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  • I have a question about general relativity for an Astronomy study guide?

    A simple result of General Relativity is that light observed to have cosmological redshift z was emitted when things were 1 + z times closer together than at the present time. Thus, if a galaxy's spectrum shows a redshift of 3, we know that, compared to today, that galaxy was _____ times closer to us, and the original wavelength of its light was ____ by the same factor as it traveled to us.

    a. 2... shortened

    b. 4... shortened

    c. 2... lengthened

    d. 4... lengthened

    2 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • The redshift in the spectrum of a distant galaxy is primarily due to?

    The redshift in the spectrum of a distant galaxy is primarily due to

    a. the galaxy's intense gravity

    b. the galaxy's extreme velocity relative to Earth

    c. the expansion of the Universe's spacetime

    d. the "tiring" of light as the Universe ages

    4 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • According to the Special Theory of Relativity, it is impossible to accelerate a solid object to "c", the speed?

    According to the Special Theory of Relativity, it is impossible to accelerate a solid object to "c", the speed of light. This is because, as the object's speed approaches "c":

    a. its size approaches zero

    b. the amount of energy needed to accelerate it becomes infinite

    c. its mass becomes infinite

    d. its length becomes infinite

    5 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • According to the density-wave hypothesis, a pinwheel-shaped family of waves of high pressure is traveling thro?

    According to the density-wave hypothesis, a pinwheel-shaped family of waves of high pressure is traveling through our Galaxy and

    a. removing matter located between the spiral arms

    b. triggering star formation

    c. propagating mainly in the Galaxy's halo

    d. causing spiral arms to unwind

    1 AntwortAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • Astronomers have found, on a Universal scale, that spacetime is presently stretching at the rate of about 70 k?

    Astronomers have found, on a Universal scale, that spacetime is presently stretching at the rate of about 70 km per second for any pair of points separated by 1 mpc. Assuming this rate has been constant, the age of the Universe can be simply estimated by

    a. dividing 70 km/sec by 1Mpc

    b. dividing 1 Mpc by 70 km/sec

    c. multiplying 70 km/sec by the SOlar Systems age

    d. adding the Sun's age to the ratio of 1 Mpc to 70 km/sec

    1 AntwortAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • Which of the following is true about parallel lines in a positively curved Universe?

    Which of the following is true about parallel lines in a positively curved Universe?

    a. they would intersect somewhere

    b. their separation would be uniform

    c. their separation could vary with location, but never equal zero

    d. they would be infinitely long

    1 AntwortAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • The thick, warm gas and dust clouds around a newly forming star will emit large amounts of ___ radiation, even?

    The thick, warm gas and dust clouds around a newly forming star will emit large amounts of ___ radiation, even though the star itself may not be clarly visible.

    a. optical

    b. X-ray

    c. ultraviolet

    d. infrared

    1 AntwortAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • The___ stars have the longest main-sequence lifetimes:?

    5. The___ stars have the longest main-sequence lifetimes

    a. largest-diameter

    b. bluest

    c. greenest

    d. lowest-mass

    2 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • Which of the following National Enquirer headlines represents an imposibility? (Inquiring minds want to know!)?

    Which of the following National Enquirer headlines represents an imposibility? (Inquiring minds want to know!)

    a. Astronaut seen to retain youthfulness as he nears black hole!

    b. visitor to black hole appears to become slimmer when approaching destination

    c. black hole tourist return after visiting singularity - photos on page 3!

    d. We spent our honeymoon above the event horizon of LMC X-3

    6 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • I have a few astronomy questions for a study guide?

    I have a really long Astronomy study guide but some of the questions I can't find in the book or notes. I was hoping there would be someone who could help.

    1. Which of th efollowing is not cited as justifying the search for life beyond our solar system?

    a. exoplanets orbiting nearby stars

    b. disks of gas and dust around young stars in the Orion Nebula

    c. the production of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen by most stars

    d. liquid water in interstellar clouds

    2. Observtional evidence suggests that galaxies formed relatively ____ in the history of the Universe from objects that were ____ than galaxies.

    a. early... smaller

    b. late... smaller

    c. early... larger

    d. late... larger

    3. Which list of starship engine types in order of increasing energy yield per kilogram of propellant?

    a. antimatter, fission, fusion

    b. fusion, fission, antimatter

    c. fission, antimatter, fusion

    d. fission, fusion, antimatter

    4. Which of the following National Enquirer headlines represents an imposibility? (Inquiring minds want to know!)

    a. Astronaut seen to retain youthfulness as he nears black hole!

    b. visitor to black hole appears to become slimmer when approaching destination

    c. black hole tourist return after visiting singularity - photos on page 3!

    d. We spent our honeymoon above the event horizon of LMC X-3!

