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hey my names sami! I love to do anything adventurous and will do anything at least once! I love anime, movies, drawing, talking to new people and connecting to people with different cultures and views plus so much more I'm a painter, writer, drawer and everything in between. I might be only 14 but I've had a lot of life experience and i know a little bit about everything

  • What does getting married mean for my financial aid and student loans?

    So my fiancée and I are getting married in December and we are both in college. (Him for the third time, me for my first) We both have loans and my fall financial aid is based on my parents taxes obviously while his is based off of his taxes. I ve been told a million things about this one being that my financial aid will not switch until fall 2016 to my financial aid will immediately be reevaluated for the spring 2015 semester. I m already in debt but I would like to know how much more I will be in debt after marrying the love and light of my life. Thanks!

    P.S. I live in New York state.

    3 AntwortenFinancial Aidvor 6 Jahren
  • Lighter then normal period with no clotting?

    Alright so I started my period about a day early but noticed that it was later than usual usually I bleed through a Super Plus tampon the first day but the first day I got this period I was a just a regular and that's a big difference for me. so I decided to wait a few more days it's about day 4 and I've had absolutely no clotting which I usually have a good amount of and the blood is a deep red color. So I'm wondering if I'm pregnant. I took a test before my period but it was only a week after we had sex so it came out negative. Could this just be implantation bleeding? And has anyone experienced this before

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 8 Jahren
  • Lighter then normal period with no clotting?

    Alright so I started my period about a day early but noticed that it was later than usual usually I bleed through a Super Plus tampon the first day but the first day I got this period I was a just a regular and that's a big difference for me. so I decided to wait a few more days it's about day 4 and I've had absolutely no clotting which I usually have a good amount of and the blood is a deep red color. So I'm wondering if I'm pregnant. I took a test before my period but it was only a week after we had sex so it came out negative. Could this just be implantation bleeding? And has anyone experienced this before

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 8 Jahren
  • recommendations for new laptop?

    ok so i need a laptop that is easy to use and is light with a screen around 14inches, I need it to surf the internet, use it for school, watch Netflix, play games and store my photography. i need a webcam, a decent hard drive, windows programs (word, power point etc...) and i would like it to be a dell or HP and if possible, i don't want to go to much over $1,000. i'm pretty good with computers and if i mess it up i have a brother.

    so any suggestions on what i should get?

    2 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 9 Jahren
  • my vigina is raw help me plz?

    alright so i'm on my period and i go to a buddies house for 2 nights. i wear tampons the whole time and we walked everywhere, constantly and it was pretty hot out. so i get home and take a shower and when i go to wash my vigina my inner laybia from my clitoris to the actual vigina hole is raw and sore to the point where i can't shut my legs fully without pain.


    is the rawness from all the walking, heat and my tampon strings creating friction? (i know i don't have an infection)

    How do i get rid of this pain and help it heal?

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 9 Jahren
  • Beautiful female names?

    i'm writing a book/blog and i need a name for my main character.

    She's very morbid and dark but romantic so i need a very Victorian style or elegant name for her

    I want her full name to flow and i'm thinking of somehow incorporating My middle name "Kay" into it in memory of my Great grandmother.

    Please help!

    11 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • What do you think of my tattoo idea?

    Alright, I'm thinking when I'm 18 i want to get a butterfly on my left wrist/forearm that the tips of the bottom wings to extend and wrap around and maybe up my forearm. It's for freedom(breaking free from mental blocks and physical) , never ending Change, beauty and soul. There's a really long story behind it involving my past.

    I want it to be ether blue, pink or purple or all three. and I'm still deciding if i want to get the words "forever free" or "eternally beautiful" in French or Gaelic.

    I know this won't effect any jobs in the future

    Please don't try to talk me out of it because it's not going to work this tattoo has been in my mind since i was 6 and the design hasn't changed much since. So if you're going to do that just leave now.

    So what do you think? any suggestions? thoughts?

    2 AntwortenTattoosvor 9 Jahren
  • why is my period always a month late?

    ever since i started getting my period it's always been irregular but after 4 years i would expect it to become normal or at least more normal.

    My period always skips one month and not much has changed, stress level, workout level, diet nothing I'm starting to get a little worried because i don't know why and nether does my gynecologist. I don't know if it's because of my mothers uterine disease or if one of my ovaries aren't working, hormone levels need fixing (i see no problem in physical signs though)

    So if you could give me any suggestions on what it is or if it's nothing or if you have the same problem i would really appreciate you telling me :3

    thx a bunch,

    Sami <3

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 9 Jahren
  • Can i use a barbell in my belly button piercing?

    I'm piercing my belly button and i want to use a straight barbell in till the swelling goes down a bit because i am stupid and can't get any of my curved barbells in while it looks like a bee stung me in the tummy.

    So can i use a straight barbell for just a while?

    6 AntwortenOther - Skin & Bodyvor 9 Jahren
  • how do you make a hicky look less red over night?

    Me and my boyfriend were well making out and he's not to careful and now i have a quarter sized red hicky right on my thyroid (adam's apple) and a few by my right ear but those are light enough to not be noticed.

    I'm really concerned with the one over my thyroid and makeup kinda helps but i have school monday (it's saturday) and i can't check my makeup every few minutes.

    I don't care it it means sleeping with a cold compress n my throat all night or getting up every hour to warm a heat pack up

    So does anyone know how to make it less red or even go away?!?!?!?!

    4 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 10 Jahren
  • Dark shadow man with glowing red eyes?

    it's deffently male by it's shape.

    He's about 6'5" in height

    Black, fuzzyish and has two crimsion red eye wholes (eyes whatever)

    he's not evil really towards me but he hates men expecially my father (abusive)

    He just kind of stands in the corner of my room, at the foot of my bed or right next to my head as i sleep.

    He always has a grin (you can't see a face but it feels like he's grinning)

    i know he's a demon but i would like to know what kind.

    P.S he likes to touch people. his arms are real long and his fingers are long and boney. :) and he's always been around since i can remember.

    7 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 10 Jahren
  • why is my period a week early and lighter then usual?

    i'm defently not pregnant. (virgin)

    i'm just a week early and it's like a constant flow that's pretty light and it's been going on for 5 days now. i have no symptoms other then the bleeding and stomach discomfort.

    I have a history of irregular periods but usually it's late not early. i'm just curious that's all :)

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 10 Jahren
  • how do i tell my friends I'm bisexual and have them believe me?

    I've dated a few girls in the past but never got around to tell to many people (I'm not much of a gossiper) and I'm currently with a man.

    I would really like to tell my friends and have them believe me because every time i try they think I'm joking or playing with their minds.

    I've even told them Gay runs in the family (my cousins are gay and my sister is bi)

    plz help

  • how can i tell my mom i would like to start going to the gynecologist? (please read everything)?

    I'm 14 almost 15 and it's been 3 years since I've started my period and I've been reading some articles on about how you should start checkups around this time and my health is the most important thing to me and i want to keep it the way.

    she's already trying to change me over to her reg. doctor but she hasn't said anything about gynecologist.

    I know she'll suspect that I'm having sex (am not) if i just ask her to get me an appointment and i really don't want her down my throat about that or anything pertaining to her thinking I'm some type of whore (cuzz she will)

    She doesn't trust me at all so i need a none direct way to tell her i need her to get me a gynecologist and preferably not hers because he is a freak and I'm more comfortable talking about this to a women.

    6 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 10 Jahren
  • what are quality do you look for in a partner?

    i'm bored and i need more quality i haven't thought of that my boyfriend has. (i like writing them down to see were i stand with quality and men.)

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Boobie question? (read everything)?

    ok i'm an 32A right now and i want my breast to get bigger like a cup or two :) back to their size a few years ago. Now I've heard that drinking a lot of milk though out the day everyday, letting people rub and squeeze them whenever they want (for men constantly), and a few other things. I don't care if doesn't happen within a week but i would like to see results at least within a month 5 at the most for improvement.

    do you know anyways that will actually work and get me at least a cup size bigger? if you have any articles or anything like that please give me a link :)

    thanks so much


    P.S: this is for me not for anyone else any comments saying not to do it because he doesn't love me if he wants me to do this that stuff will be ignored I am doing it for me and what i like on me :)

    3 AntwortenOther - Skin & Bodyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Med question read all of it please?

    I'm a very weird kid i hang out with the weird kids, sit in the graveyard at night and everything like that, I'm not afraid of things most people are and i take meds for the voices in my head I'm not a psychopath or anything, i know they are just voices and nothing else. I won't go crazy and murder everyone, my doctor says I'm only boarder line insane, because of the trauma and everyday stress she says i just kind of snapped inside my head. I'm usually very hyper and bubbly with or without my med. I don't take my meds because once she switched them out with sugar pills to test me. (of course i knew because the voices got loader and more irritating as my last real dose of meds wore off) i wasn't very happy that i had to go threw that because her and some doctors don't understand. So i kinda don't take them everyday like i should they don't get rid of the voices just pushes them to the back of my mind so i can concentrate on "school" (AKA: boys and flicking my brother in the ear) they are also suppose to treat my depression and stop the suicidal thoughts but don't work very well with that. DO you really think i should take my meds even though they don't help me also why? and Why would someone put a girl with mild boarder line insanity on meds if she really didn't need them? please give me a valid argument i am a very intelligent person and i won't take the "because i say so" argument or the "it's not good for you" one ether

    5 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 12 kids boy be crazy?

    my boyfriend wants 12 kids i told him no not only because it is extremely hard for me to take to pregnancy (Orval disease) and i usually end up having a miscarriage. We have talked about this over and over again, he's very emotionally connective (he connects to things with his emotions) and i don't think ether of us could take that many miscarriages to get 12 kids out of it, if we even could get 12 kids out of it. This isn't some type of religious nut case thing (I'm pagan and he doesn't have much faith) I've tried everything to get him off of the 12 kids thing. I only want 3 to 5 and he knows this. I've been almost temped to find a video of a women giving birth or the videos of when i was pregnant and i was sick the whole time (ended in miscarriage after 2 months) just to give him an idea of what it's gonna be like. What do you think i should do to get him off cloud 12 kids?

    P.S: I'm 14 and he's 15 don't ask why we are talking about this now it's a long draw out story trust me.

    3 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Peroxide to bleach my hair?

    I have kind of muck brown hair and since I'm Irish i have a shitload of red undertones I need to put highlights in my bangs. Can i use Peroxide? Will it turn more orange then blond? and how can i turn it into a paste?

    Please help :D

    3 AntwortenHairvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Nonexistent virus on my laptop?

    My laptop keeps giving me virus errors but when i do a virus scan it says my computer is clean and has no problems and when i took it to the computer store (after 3 weeks of typing in different codes and resetting my whole computer over and over again) they said it was fine what is happening to my laptop. it's a Toshiba with Intel Core i3-330M Processor.

    5 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt