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Is it standard procedure when applying for a position in law enforcement?
for them to require a detailed sexual history? And then be called for a 2nd interview to be questioned, in depth, for explicit details of the relationship(s)?
1 AntwortLaw Enforcement & Policevor 7 JahrenWhen are the American people/Congress going to realize that you can't provide the budget for a Ford Focus and?
expect the Government to deliver a Cadillac Escalade? With all the tax cuts we've had and with no adjustment to expectations - aren't we being unrealistic?
10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenPoll: What do you consider to be entitlements (be specific) and what is your age?
5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 JahrenIf Adam had been the one?
to take the 1st bite of the fruit of the tree of knowledge - would he have shared with Eve as she shared with him?
8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 JahrenI have a question I wish to pose to all persons who are fearful that their?
2nd Amendment right to bear arms is about to be lost.
I assume that most of you are knowledgeable of the basic working of muzzle-loader firearms (the most modern weapon in existence during Revolutionary times) These times also required firearms for the procurement of food and personal protection. Soldiers in the Revolutionary War and even as late as the early 20th century rarely died from a bullet, but rather from the infection that would later occur.
Ask yourself, if the founding fathers had been aware of the devastatingly lethal capability of modern firearms - would they have included the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights? Or would they have included it, but been much more clear in their intent?
16 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 JahrenIn your personal opinion...?
why does the average American understand so little about how our government works?
12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 JahrenHow many of you are currently unemployed and looking for work?
Please also give your former job title. I'm curious to see the responses.
5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 JahrenMandatory drug testing of political candidates?
Doesn't this sound like a good idea? Most people have to pass a drug test and be subjected to random testing to get and keep a job - public office should be no different.
7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 JahrenWhy is it that if you agree with a family member?
about their character flaws, they get angry with you?
My daughter was critiquing her parenting skills and after agreeing multiple times with her very good parenting skills, I also agreed with her in the one specific area where she expressed a need for improvement. At that point, she shut-down and told me that I had just condemned her for lousy parenting and stalked off. I don't understand the response, particularly since I had made a point in my agreement that I had been guilty of the same thing in my parenting of her.
Can anyone give me some insight as to why this was the reaction?
2 AntwortenFamilyvor 10 JahrenHow long is the American Public going to stand for being blatantly mislead by the Republican Party?
after watch the debate I want to puke
5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 JahrenWhy is Nancy Pelosi so hated?
I hear constant denigration of Nancy Pelsoi in the media, but no one seems to be able to tell me WHY she is so hated. I want specifics - not just "she's a liberal"
9 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntHow are Christian right-wing extremists any different than Muslim Extremists?
Isn't the fanatical belief in any religion dangerous to society?
26 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 JahrzehntUS Public School teachers k-12?
Would your job be easier if students were placed in classes based on their ability instead of their age?
1 AntwortTeachingvor 1 JahrzehntHow can so many Americans be so completely ignorant of our history?
I consider it to be the epic failure of our public education system -
26 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 JahrzehntLooking for answer from intelligent US females?
Is there actually any woman in the United States with an IQ over 100 that doesn't want to puke when Sarah Palin talks?
8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 JahrzehntMen only please......?
What laws have been passed that you consider to be ANTI-MALE and why do you think they discriminate against you?
7 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntWhy do Men get so upset when....?
the woman wants a prenuptial agreement?
12 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 JahrzehntA/C and it's affects on gas mileage?
Would someone please explain why running the A/C in a vehicle affects the gas mileage so badly. It doesn't seem to me that the extra electricity required to run the compressor would cause a 5 to 10 mile an hour decrease in gas mileage.
2 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 Jahrzehnt