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Lv 56.547 points


Favorisierte Antworten22%


  • What song is this?

    What song is this, that plays in the background of this commercial?

    2 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 2 Jahren
  • Beta Alanine?

    Is Beta Alanine useless without workout or exercise?

    Is it useless to take it a few weeks, maybe month or two before you will start with sport or exercise?

    Basicly, that's what i want to know :) Thanks

    1 AntwortDiet & Fitnessvor 4 Jahren
  • The most underrated song?

    Name - in your opinion the most underrated song(s) of all...

    No limits (time,genre,...)

    5 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 5 Jahren
  • Something funny !?

    Just stumbled upon this...and had a good laugh.

    2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 5 Jahren
  • Dominant sign in astro chart?

    Ok so i've heard that the most dominant sign in your chart is the one that is found on 3+ planets.

    I'm Aquarius sun (with Aquarius also in Mercury)

    I got Scorpio planet resting on 3 planets....but

    ...i got Capricorn resting on 3 planets as well...

    What would be my dominant sign?

    And in short (or long perhaps :)) what kinda person am i based on those planets? I know what kinda person i am...but just curious about opinions of others :)

    Sun: Aquarius

    Rising: Leo

    Moon: Taurus

    Mercury: Aquarius

    Venus: Capricorn

    Mars: Scorpio

    Jupiter: Capricorn

    Saturn: Scorpio

    Uranus: Sagittarius

    Neptune: Capricorn

    Pluto: Scorpio

    N node: Gemini

    Feel free to discuss my characteristics in general...or individual planets...

    and what would be my dominant sign (maybe planet) in this combination...


    1 AntwortHoroscopesvor 5 Jahren
  • The most underrated song?

    What is in your opinion the most underrated song in music history? ...up to date...

    1 AntwortOther - Musicvor 5 Jahren
  • Is it known by now?

    Who is behind the boy's voice at 0:35 to 1:15.

    This question has been asked in the past, yet no one knew the answer.

    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 7 Jahren
  • Is it true that Gemini and Pisces dislike each other?

    I've noticed this on several occasions.

    well atleast from Gemini side?

    8 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 Jahren
  • Chinese Zodiac : Compatibility List?

    Hi ,can someone who knows more about Chinese Astrology tell me what Zodiac signs are best match together.

    I've heard that Rat - Snake is best match between those two. Is it?

    And what about the other signs

    9 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 Jahren
  • Good connection with Scorpios?

    Why do i make good connection with Scorpios in general?

    You think it's because of my Scorpio Mars, or Aquarius actually get along with Scorpios on a friendly level?

    I got only Mars in Scorpio...


    Leo - Asc

    Taurus - Moon


    3 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 Jahren
  • Check your Birthday personality?

    Mine is Birthday of Achievement:

    i pretty much agree with mine...

    Do you agree with yours? (you can find it in the same link)

    Post and comment if you wish :)

    (topic originaly posted by "swati")

    31 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 Jahren
  • What can you tell me about Mars in Scorpio?

    Does it makes you "All or Nothing" type of person? (with it's benefits and down-sides)

    4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 Jahren
  • What is her Sun Sign?

    try to guess her Sun Sign...

    and explain if you wish :)

    Also state your Sign

    9 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 Jahren
  • How do you feel today (or now within 24hours)?

    I'm feling completly fine ,just as any day before.

    But i noticed ,some users here and on FB are somewhat pretty Moody today....

    What is this about April 13/14? :o

    What's your sign?

    I'm Aquarius

    6 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 Jahren
  • Do Trolls consider trolling as Entertainment? that why they come to Horoscopes section (so often)?

    About trolling : I think it's pathetic. Immaturity most likely!?

    And it won't get you anywhere in the long run.

    (some may say Horoscope won't get you anywhere either. Well ofc decision is always yours at the end. And Horoscope is not here to get you somewhere really. However comparing those two : Trolling is far far worse way to display your attitude/personality and idk....)

    I'm Aquarius.

    What's your sign? And opinion(s) about this?

    8 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 Jahren
  • Any spider expert(s) here?

    i got a question about a spider in my house and it's not my pet :D

    Few months ago i caught and released a not so small spider (in my room) & it was good riddance.

    Yesterday i saw it on the wall again, the same type and size - spider.


    Now my question is :

    Is it possible that spider that is caught and released outside,basically knows the way back into my (his) room?

    Is it possible that this is the same spider ,or i'm dealing with few of them here?

    They (or He - if same one) just showed up out of nowhere.

    1 AntwortOther - Petsvor 8 Jahren
  • Someone tell me what is this song?

    Hi ,i'd like to know the name of the song in this video ,that starts at 0:53

    p.s. enjoy the video :)

    2 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 8 Jahren
  • To explain Link Keíra (user) about Cancer vs Pisces sensitivity...?

    So you went my post to tell me about Cancer-Pisces sensitivity ,just find a function about "additional details" & reply to me as you time

    let me quote you : "I am here to tell you that you are retarded, you say cancer is most sensitive yet they don't go killing themselves but other people?

    I think killing yourself is more extreme then killing others. Pisces is more sensitive." / end quote


    Well when Cancers get oversensitive they almost can't handle it ,cause they're so sensitive ,while pisces can control their emotions & still know what's right or wrong (to not hurt somebody) .while (again) Cancers can be so oversensitive that they lose themselves...if you know what i mean.

    Imo Cancers are most sensitive by nature. And that's my opinion ,calling me retarded makes you look Very Intelligent btw.


    You hurt somebody cause you're very sensitive to what that person did bad...or you hurt yourself cause you're sensitive in self melancholic ways ,or whatever...

    So if someone kills himself for you that's more sensitive than the one that kills others. Act itself looks like ,but there's sensitivity behind both. (as explained)

    Now feel free to discuss & give some good explanation from your POV.

    But you don't have to call me retarded ,no need to point out how intelligent you are aight?

    Peace :p

    2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 Jahren