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How can i delete yahoo answers questions that i asked?
4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 6 Jahrenhow can i fall asleep?
im 14 and can not fall asleep without watching a movie and then putting on a different one to sleep and i end up going to bed late and getting very little sleep
1 AntwortOther - General Health Carevor 6 Jahreni have had a heachache and been tired for a month?
i have had a headache and been tired for a month now and nothing i seem to do helps. i have stopped caffeine so itmay be from withdrawl but that has been for 3 weeks. i dont know what to do and i need answers because i am 14 and have to go to school and study and do sports so someone please help
2 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 6 Jahren