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Lv 31.874 points


Favorisierte Antworten30%

I am 19 years old. My passion is animals. I have 4 ferrets. I am an Alchemist, of sorts, and do not care what peoples opinions about me are. I am a dedicated gamer. This includes Everquest(II), CoD, Halo(2,3), among other games. I have extensive knowledge in animal behavior and health, as well as human health and psychology due to my own studies. People compare me personality wise mostly to Gregory House. I'm brutally honest and cold to the majority of people. I have no reason to trust anyone unless proven otherwise, which is very difficult to do.

  • Unknown Immune Issues?

    Ok, So I'll try to keep this short as possible and be clear.

    I've been dealing with a whole schlew of medical problems(mostly infection) since a young age, started with back to back severe ear infections. Got mono about 7-8 years back, and ever since then I cannot function normally. I am 20 years old, and if I stay awake for 12 hours(sitting, not even doing anything), I come down really sick the next day.(Swollen lymphnodes, achey ears, headache, and feels like I'm bruised all over). I've been tested for EVERYTHING autoimmune, all of my bloodwork is normal, all my levels are normal.. Going on 8 years trying to find what is wrong with me, I'm getting frustrated, all every doctor wants to do is keep doing the same tests, like they're waiting for something to change. I'm tired of not being able to get up and DO things like a normal person, and it makes it incredibly difficult to maintain any semblance of a normal life(work, etc.).

    What do I do..? I'm scared I'll feel this way for the rest of my life. I just want to feel healthy.

    Will keep updated details if anyone has questions.. Thanks.

    1 AntwortOther - Diseasesvor 8 Jahren
  • 3 year old ferret is very sick?

    Our boy Ace started having black tarry stools earlier this week. He became more lethargic than normal, so we took him to the vet. Unfortunately, we couldn't afford to get a full bloodwork done and x-rays, etc. Thankfully, the Vet works with ferrets all the time and was willing to try and work with us.. He was anemic when we got there, and his blood sugar was really high(suggesting stress). The tarry stools suggested an Ulcer, so we were sent home with a variety of medications, as well as an IV to give him fluids. He shows willingness to eat and drink if we offer it to him, but he doesn't have much energy.. This is the second day on his medications, and his condition hasn't really improved yet. His belly is bloated, but squishy.. His stools aren't as tarry or dark as they were, but still very runny. The pads of his paws and gums are still very pale.

    How long should it take for the medications to work for the ulcer if that's indeed what it is? And how long should it take for the color to start coming back to his feet and gums?

    Please don't badger us about funds. We weren't expecting to suddenly lose our jobs this past year when this happened, we're quickly throwing all the money we have into him, and we're extremely worried. They're like my babies..


    1 AntwortOther - Petsvor 8 Jahren
  • Carpenter Ants in my home?

    I live in a high elevation area in York, PA, a few years ago we saw quite a bit of winged black ants around our porch area, we called out an exterminator to identify them, but we took care of the problem ourselves. That was about 2 years ago.

    Recently, I've been seeing a few small black ants around in my room. One every couple days-- I just killed them off.. Today, I found one with wings floating stuck in a cup of water I had(gross, right?). I've checked inside my room to see where they could possibly be coming in, and there's nowhere they could be coming in.. I've checked every inch, so I have no clue where they might be. I'm a bit worried about an infestation, my next step is to look outside. I know what to look for, but what if I do find there's an infestation? We don't have enough money to hire an exterminator to actually do the work.

    Thanks for the help!

    2 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 8 Jahren
  • Looking to become a Veterinary Technician?

    I am looking to become a Vet Tech, and need to know what I need to do from scratch to get there. Apparently I need to go to a specific school that trains vet techs. Does that mean I don't need to go to a community college for basic courses? Also; There are no Vet Tech schools in my area. What do?

    Detailed information of every step would be awesome. Thanks!

    3 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 9 Jahren
  • How long would it take a package to get from New York, NY to York, Pennsylvania?

    USPS Standard First Class Shipping.

    A general calculation will do.

