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Tips for avoiding GMOs in Canada?
Does anyone have any ideas to avoid buying GMO products in Canada? Currently there doesn't seem to be any labeling requirements. I'm also not clear on whether organic foods can be genetically modified or not.
Thanks for your help.
3 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 9 JahrenWhere can you get shoes that are vegan friendly?
Hi! a couple years ago I switched to a mostly vegan diet for health reasons but now I've learned so much more about animal welfare and environmental concerns that I want to more stringent in my choices. I noticed most of my shoes are leather and now wondering what to do when they wear out?
8 AntwortenVegetarian & Veganvor 9 JahrenWhat advice can you give about housing 2 corn snakes together?
We have a three year old male corn snake, and recently got a hatchling. We've kept the little one in a breeder box in the big tank for now. Eventually we would like to keep them in the same tank together. if you are experienced with corn snakes, I'd like to hear what you recommend.
3 AntwortenReptilesvor 1 JahrzehntHow can I find out what's causing my hives?
So, I've had hives three times in my life. The first time was as a child and they lasted for around a year, the next time was 5 years from 18-23, and then again last fall for 9 months. I had been hive-free for 3 months but here they are again. I've never gotten a satisfactory response from anyone I've seen (including several doctors, allergist, dermatologist, naturopath). Usually they say, "most people never find out the cause, try an anti-histamine)
Do any of you know how to find out the cause? Anti-histamines don't always work anyway.
1 AntwortSkin Conditionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt