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Favorisierte Antworten23%

Ahorita vivo en Texas, Estados Unidos. Viajo mucho. Right now I live in Texas, US and I travel allot.

  • What is a troll these days?

    When I first heard the term in the 90's (during the phone modem era) it was someone who was trolling for prospects. Sales, scams, etc. I noticed the change in context some odd years ago, but am just now getting around to caring enough to ask the new meaning.

    So, what is a troll these days?

    2 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 9 Jahren
  • Is there an Atheist scorekeeping system?

    Christians who are working to convert hapless sinners like me tell me they earn heavenly rewards for the souls they convert to their religion. What do the atheists gain from all the hard work they put in to converting people to Atheism? Some have told me it is about a world of freethinkers as they continue their campaign to be sure my freethinking conforms to the Atheist Standards. Do they earn a higher place in the club for their efforts? Something like gaming levels? What?

    6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Is there virtue in resisting that which does not tempt you?

    For example, I don't much like alcohol. Is it virtuous that I do not drink?

    2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Would you buy a They doll?

    I have heard countless conversations blaming "Them" for all the problems of the world. When I ask for names and faces defining who "They" are, it is always vague, sweeping stereotypes of cops, teachers, soldiers, men, women, etc., etc.

    My notion is of making faceless "They" dolls in the costumes of the various stereotypes, complete with little implements of torture folks can use to work out these aggressions.

    Would you buy one?

    5 AntwortenSociologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are non-smokers really this fragile?

    I have a niece who gags if she smells tobacco from a moving car. Her kids are reaching adolescence and their list of intolerable odors is huge and dramatically stated. Are their reactions physical or dramatized? They appear to be healthy drama queens.

    8 AntwortenRespiratory Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How did psycho-pros come to be called, "Shrinks"?

    Psychiatrists, therapists, psychologists, etc., etc. How did they acquire the pet name, "Shrink"?

    6 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Anybody want to make 2010 the year of Guy Appreciation?

    Habitual guy bashers, please hear me out before you unleash your guy bashing habits.

    In the early 70's I made the transition from the last of the tomboys to a "women's libber." I have since lived a life my mother could only dream of. I have had academic, and career successes. I have known the love of a man who supports my dreams and goals. I have wallowed in the wealth of strong and supportive sons.

    There are many strong and wonderful men who have helped to make this possible. I owe them. I want to cry every time I see men who have dedicated their lives to making this possible shaking under the abuse of guy bashing they absolutely do not deserve.

    Yes, I know that guys remain as imperfect as the humans who raised them, but how about a year of giving credit where credit is due. We've come a long way, baby and it's time for some payback. How about a year of collecting stories of the guys who have done their part to make the changes we have seen in the last 40 years.

    3 AntwortenOther - Holidaysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Void-Banging Atheists vs. Bible-Banging Christians.?

    A fanatical Christian who loves to tell other folks what to think is often called a "Bible Banger."

    Is it fair to call their Atheist equivalents "Void-Bangers"?

    14 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do statement babies reduce racism?

    I have a niece who has had four babies by 2 fathers (One black, one hispanic, both fathers have totally abandoned the kids.) She insists that the she is totally in the right because her babies are strikes against racism. The babies are being raised by her mother while she continues her race relations campaigns and that any objections are based on the racism she is so nobly fighting.

    ¿Opinions? ¿Advice? These are some sorely troubled children.

    6 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is there a religion or philosophy that has never been used to justify political or domestic tyranny?

    And please, my budding atheists, don't try to tell me that atheism has never been used to justify tyranny.

    6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is racism uniformly bad?

    How do I take interest in other cultures without being racist? How do I admire diversity by pretending differences don't exist?

    8 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • ¿Black Gringos?

    Yahoo won't let me use the Spanish word for black, but... Fill in the stars...

    Down here in South America it seems to be incresingly popular to talk about "gringos ******" or "black gringos." It strikes me as somewhere between an oxymoron and a double racism. What do you think?

    5 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • ¿Americalatina esta preparado por la Unión Americalatina?

    Muchas veces he visto la pregunta si los EEUU quiere la union. Pues, autonomia y soberaño significa que no necesitamos aprobacion de las ajenas. Más importante, ¿Americalatina la quiere? Mexico pueda dar la mano de hermandad a Honduras? Argentina y Uruguay? Bolivia y Chile? Peru y Ecuador? Etcetera, etcetera por todo Americalatina? ¿Seamos preparados?

    3 AntwortenOtros - Política y Gobiernovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • ¿Porque pongamos "E" donde no se existan?

    El "S" funciona exactamente igual en Castellano/español como en ingles. En castellano digamos, "ser, segura, suerte, segundo", etcetera. Si no hay "E" en frente, no digamos "E".

    Cuando pasamos por ingles, digamos, "Eschool" por school, "Esee" por see, "Esecond" por second, etcetera. Pongamos "E" donde no hay. ¿Por que?

    8 AntwortenIdiomasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • ¿Debemos pedir otro categoría - Religión y Ateísmo?

    Me molesta que ni los Ateos ni los religiosos puedan hablar su fe sin ataques del otro. Me parece que en esta, somos iguales. Si pedimos otra categoria, ¿que seria el nombre nuevo?

    10 AntwortenReligión y espiritualidadvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • ¿Cual es el beneficio atacar la fe?

    Nadie pueda comprobar si Dios existe o no. Nadie pueda comprobar si una iglesia, mosque, templo o vivir sin nigun es mejor que otro. Fe es lo que aceptamos si prueba y lo que nos ayuda por etapas duras.

    Cubrimos religiones (o falta de) especificas más tarde. Ahora quiero saber, ¿Cual es el beneficio de los ataques?

    17 AntwortenReligión y espiritualidadvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • ¿Que puedo hacer sobre racismo Latino?

    Nada de justificaciones, por favor. Ya sé justificaciones desde politicos precolombianos hasta politicos actuales.

    Quiero saber, ¿que puedo hacer cuando oigo racismo latino como Ecuatorianos maldeciendo Colombianos; Mexicanos maldeciendo Honduraños; Cubanos contra Puerto Riqueñas; Bolivanos del oriente contra Bolivanos del oeste, etcetera, etcetera, por todo de America Latina hasta mas alla?

    8 AntwortenOtros - Política y Gobiernovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • En su opinion, ¿quien fue el peor tirano de América Latina después de los años 50?

    Solo lideres latino americanos, por favor. Cubrimos la historia mundial más tarde.

    18 AntwortenOtros - Política y Gobiernovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • ¿Como va a ser la historio del Imperio de América Latino?

    America Latina ya tiene colonias enormes en varios paises en el mundo de cual se sacan millones de dolares diariamente. Tienen pandillas que hagan actos de guerra. Muchos cuidanos de America Latina tienen empresas y propiedades un más que un pais. ¿Como va a ser escrito todo de este?

    IMPERIALISMO n. m. Política de expansión de un estado en el aspecto continental, colonial, marítimo o económico, que tiende a poner a otros estados bajo su dependencia.

    2. Según la teoría marxista, estadio supremo del capitalismo, caracterizado por el dominio de los monopolios, el desarrollo de las sociedades multinacionales y la multiplicación de las formas de guerra.

    3. Tendencia a dominar moralmente el propio entorno.

    © El Pequeño Larousse Multimedia, 2005

    Nota: La mayoria de europeos que imigraron a los Americas tambien fueron pobres hasta persecucion y mal educados hasta analfabetos cuando se migraban.

    3 AntwortenInmigraciónvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • ¿Hay un político viviente amado en América Latina?

    Ya sé que hay politicos muertos amados en America Latina pero me parece que los politicos vivientes son igualmente odiados. Es facil amar un leyenda muerto. ¿Y de los vivientes?

    10 AntwortenPolíticavor 1 Jahrzehnt