    If it helps, it takes about 4 hours to get from York, PA to New York, NY.

    4 AntwortenNew York Cityvor 9 Jahren
  • Dental work for a Ferret?

    How much is it for a cleaning for a ferrets teeth?(Approximately.)


    1 AntwortOther - Petsvor 9 Jahren
  • Another Ferret Question(Southern PA, only)?

    Hello. I have 4 ferrets, and I want to take them to the vet to get them checked out. However, the last time I went to the vet to get their rabies/last distemper shot. That was about 2 years ago.. I have been holding off on going to a vet because the vet we take our dogs to is a general vet office(They know next to nothing about Ferrets.) And that worries me. But I am also getting worried for my little babies. They're due for a checkup, and I need a reliable Vet to take them to.

    I live in the York, PA area, and am willing to travel a half hour or so to get to a vet, but I don't know of any in the area. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    1 AntwortOther - Petsvor 9 Jahren
  • Cage for 4 Ferrets? Need a new one.?

    Alright, so I have had 4 ferrets for about 4 years now, and I have a very important question..

    I need a cage that is easily cleaned. I noticed that most cages have solid platforms that are a pain in the *** to get out for cleaning, as well as the bottom ramp being in the front of the cage as so removing the litter box for cleaning is also a hastle.. I need something large enough to accomidate my 4 ferrets, but is easily cleaned. My 1 female has an issue with going in the litter box. She always has refused to use them. Whether they're square or not. And once SHE goes in a different corner, the others feel inclined to do so too. It doesn't matter if there is bedding there or not, they'll do it anyway.

    So.. I need an easily cleanable cage.. Any suggestions?

    4 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 9 Jahren
  • Push-To-Talk Headset for Computer?

    Hi there. I'm looking for an affordable WIRELESS Push-to-talk Headset for my computer.

    All I can find are wired ones for phones and wired USB PTT headsets for computer.

    Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

    2 AntwortenAdd-onsvor 9 Jahren
  • Question about Bears Paw/Cubs Paw?

    Hello, I noticed today that there is a succulent called Cotyledon Tomentosa, but there is also another one called Cotyledon Ladismithensis Varigata. They look the same. What's the difference?


    1 AntwortOther - Home & Gardenvor 9 Jahren
  • Can someone tell me how big this is?

    150DIA*140MM is the measurement.

    Here's the link to the item.

    If you could explain it in lamens terms, that'd be great.(Baseball, Basketball, etc. )


    4 AntwortenMathematicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Alaskan Doll with real fur?

    I have this doll that was passed down to me-- All I know is that it was purchased in Alaska. Any other information about it would be helpful. Thanks.

    1 AntwortToysvor 9 Jahren
  • Czechoslovakian wolf-dogs?

    I was curious if anyone knew the average % of Wolf and German Shepherd they use to breed this beautiful dog. Anyone have a clue?


    6 AntwortenDogsvor 9 Jahren
  • What genre of music is this?

    Trying to figure out exactly what kind of music this is.


    1 AntwortOther - Arts & Humanitiesvor 9 Jahren
  • Post Wisdom Teeth Removal?

    Yesterday(December 19th) I had all 4 of my impacted wisdom teeth removed at 2:00pm. When I got home from the surgery, I was in excruciating pain. It took the Vicodin I was proscribed for the pain 4 hours to actually work enough so I could sleep.

    I woke up this morning at 2:52am. More pain. and worse swelling. I took my Amoxicillin again, as well as 1 and a half more Vicodin, coupled with an icepack.

    All I have eaten was a few spoons of chicken and rice babyfood, and 3 chocolate Ensure drinks.

    I was curious, is there anything else that I can do that I'm not already doing to ease the pain? And how long do you think I will be in pain for? I really don't want to be in pain for Christmas, and I don't want to be high from pain meds, either..

    Any suggestions would be wonderful! Thanks!

    3 AntwortenDentalvor 9 Jahren
  • Dragon's Blood incense and it's uses?

    Can Dragons Blood be used for cleansing a negative feeling of a spirit without diminishing the spirit itself if it is an angry or upset one?

