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  • Download digital copies of owned textbooks?

    I have a few textbooks, but they're all very heavy to lug around.

    Just wondering if it's possible to download a digital copy?

    2 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 9 Jahren
  • best friend/ third wheel? what to do?

    This could be long..

    So the situation is, my bestriend ( a guy) gets really upset whenever I spend time with his other best mate (who I am currently interested in- lets call him Mike). We used to hang out in a three together, and I started liking 'Mike'. But recently, I have been spending time alone with 'Mike'

    So, my bestfriend, tried to explain to me that he didn't want me to date 'Mike' because he would feel excluded, because his two bestfriends would be spending time without him. Which, is honestly, fair enough.

    But, he then said that he didn't mind really, he just wanted everyone to be open about it. And that he definitely didn't want to get in the way of 'Mike' and I.

    But we can't exactly get everything 'out in the open' as I don't know how 'Mike' feels about me, and he isn't a very open person.

    So the main problem is; The other night we went out together (as a three) - Firstly the bestfriend was scared of being a third wheel- But we all put in some effort to help him overcome this feeling. But towards the end of the night, when 'Mike' had gone, he got really angry at me, and claims that when we hang out together I don't treat him right, and that I only make an effort with 'Mike'. It was quite irrational. And this is about the 5th time this has happened after the three-person-date.

    We haven't spoken since, and I don't want to apologise, as I am always the first to do so. But I do feel incredibly sad, because this is slowly deteriorating my friendship. I don't know how I could possibly fix this, because there seems to be no middle ground.

    Is there ANY advice, that could possibly help me get through this!?!

    1 AntwortFriendsvor 10 Jahren
  • Inequalities- Shading regions?

    How does this work?

    with the formula: y < -3x

    When I tried it I got y=0 and x=0 how does this work? and how do I shade the region??

    thanks :)

    1 AntwortMathematicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the name of this teen movie!?!?!?!?!?

    A long time ago I watched a movie and now I can't remember the name. It was about four teens (two girls, two guys) and the main character wants to go out with this girl (blonde) because she's popular/hot etc. So he gets the help of another guy. The other guy only helps because he likes the main characters best friend Amy or Andy or something. Anyway in the end the main character is about to sleep with the blonde but realizes he likes his best friend (Amy/Andy/Whatever) (can't remember this clearly) and their his neighbor, but she's upset with him, In the end they get together...

    I'm not sure but I think the blonde and the other guy are related- not certain though.

    2 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do these things mean???? Does he like me?

    When I was on school camp one of the yr 11 leaders (I'm in yr 9) started talking to me. He asked me my name and when I told him he said it was really pretty. He then continued to ask me all sorts of questions about myself like classes I take what I want to be when I grow up, If I was new to the school etc.

    In other activities he kept talking to me and staring at me. Then in one activity we had to get a partner of the opposite gender and he came to me to be my partner. Later he gave me an 'award' for doing a good job (in front of the grade) for the team activity.

    He stared at me quite a bit for the rest of camp and on the bus on the way back.

    My friends say he was just being nice or is he into me??

    Thanks :)

    7 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Eyeliner for blondes?

    I have naturally blonde hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. I want an eyeliner that will not look weird with my light hair and eyebrows.


    13 AntwortenMakeupvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Sims 3 installing Custom content Mac?

    I have sims 3 on a mac. I downloaded a sims3package and i created the mods and packages folder and put the resouce.cfg file in the right place. But it doesn't work, and when i double click on the CC to install with the game launcher, the game launcher freezes.

    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • eBay payment : Bank Deposit?

    I just bought something off eBay and am paying with a Bank Deposit (I can't pay any other way) I know that i just deposit the money into their bank account but WHERE DO I GET THEIR BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS?????

    4 AntwortenYahoo Shoppingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Current Economic Situation in UK?

    What is the current economic situation in the UK?

    2 AntwortenEconomicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • PayPal..............?

    Can I use a visa Pre-Paid card to open a PayPal account??

    2 AntwortenYahoo Shoppingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are Lily Allen's songs retakes of old songs?

    Some of the songs on Lily Allen's new album, It's not me, Its you, seem like they have the same(ish) tune as others. For example Everyone's at it sounds a bit like the Doctor Who theme song and He wasn't there and F**k You sound familiar.

    If you know anything about this or any songs which are used in her songs, help me out. :D

    1 AntwortCelebritiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can I get a Readers Digest book for free?

    I really want the readers digest book "Extraordinary uses for ordinary things" but I cant buy it over the internet and I don't know where to get it without using the net.

    Is there anyway that I can get it for free?

    4 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does My computer have a virus?

    I have had my computer since Christmas 2005. It is a laptop by acer. There was a problem two or three times before. The first time I found out the it was part of a discontinued line of computers or a "Dud Range". The second time I took it to a computer Specialist and it was all fixed. The installed new virus programs [Spy bot search & Destroy and AVG 7.5] and my computer was working fine for a long time.

    Then my computer started coming up with messages like "Your computer is infected with a virus" and new programs which i had never installed came up on my computer. The the Clock in the Task bar started saying VIRUS ALERT! 18:20 or the time at the moment but it has never been in 24 hour time before.

    I started getting really worried but I thought someone was hacking into my computer and putting these strange things on there.

    Since then my computers disk space has gotten smaller and wont let me install programs thar I used to be able to install.

    It is very annoying because I cant use my computer for 5 minutes before a pop up box comes up saying I have a harmful virus on my computer.

    I can't get another one for another year or so because I dont have the money.

    Can somebody please tell me what is happening and how to deal with it!!!!

    3 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt