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Lv 2646 points

far out

Favorisierte Antworten6%

retired, formely working in police, forensic and medical forensic areas, all sorts of dangerous stuff,- glad, it has eventually ended,- thank God, that I survived; bu tif called back to the front line, I woud not hesitate; we need to protect our society and our way of life from those, who still live in medivial times, they are dangerous. let us enjoy the freedom we have and for which so many young men have sacrifieced their lives, not by throwing bombs at innocent people, but by showing courage in declard war towards what was deemed their enemies, but not without knowing, what they were letting themselves in for. now we have other enemies, and they are deep entrenched. we should take great care about this and observe, what is going on. about time, we did somehing about it.

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