    Can it be used as a symbol of peace?


    7 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Coast Guard What to and what not to bring?

    Can "Religious medallion", or "Religious reference book" count as an 'registered' religion? Or only christian/catholic?


    2 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Para-Rescue and Female enrollment?

    Apparently, Para-Rescue is no available to women.

    Why is this? And if it is because of the physical aspect, why not just keep the requirements the same and still have it available for women to try for?

    This seems irrational to me, and, quite frankly, infuriates me. It's the only thing I want to do, and I can't. Just because I have ovaries.

    What are your opinions? Thanks.

    ALSO; Does Coast guard offer arms training? Such as Sniper training, etc.?

    2 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • So I think I might be Schizophrenic!?

    I've a boatload of symptoms when it comes to those of Schizophrenia, unfortunately..

    Including hallucinations, but mostly just a seemingly outer voice that sounds as real as if someone was actually standing there, calling my name, when no one is around.

    Is it an issue I should be worried enough about to go see a doctor? How do they diagnose Schizophrenia? And how do the medicines work that they give patients with Schizophrenia?


    17 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

    Additional Details


    Staring, while in deep thought, with infrequent blinking.

    Overly acute senses- lights are too bright, sounds are too loud.

    Feeling indifferent to important events

    Feeling detached from your own body (depersonalization)

    Hypersensitivity to criticism, insults, or hurt feelings

    Sudden irritability, anger, hostility, suspiciousness, resentment

    Depression- feeling discouraged and hopeless about the future

    Low motivation, energy, and little or no enthusiasm

    Rapidly changing mood- from happy to sad to angry for no apparent reason (called labile mood)

    Severe Anxiety

    Becoming lost in thoughts and not wanting to be disturbed with human contact

    Intense and excessive preoccupation with religion or spirituality

    Inappropriate responses- laughing or smiling when talking of a sad event

    Smoke or have the desire to want to smoke (70-90% do smoke)

    Ruminating thoughts- these are the same thoughts that go around and round your head but get you nowhere.

    Frequent loose association of thoughts or speech- when one thought does not logically relate to the next. For example, "I need to go to the store to buy some band-aids. I read an article about how expensive AIDS drugs are. People take too many street drugs. The streets should be clean from the rain today, etc" The need to go to the store to buy band-aids is forgotten.

    Directionless- lack goals, or the ability to set and achieve goals

    Racing thoughts

    In conversation you tend to say very little

    Trouble with social cues- i.e. not being able to interpret body language, eye contact, voice tone, and gestures appropriately. --Often not responding appropriately and thus coming off as cold, distant, or detached.

    Difficulty expressing thoughts verbally. Or not having much to say about anything.

    Difficulty focusing attention and engaging in goal directed behavior

    Poor concentration/ memory. Forgetfulness

    Obsessive compulsive tendencies- with thoughts or actions

    Overpowering, intense feeling that

    people are talking about you, looking at you

    Overpowering, intense feeling you are being watched, followed, and spied on

    Delusions of grandeur- the belief that you have an important mission, special purpose, or are an unrecognized genius, or famous person.

    Auditory hallucinations can be either inside the person's head or externally. When external, they sound as real as an actual voice. Sometimes they come from no apparent source, other times they come from real people who don't actually say anything, other times a person will hallucinate sounds.

    When people hear voices inside their heads, it is as if their inner thoughts are no longer alone. The new voices can talk to each other, talk to themselves, or comment on the person's actions. The majority of the time the voices are negative.

    4 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I think there's a possibility I am Schizophrenic..?

    I've a boatload of symptoms when it comes to those of Schizophrenia, unfortunately..

    Including hallucinations, but mostly just a seemingly outer voice that sounds as real as if someone was actually standing there, calling my name, when no one is around.

    Is it an issue I should be worried enough about to go see a doctor? How do they diagnose Schizophrenia? And how do the medicines work that they give patients with Schizophrenia?


    4 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt