I told her how I felt and she said she didn't feel the same way she did in November when our relationship was at its best. Two weeks ago (a month had passed) I told her I still liked her and still cared for her and asked how she felt. Her first words were "I don't know" and that she loves talking to me, spending time with me, likes me a lot, respects me, but that she needs to figure out who she is and that she doesn't want to lead me on and that it probably doesn't make sense that it doesn't make sense to her mom or friend. I don't understand b/c she tells me she likes me, that I treated her better than anyone else she's dated, and all of this good stuff, but she doesn't know how she feels and people closest around her don't understand it either? Last week we went on a mission trip together and people thought we were still together with the amount of time we talked, walked around together, and more. Friends thought be distant that it would make her realize things, but I don't want to play a game to make someone realize they like or care about me. What do you think?

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 2 Jahren
  • I can not understand what happened between us, can anyone help me understand? Answer and I'll answer 1 for you!?

    Me and this girl predated for 5 months (she said she didn't want to date over the holidays b/c of how her last bf treated her over the holidays the year before). Some friend drama happened in our group and she ended up breaking up. When she broke up, she said she thought I liked her more than she liked me. Days later she said she was embarrassed by what she said because she said she did like me "A LOT". Days later I told her how I felt and she said she didn't feel the same way she did in November when our relationship was at its best. Last week (a month had passed) I told her I still liked her and still cared for her and asked how she felt. Her first words were "I don't know" and that she loves talking to me, spending time with me, likes me a lot, respects me, but that she needs to figure out who she is and that she doesn't want to lead me on and that it probably doesn't make sense that it doesn't make sense to her mom or friend. I don't understand b/c she tells me she likes me, that I treated her better than anyone else she's dated, and all of this good stuff, but she doesn't know how she feels and people closest around her don't understand it either? What do you think?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 2 Jahren
  • How would you go about letting this girl down? Answer and I’ll answer 1 for you!?

    Me and this girl are both in college and she has this huge crush on me. I feel dumb not liking her back b/c she’s nice and has a good personality, but I don’t get anxious or butterflies when I’m about to see her and don’t get excited at the chance to text with her (if anything I wish she wouldn’t text as much). If I’m like this now, I feel like it would only get worse after 1-2 months if we dated. I would rather say I want to just be friends in person, but since we haven’t hung out just us yet, I’m afraid she’ll take it as a date. What would you do?

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 3 Jahren
  • Do you think this is my ex wanting to get back together? Or just nice? Answer and I’ll answer 1 for you!?

    We broke up a 2nd time 7 months ago. We didn’t give each other our stuff till 2 months ago. When we did, we talked some about getting back together and she said she didn’t want to talk or see me. We hadn’t talked since until she text me last week about an internship at her moms company which she visits a lot and then text me a few days later telling me how proud she was of me graduating college and how we had talked about graduating for so long. When we previously talked about getting back together she asked why I didn’t come after her like I did after we broke up the 1st time. So idk if this is her trying to initiate something or just being nice?

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 3 Jahren
  • Can you explain this from my ex to me? Answer and I'll answer 1 for you!?

    My ex and I broke up 5 months ago. We barely talked since until last week when we met to give each other our stuff back and we talked the next day again. She first said she didn't want to get back together, but later said she didn't know if she could take another break up, told me she would have said yes to a proposal before we broke up, said she still thinks of me everyday and writes in a journal every time she wants to call and text me, and brought me back a bracelet from her study abroad months after our breakup. Part of me wants to get back together and part wants to stay broken up but its confusing hearing her say she doesn't want to get back together 1 min. and later saying she would have said yes to a proposal and she still thinks of me everyday.

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 3 Jahren
  • What should I do? Answer and I’ll answer 1 for you!?

    My ex and I had broken up 5 months ago but only gave each other our things back today. I thought I was over her going in, but after talking for hours I realized it was just a out of sight out of mind thing. I remembered how easy and comfortable I felt talking with her about anything. She said she still loved me and I was still her everything but that just because it’s been hard doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. Before she got out of my car she said she needed to get out but it made her sick to her stomach to get out since it may be the last time she sees me. I hate the thought of possibly never seeing or talking to her again and would like to get back together. However, there are differences that idk if we can can compromise on. Should I ask to meet with her again to talk this out or let it be?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 3 Jahren
  • I’m not sure what’s going on with my ex? Answer and I’ll answer 1 for you!?

    We broke up 4 months ago and didn’t text for 2 of those months. Even after we’ve barely texted. About a month ago she texted asking about something she got me for my birthday back if I wasn’t using it. I took that as a hint she wanted to give each other’s things back and when I asked she said she wasn’t ready. I saw her for the first time at our college last week and she practically speed walked away. The first time we broke up we got back together but she said maybe we should have waited longer before getting back together. Idk if she doesn’t want to give each other’s stuff back or talk now cause she wants to get back together or if she’s still getting over the break up. What do you think?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 3 Jahren
  • I feel terrible for joining another group for a project in college. What do you think?

    We have to have 3-4 people for a project in a class and I had posted on a disccssion for any group that needed a person or didn’t have a group. After a week I had only heard from 1 person who needed a group and after 4 more days no one else. Today a group of 3 (1 of which I knew) asked for me to join their group and after I found out we couldn’t have 5, I joined the group of 3. I feel awful for ditching the guy but the groups have to be finazlied in about a week and half. Would you feel awful too?

    1 AntwortHigher Education (University +)vor 3 Jahren
  • I thought my ex gf and I were done but now I’m confused. Answer and I’ll answer 1 for you!?

    My ex and I dated for close to 2 years but broke up in October. It ended sad but peaceful and we didn’t talk for over 2 months. But she texted merry Christmas on Christmas and a few days later was asking me about her minor and whether she should switch it and how she values my opinion. We didn’t talk again until tonight when she text about some patches she had got me. I thought that was her hinting at giving each other our stuff back and when I asked she said she wasn’t ready. Then when I said how I planned to keep them and how I didn’t take pics of us in my room down for awhile and still have the pics, she said “That’s assuring. Same.” 1 min I’m trying to move on and we aren’t talking then she’s texting frequent and telling me she’s not ready to give me my stuff back. What does this mean?

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 3 Jahren
  • I’m not sure what to do about this girl I know. Answer and I’ll answer 1 for you!?

    A girl I went to high school with (now both in college) and I matched on tinder. We never really talked as she was a year behind me. I think she’s cute but she was known in high school to party a lot and still posts many pics of her partying and drinking. This is causing me hesitation on messaging her since I don’t drink. A friend suggested messaging and hanging out with her and if the drinking is as bad as it looks then let that be the end of it. What do you think do?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 3 Jahren
  • Ideas for how to dm a girl? Answer and I’ll answer 1 for you!?

    There's a girl I'm friends with on instagram and I think she's really cute. We went to the same community college together (her a year behind me) but never met. I want to start messaging her, but don't exactly know the best way besides hey and thats not creative nor do I think would make someone interested in a conversation. I also thought about talking about not realizing we went to the same community college but I'm not sure again. Do you have any ideas?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 3 Jahren