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  • Do i have trust issues or is this inappropriate of my bf?

    I have been with my boyfriend for a year and up until recently things have been amazing. My boy is really an interesting smart guy with fun hobbies. I can hold conversations about philosophy and politics with him without his eyes glazing over. I love him to death and I trust him a lot. The only problem is that with his charismatic personality comes a lot of female friends. He has a total of 12 female friends that he keeps in regular contact. I've met most of them and I honestly love them too. There are just a couple of them that rub me the wrong way. One girl sasha I met a few times has given me the cold shoulder. She was hanging out with me and my bf in our basement and she would leave me out of the conversations on purpose. My bf tried to include me but it didn't work very well so I just sat on the floor playing a video game while they talked behind me. The next week I ran into sasha at the mall and she pretended to forget my name along with some other insults hidden with her smile. My bf told me that sasha was just jealous and tried to kiss him a lot before we were together but he isn't attracted to her because he said he can't get over how small her teeth are. The other girl I haven't met in person. She is in my bfs Russian class and she draws hearts on him and apparently is a very flirty person. She is also going to Russia with ny bf for 2 months on a study abroad trip. I honestly don't think my bf will cheat but its his lack of concern of leading these girls on that bothers me. I believe that since he replies to texts and is a super nice guy he makes these girls think he has a crush on him. Almost all of his girlfriends have tried kissing him at one point or another and they were all butt hurt when we started dating. My bf is honest and straight forward with me about when these girls keep making moves on him and give him little presents . He doesn't think he needs to tell them off because it might hurt their feelings

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • Is this normal for a virgin?

    Ok, a little background first. I lost my virginity to my boyfriend on january 4th and we've had sex a few times since then. Every time we did it it was painful especially at first, also there would be some spotting of blood. But last night when we made love it barely hurt at all, but when I woke up this morning my underwear and the sheets beneath me were literally soaked in blood. It is still dripping with blood it's very strange, but I don't feel very much pain. My boyfriend used a condom and he is very careful on how he puts them on so it doesn't break so I don't think it's very likely that I'm pregnant. Have any of you had this problem? oh, and I'm am definitely not on my period. Also, is abdominal pain after sex normal?

    7 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • (Lame question) which woman is more attractive?

    Woman A: tall, sexy bedroom eyes, curvy, long legs, red lips, long hair

    Woman B: short, infectious smile, short pixie hair, not big boobs or large curves, little or no makeup,

    10 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What were you like in elementary school?

    were you a bully, victim, or other?

    3 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Have you ever in your life...?

    sat forward in a chair with your mouth open and drooled?

    It happened to me once. :O

    2 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What would you choose?

    If you could instantly learn any language fluently which one would you pick?

    31 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Three truths and a lie?

    three of these things are true. First to guess the false one gets best answer.

    1. I've been attacked by chickens

    2. I eat flower petals

    3. I'm addicted to call of duty

    4. my nickname is steakums

    5 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How high is your threshold for pain?

    1 = paper cuts make you cry

    10 = chuck norris

    42 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you think about at red lights?

    Or have you ever done the chinese fire drill?

    7 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What are your requirements for a spouse?

    I'm curious what are some of the requirements you have in a spouse. (Or qualities you admire in your spouse)

    1. Cute with kids?

    2. funny?

    3. good job?

    4. same religious or spiritual ideas?

    5. others? you mention them.

    5 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is this really offensive to some people?

    In schools especially, parents and faculty workers are often offended by Christ being mentioned or symbolized in anyway. During Christmas, no one is allowed to sing or play things like Silent Night and Angels we have Heard on High, only Rudolph. (At least where I went to high school) Is it offensive to people? Christians are forced to listen and study about evolution, but atheists can't handle having Christ anywhere in public areas. I'm not saying that I want there to be a Bible class in every high school. I don't want to force religion on anyone, but it shouldn't bother people if they see a bible on a kids desk, or a nativity scene in a class room.

    I'm not trying to pick a fight and I hope you will answer sincerely.

    17 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I have a question about cows?

    You know that a female elephant is called a cow and a male elephant is a bull, but they are both elephants. What is the species of cows? Because there are not male cows, only bulls, but they are the same species as female cows. What is their species? Cattle?

    5 AntwortenZoologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is Twilight really a romance novel?

    So, I love reading romance books. I read Twilight because every girl and her mom had read it and loved it. But I don't get how it was a romance. Like, I know Bella loved Edward, but I don't see how it happens. Nothing built up to it; all of a sudden she was in love... Am I odd for not liking Twilight. I also like heroines who are strong-willed, passionate, smart, ambitious, and strong. I didn't see any of those qualities in Bella. Edward seemed dull as well; he seemed like a broken soul. He had no humor, no desire to live, and he didn't seem "into" bella as much as she was into him. I don't think it's romantic for a guy to have a desire to kill the main girl; i think it's sacrilegious and creepy.

    I know there are a lot of Twilight fans out there and I expect you might try to prove me wrong or insult me. I'm just wondering why some people find this romantic. The books by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss are so amazingly written and there is so much character depth. Her heroines were not wimps and the heroes were actually heroic. Twilight doesn't even compare. However, I do like that Twilight is quite chaste compared to a LOT of romantic books out there.

    6 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt