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Favorisierte Antworten4%
  • where can i download computer games?

    i'm new to pc gaming and i wanted to try it out rpg mmo or whatever are there any good ones that are free that are good ? ( i know nothing on pc gaming so any help would be nice ) ( would kickass torrent site help as well? i wanted to ask here for help before i mess myself up )

    2 AntwortenPCvor 5 Jahren
  • How much can i get for my ps3 if i pawn it?

    i don't need it 80GB PS3 and some ps3 games do i just ask them " quickcash pawn" what's the highest amount i can get for it? or say can i sell my ps3 to u? i'd like to get as much as possible for it

    6 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 5 Jahren
  • Can't download zip files when i open i get " application not found "?

    it's really annoying and i can't find a solution even if i download some file i try and open i get application not found

    i have a windows 8.1 64-bit operating system i tried the avg anti virus pro that didn't help either...

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 5 Jahren
  • how to remove virus from PC for free?

    i downloaded AVG 2015 now after a while i think i got a virus or something because sometimes i have a black box pop up it usually closes on its own now every single time i turn i on i get this pop up saying

    AVG Detection

    avg blocked several threats please select how to deal with these threats

    i only see two

    they say the same thing

    Adware Generic6.AVRJ

    c:\Users\hhgregg cp\AppData\Local\Smartbar\Application\SnapDo.exe

    is there anything free i can use to clean pc one time for free? i'm tired of dealing with this everytime i turn on pc :/

    2 AntwortenSecurityvor 5 Jahren
  • Can i get a extension at Pawn Shop?

    i took my pc there and pawned it i got fired shortly after and i have another job starting tuesday my pc payment due today can i get a extension till i get paid to go get it out or will i just lose my pc? ( no i don't have any $ to pay on it atm...) can they give me a extension and just charge me more money for getting it out instead of me losing it?

    6 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 5 Jahren
  • do i need my tonsils removed?

    my throat hurts badly every time i swallow kinda worried about falling asleep because it kinda feels like im choking because its too painful to swallow my mom going to hospital today can something be done for me to fix this peoblem? would i need to take time off work? ( i work sat-mon for 12 hrs

    2 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 6 Jahren
  • How to measure my couch for plywood ?

    My couch has been sinking in and i was wanting to get some plywood from home depot to help it but i don't know how to measure it exactly can someone tell me how to do this

    1 AntwortDecorating & Remodelingvor 6 Jahren
  • Can I play PC games on my laptop?

    I was just wondering if i could and if so how would i set it up ( a tutorial would help ) i own a ps3 so idk anything about gaming on pc

    my ram is 4.00

    windows 8.1 / 1.60 GHz

    64 bit operating system

    would i be able to play anything on it?

    I was just curious to know because I was interested in tekken 6 on

    also if i can play certain games would i be able to mod them? ( tutorial would help ) i'm just curious and new to this stuff if i can't play anything :/ oh well

    1 AntwortPCvor 6 Jahren
  • question about 2 Thessalonians 3:10 kjv?

    Is it refering to someone having a job or sharing the gospel?

    7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 6 Jahren
  • where can i find a hard disk drive for around 20$?

    My ps3 hdd died and i need a new one thats really cheap 5400 2.5 inch

    Other - Hardwarevor 7 Jahren
  • bella fued boring..?

    Why do they bother the fued boring as hell soon as i seen the childhood pictures i knew it was gonna be some bullcrap sob story im just over them...only girls that have my attention are AJ and paige...but its not for the right reasons....

    10 AntwortenWrestlingvor 7 Jahren
  • Engagement ring help?

    I wanna marry my gf but I'm having a hard time finding a ring for her. Since I'm marrying her would I have to buy me a ring or would it come with the one I buy her?

    I'm looking for one that I think she would love there are so many I'm having a hard time choosing should I show my gf the rings n have her choose 3 she like the most? And decide from there? And how would I find out her ring finger size

    4 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 9 Jahren
  • People that believe and have a relationship with christ help me please ?

    I feel like I'm spiritually being destroyed by demonic entities mentally I'm lost and physically I try and survive each day ( I have pychosis by the way) I try and care about people and make them laugh but sometimes I just don't care. Like for example mom tells me my cousin dies I don't really know how to react to it I wouldn't be sad or anything I just wouldn't care I have no interest in swag or having sex with hot girls all the time I'm not gay just saying id look past it I try and ask god for help but he doesn't help me to me I can't be happy no matter how hard I try I admitted myself to a hospital they took me to a adolescent place it didn't help me I don't think its my mental problem Its something else I can't find it or me I'm not suicidal I'm a gamer lol I just want to find god I know ill die sinning if he wont help me I don't care about what satanist say or non believers say the past 2 relationships the girl broke my heart so that's kinda why I have a small interest in a gf I'm a nice guy an all but I want to be saved cause in tired of doing the same stuff everyday I hate sin but it runs me id either cuss or want to kill I don't know what to do I still believe god is trying but I don't know what I'm doing sometimes if I get up around 3am and open the door I can see halfway downstairs I see like demonic things like one was like a bulls face with that thing in its nose--> two horns chest of a man bottom half look like a black goats legs sharp teeth and I see it and freeze up not knowing what to do I think of jesus and it goes away and I go back in my room I need some advice most stuff now I see is people saying don't be deceived by everything you see I know satan can disguise himself as an angel of light that's where I'm always cautious about stuff people say idk what to do I need jesus to guide me cause I'm obviously lost

    12 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Can i use my debit card to purchase stuff on Amazon ?

    I have a visa debit card from manpower Im doing this work program for 6 weeks I get paid 145$ a week it'll be on the card Friday I was wondering if I can use it buying stuff in Amazon I'm not sure

    2 AntwortenCorporationsvor 9 Jahren
  • Ordering on

    I live in an apartment with my mom and sis ( I'm 17 ) I want to order me a psvita and some more stuff it'll be like 380.60$ ill have 435$ ob my debit card in two weeks uhm I was wondering if they deliver it will they know where I live? I don't want them to send it to the wrong address ill be very mad and if they deliver it and I'm not home would it be at the post office? Do I have to make a account or something there so I can pick it up? Or would it be with ny mom name or something??

    BQ- how was your first experience with Amazon? Are they good?

    2 AntwortenCorporationsvor 9 Jahren
  • If i order something on Amazon how would they get to my home?

    What do they do if they come by and I'm not home? I'm get a wifi psvita and accessories to it all abt 380$ =l idk if they delivery to apartments or trailers

    4 AntwortenCorporationsvor 9 Jahren
  • How to use ?

    Do I just order my stuff there like put my debit card # and pin and my stuff will be delivered to me? ( I live in the US I'm moving so I wont be close to gamestop :( I wanna get a psp vita 3g and wifi from Amazon but I've never used it before

    2 AntwortenCorporationsvor 9 Jahren
  • Christians answer no trolls ?

    Isn't this all you need to be saved?

    Believed jesus died for your sins on the cross and he rose up three days later


    And rely on him as your personal Savior?

    I don't think anything you do good would get you in heaven

    And how do I study the bible don't have the time to go to bible studies... I just wanna get right with him for good cause the world is bad and its gonna get worse people don't know cause they are fooled very easily by what they see...

    BQ. Me and my ex ended our long distance relationship ( girls where I live are not faithful ) would god send me a nice angel if I ask? I'm not trying to get all depressed but I just want a girl I can love =l I'm even gonna go to the gym and get back in shape -.- a Christian girl 16-17 nice understanding patient likes anime a virgin ( too many non virgins...sadly)

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Assassins creed brotherhood and 3?

    Will you get a group of assassins like you do in brotherhood in assassins creed 3? ( you know like u save an assassin and you lvl him up and he help u )

    4 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 9 Jahren
  • Getting saved and knowing god?

    My gf is back on weed she wont txt me and I'm getting tired of it my life is going nowhere most hip hop is satanic I get bored people smoking and having sex causing probs I'm tired of it Im losing interest in my gf I might leave her I don't want to but I feel like I need to ima simple guy that wants a nice girl that wants to be married and all that I'm a loyal bf and all but I'm tired I'm 17 and really lost interest in almost everything I feel like if I get saved and learn to know god life will get better anyone know how I can do this? Id rather live in heaven then deal with all these problems in the world -.-

    6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren