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  • please help. am i pregnant?

    I admit I had unprotected sex like four weeks ago with my fiance. I have severe interstitial cystitis and sometimes its just better. But now after never having headaches in my life, I'm getting them. I'm cramping something awful. I'm leaking clear discharge. My face is breaking out. My kidneys hurt. I'm so tired. I looked ata can of beefaroni and cried the other day . I wake up touching my stomache . I cant keep my hands off itit'dan)d under my boobs above my stomache is hard . And recently had ovarian cysts .every single test I take is negative. Could the I.c. or cysts be causing false negatives? I'm going for ablood test today but insoluble nervous I want other opinions every one else thinks impregnant but I want an unbiased opinion.

    Pregnancyvor 8 Jahren
  • Am ipregnant???????????????

    I have been on the pill for three years. First year yaz, switch to beyaz. Never once have I had an early period. Never. For some reason I had it come early and heavy. Never had heavy blood like that either in my whole life evenwhen I wasn't on the pill. Two weeks ago I had unprotected sex as well. I have had no urge to eat. I feel ill when I think about food. Its only been two weeks so I don't wanna take a test to early. I am also cramping and in more pain than I have ever been in. I read it could be stress but there has been no stress at allso it ddoesn't make sense. Someone please help.

    3 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 8 Jahren
  • Can my micro sd card be fixed ?!:(?

    Okay . This is what happened . I had an evoke shift (I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS WORTHLESS PHONE .) and since there is almost no memory on it , i tried to move angry birds to my sd card . And it screwed it so bad . I asked someone at the sprint store , and hey said that when i put the sd card back into my phone it should NOT be telling me in the notification bar that the card is blank . It should never say that even if it is blAnk . So i tried to put it in the computer . When i try accessing any information on this card either on my phone or on my computer , it says card corrupted , format card . So while crying , i pushed format card . And on both the computer and my phone it said "cannot perform this action . Something about corruption on the card ."

    I NEED this card . My whole life is on there . Documents , irreplaceable photos , music i bought and cannot re download and also music i just happened to find on hours of searching websites . Absolutely everything . If there is a shop i can send it to , or a recommendation of where to send it please help me . Its 16 gigs and i also do not have the phone anymore either . But it lagged the phone and made it glitch even worse . Please help .

    3 AntwortenAdd-onsvor 9 Jahren
  • How to do this for a dance recital ?

    I have to wear leggings , basketball shorts and suspenders . The suspenders can be hooked to either my leggings or my shorts , but there is only one hook in the back . So when i pull on them in the dance (which we do alot) , they pop off the back . And we are line . This cannot happen on stage . I need an effect way to get them to stay . I doubt safety pins will work , so i need creative ideas . Lemme know (:

    1 AntwortDancingvor 9 Jahren
  • tryglycerides are in 600s?

    i went to hte doctor yesterday for a cough, and she had told me my blood work had come in. and that my tryglicerides are 672. what does this mean? i am 17, female, 190 pounds so im not that overweight overweight, and 5'4 . im kinds cunky but really not bad. she was like freaking out but i dont understand what it means. help?

    2 AntwortenHeart Diseasesvor 9 Jahren
  • Vinal decals from ""?

    I have a screen protector on my evo shift , and I ordered a skin today . do I put it on top ? What do I do?

    1 AntwortBoats & Boatingvor 9 Jahren
  • Someone who has tatoos. i need your help?

    I have never gotten a tatoo before . I need someone who is a pussy to pain , and has a tatoo , to compare it to something equally as painful . So I know if I can handle it or not. . On my ankle was my idea . Help ?

    3 AntwortenTattoosvor 9 Jahren
  • kitty has bloody mucous :(?

    she will be 2 years old in april. i adopted her from the humane society last year in may. we took her to the vet and they gave her antibiotics for upper resiperatory . she also got fixed and claws removed. she is skinny, appears to be healthy, eats fine, drinks fine, regular bathroom breaks, and is hyper and full of life. we cannot afford to take her back to the vet. so if anyone knows what this is, please tell me a home remedy. she sneezes CONSTANTLY > and its bad too. when she sneezes, she will sneeze 15-25 times in a row. and thick bloody mucous willfly out of her nose. its digusting. she gets like boogers build up on her nose, and breathes very heavily. i assume they are allergies, but i dont now what to do! i read something about giving her lysine tablets and saline spray in her nose. it did no good. someone please help me. i cant lose my kitty :/

    3 AntwortenCatsvor 9 Jahren
  • laptops? deals? hellpp?

    i am looking for a very specific laptop. if anyone knows something i am desecribing i only need the name of it. it must have.

    -windows 7 installed

    -integrated webcam

    -usb port


    - possibly a fingerprint reader, but it isnt a must.

    -wifi capable-

    and the bigges one, the screen must be convertible, so i can turn it around, lay it out and draw on it with a stylus pen.

    i have searched everywhere. if anyone can help, please let me know.

  • Do I have a concussion ?

    I have a very large issue with angerr . and the smallest thing sets .I scream and throw a tantrum which I am then embarassed by . but I got angry and acted like a toddler earlier . I got so angry I smashed my head fully force against the refridgerator . now my head is killing me, and my eyes hurt to look at my phone in the dark . what can I do ? I' tired . should I sleep .? please no stupid answers . I need help .

    2 AntwortenInjuriesvor 10 Jahren
  • I'm begging , someone please help me .?

    me and my boyfriend have been together 8 months. plans to get married kids the whole nine yards . exactly half of the time , I am so upset when I dont see him. I only see him a feel hours a week . but I will sit down and cry and. go through a huge depression spell . the other half ? I ******* hate him .. idk why. it upsets me. I ignore him and I pick fights and I feel like I dont love him anymore. but when I think about just leaving and ending out relationship , I feel like that's the wrong thing to do . I am in tears. its tearinh me apart. I hate it when he says I love you and even when he touches me. sometimes. other times I absolutly adore him. and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I can't take this anymore. please. help.

    2 AntwortenLanguagesvor 10 Jahren
  • new phone ? angry birds ?

    Virgin mobile (shitty) is sending me a replacemtn phone. On the phone I allready have I am very far in angry birds. Is there anyway to bluetooth it or gmail or something on the new phone so I can stay where I am at in the game ? I reallyy don't want to start over :/ help

    1 AntwortJokes & Riddlesvor 10 Jahren