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  • What is the name of this song? I can only remember the video...?

    Okay. I know I don't have much to work with. But I really loved this song about 4 years ago (maybe it was 3).

    It had a music video of a girl with red hair playing the piano. I think she might have been British (but then again...she might not have been).

    I think the song might have something to do with love?

    All I know is that they played the video at Blockbuster when I worked there. I can't remember it to save my life!!!

    Please help?

    (Sorry I don't have much information).

    5 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Mom-in-Law (Revised)?

    I posted a question a few days ago about living with my mother-in-law...I guess I need to elaborate.

    My husband is in the military, he is going to be away until the end of summer 2008. While he is away his mother and I are renting a house together (I am not depending on her for anything) we are pretty much just roommates.

    We split all of the bills down the middle and buy our own groceries, so I don't leech of her in any way.

    The only reason we are roommates is because my husband is paranoid about us being alone (me and my son).

    Now onto the question.

    My mom-in-law tries to tell me how to raise my son. She lets me know that he is a spoiled brat. (The reason she says this is because he has a blankie, he needs a paci...he is only 18 months old..., I try to spend a lot of time with him because I am his only parent right now, and he cries when he's teething). She says that none of her kids were as needy as my son is.

    I am trying to be patient with her. But it's really hard.

    16 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Mom-in-law?

    I live with my mother-in-law. We have different views on parenting. What do you think I should do when she tries to step in?

    I've already tried the whole, "I'm the parent, not you." But it doesn't seem to work. Any child that doesn't fit into her strict guidelines are "spoiled brats." **Including my brother-in-laws two children.

    8 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My husband is in the military and away from home. I want to get him a nice gift...?

    My husband recently joined the reserves and he is going to be away from home for the next year and a half. We have a one year old child who hates being away from his daddy. I want to send him something that makes him have a part of home with him while he's gone.

    What do you think would be a good idea?

    2 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 Jahrzehnt