    5. The___ stars have the longest main-sequence lifetimes

    a. largest-diameter

    b. bluest

    c. greenest

    d. lowest-mass

    6. The thick, warm gas and dust clouds around a newly forming star will emit large amounts of ___ radiation, even though the star itself may not be clarly visible.

    a. optical

    b. X-ray

    c. ultraviolet

    d. infrared

    7. Which of the following is true about parallel lines in a positively curved Universe?

    a. they would intersect somewhere

    b. their separation would be uniform

    c. their separation could vary with location, but never equal zero

    d. they would be infinitely long

    8. Astronomers have found, on a Universal scale, that spacetime is presently stretching at the rate of about 70 km per second for any pair of points separated by 1 mpc. Assuming this rate has been constant, the age of the Universe can be simply estimated by

    a. dividing 70 km/sec by 1Mpc

    b. dividing 1 Mpc by 70 km/sec

    c. multiplying 70 km/sec by the SOlar Systems age

    d. adding the Sun's age to the ratio of 1 Mpc to 70 km/sec

    9. According to the density-wave hypothesis, a pinwheel-shaped family of waves of high pressure is traveling through our Galay and

    a. removing matter located between the spiral arms

    b. triggering star formation

    c. propagating mainly in the Galaxy's halo

    d. causing spiral arms to unwind

    10. According to the Special Theory of Relativity, it is impossible to accelerate a solid object to "c", the speed of light. This is because, as the objct's speed approaches "c":

    a. its size approaches zero

    b. the amount of energy needed to accelerate it becomes infinite

    c. its mass becomes infinite

    d. its length becomes infinite

    11. The redshift in the spectrum of a distant galaxy is primarily due to

    a. the galaxy's intense gravity

    b. the galaxy's extreme velocity relative to Earth

    c. the expansion of the Universe's spacetime

    d. the "tiring" of light as the Universe ages

    12. A typical stellar spectrum (like the Sun's) consists of

    a. a continuous spectrum only

    b. emission and absorption lines

    c. emission lines only

    d. a continuous spectrum with absorption lines

    13. A simple result of General Relativity is that light observed to have cosmological redshift z was emitted when things were 1 + z times closer together than at the present time. Thus, if a galaxy's spectrum shows a redshift of 3, we know that, compared to today, that galaxy was _____ times closer to us, and the original wavelength of its light was ____ by the same factor as it traveled to us.

    a. 2... shortened

    b. 4... shortened

    c. 2... lengthened

    d. 4... lengthened

    2 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • What is KC on my heart rate monitor?

    I got a heart rate monitor for Christmas and it has a calorie counter to tell you how many calories you burn. When I go to the mode it says the number followed by KC. I assumed it was kilo-calorie but I've read that 1 KC = a thousand calories. During my workout today I burned over 500 KC, which would be 500 thousand calories. Can't be right. What is KC? I have a Sportline heart rate monitor with a chest strap. Thank you!

    1 AntwortDiet & Fitnessvor 9 Jahren
  • What is the name of this card game?

    There is this fun card game that I've been playing for a few years but I have no idea what it is called. You need at least two people to play. Each player gets 10 cards and lays them face down in front of them in two rows of five and the remainder of the cards are in the draw pile. You draw a card and put it in the spot it is supposed to go in front of you. For example if you draw an ace you take the top left card and lay the ace in its place face up. If the card that was there is a five put it where the fifth card spot is. If there is an ace there your turn is over because you already have an ace and it goes in the discard pile for the next person's turn.

    King can be any card

    Queen can steal other people's cards

    And Jacks end your turn because they don't do anything

    The object of the game is to get ace through ten in your cards.

    Does anybody know what the name of this game is? Basically I want to know so I can search for an iPhone app.

    1 AntwortCard Gamesvor 9 Jahren
  • What is the career path to take if I want to become a physical trainer?

    What kind of college degree would best fit somebody who is looking for a career to become a physical trainer to help people get in shape, stay in shape, and be healthy?

    2 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are there any jobs that do not care at all about texting or Internet surfing?

    Does anybody have a job where they do not care if you text or surf the Internet as long as you get your work done? Where I work at this lady got fired because she was texting all the time but she apparently was the best worker in that position that this place has had. I feel like companies shouldn't care as long as they get their work done or if they have some down time. But then again I'm an empoyee, not a manager of a company so maybe I just don't fully understand the concept of the no texting rule in the workforce.

    2 AntwortenOther - US Local Businessesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Google suggestion racist? "Why are black people so loud?"?

    Whenever I type "why" into the Google search engine, the second suggestion is "Why are black people so loud?"

    Where do these suggestions come from? Are they the most popular searches on the Internet or are they programed by somebody in Google?

    3 AntwortenGooglevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Best Buy employee: Should I buy a TV before or after Christmas?

    I am looking to buy a 32" TV from Best Buy and right now I can get a 32" for about 400$ before taxes. I would like to get one now but are they going to be cheaper after Christmas? I'll wait another 2 weeks for a good deal if I have to. Thanks.

    3 AntwortenTVsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How different is the education process/schooling different in the east?

    I live in Oklahoma and I was told that school is a lot different and faster out east like at Harvard and whatnot. I was just wondering how fast it is? Like what kind of homework was given out during high school? High school was pretty easy for me but I imagine that people out east had to do a lot more papers or projects or something.

    2 AntwortenPrimary & Secondary Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What are some good movies that will have you at the edge of your seat?

    Tonight I watched Orphan and it is like my favorite movie ever. I was so in to it and it was so suspenseful. I also liked Taken a lot and Drag Me To Hell. Those were all movies where I kept saying "OOOo!" and getting really excited about it. I was wondering what movies make you get the same emotional effect.

    6 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where can I get a free DWG viewer that prints as well?

    I am having problems with Autodesk Trueview, it will not open up drawings for more than 5 seconds without closing so I am trying to find an alternative. Every DWG viewer I've found is either a trial or it does not print.

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where can I find employment statistics by area or state?

    I am doing a report for college. Basically I just need to find a source where it says how many computer jobs there are in my local area. I live in Oklahoma. Thank you.

    1 AntwortOther - Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt