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  • About internet connection question?

    I automatically connects to the internet when I start up my pc.

    After an hour or so, I lose the connection

    but when I restart it I get back my connection.

    Whats the problem? Configuration? Please advise. thanks

    I dont want to keep restarting my pc when I loose the connection..Its such a hassle.

    1 AntwortComputer Networkingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Tracing your roots? Up to what degree do you know your ancestors?

    Its interesting to know where we came from, who our ancestors are.

    On my fathers side, I dont know a lot of things. I dont even know my fathers' parents name. What I got is his common lastname which is a thousand miles away from his hometown. Anyway, He told me a story that his fathers brothers & sisters (im not sure if its siblings or their parents), Anyway some of them went to this part of our country /another island to look for a job and never heard of ever again! <So if anyone ask me how am I related to this & that> I tell them exactly that.

    I've met a few of them (so-called relative by lastname), come to think of it. They have same facial similarities/features and their jobs are somewhat similar too in electrical/mechanical fields.

    On my mother side her grandfather was a chinese trader i think who fell inlove with a her lola. Anyway the guy fell inlove numerous times that there is no question that those with his last name residing in our city is related to him.

    This is as far as I can trace back. I'd like to know also those who come before them but I have to do some digging! I'd like to hear yours?

    5 AntwortenGenealogyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Singapore Day Tours to Malaysia & Indonesia?

    I'll be in singapore for 5d/4n w/ my mum , 2 weeks from now. We want to take just a day trip to the nearby malaysia & indonesia possibly on 3rd and 4th day respectively.

    While searching online, I saw johor bahru(for malaysia) & batam island (indonesia) which seems to be the closest. But got a bad vibe thru the reviews of both place thru the web.


    My Questions:

    1.) Can you recommend a travel agency/s (can be separate agency) that offers affordable day-tour packages for - Johor & Bantam.(Dont mind being in a group tour, w/ guide & transport back to singapore ) .

    2.) How far Is Malacca, Malaysia? by bus what is the travel time from SINGAPORE?

    I get two different answers online like 2.5hours then the other is 5hours by bus?, &

    3.) Is Air Asia the cheapest among low-cost carrier? or is there other airline?


    Singaporevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How far is Manila International Airport to Clark Airport?

    How many hours is the travel time on public transport?

    Is there a bus? What bus should I take? Where is the bus station?

    6 AntwortenPhilippinesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you think of Maid in Uniform?

    Or Yaya in uniform? Just wondering, if you prefer your houseworkers in uniform or not? Would they be more up to it or not?

    2 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How is this magic trick done?

    You write 1 card in a piece of paper for example 6♠ , the magician takes the piece of paper without seeing whats in it and burn it while he used the ashes to wipe something in his arm and then it appears in dark sooth the 6♠.

    How did he do it???

    3 AntwortenCard Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Search and Destroy detected some virus. HELP?

    I recently installed Spybot Search and Destroy since my Norton is screwing up. Result has detected trojans, virus, tons of pop-ups and others. I fix the selected problems. One came up like this:


    category : system startup user entry

    change: value added

    entry: spybotdeleting b1434

    new data: command/c del "C: Program Files/ Mozilla Firefox/user/local settings/...

    Do I allow change or Deny change?


    (If you could tell me the reason behind it thanks)

    4 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Certificate attesting your Christianity?

    My mum is a one of a wedding sponsor and the presiding priest requested all sponsor should present certificate attesting they are catholic from their respective parishes. Not all require this though in weddings only at a certain area I wish not to disclose.

    What do you think of that?

    4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Have you tried refilling your own ink cartridge by a bottle of ink & a syringe?

    I have Epson T038 Cartridges. My printer is fine and currently full up for now.


    I have 1 small bottle of black ink

    1- 3cc/ml syringe

    & Empty cartridges (3pcs)

    Question is what's next, where do I inject the stuff and how many cc's and is it okey to tore the labels? I am pretty sure that the important thing is not to damage the chip beside it. I'm just experimenting if this could be done and if anyone already tried it and if you could guide me.

    5 AntwortenPrintersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do we really have to encourage anyone to read the bible? Whats the point?

    DO you think it would bring more confusion and despair OR enlightenment???


    Honestly. Bible is confusing. I think its not meant to be read by anyone or ordinary individual- and the purpose of theologians are much more in dire need to reexplain to those who have read it on their own.

    With its hidden meanings some taken it literally to a point at fault. Some more reasons for those other religion to point out errors which they find illogical therefore subject to much criticism ,debate and questionable reliability or authenticity.


    What is your opinion?

    10 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is Allergy transferable?

    What I mean is allergy a genetic problem that can transfer from mother to child. My aunt is allergic to almost anything and so is one of her child. My mother is not allergic to anything but my grandma is and my sister has some allergic reactions to sea foods, chicken and others stuffs.

    3 AntwortenAllergiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do you discipline puppies?

    I got two new puppies about 2 weeks old. They fight a lot. Well, one keeps bullying the other. How do you tell the bully to stop what his doing?

    Yelling surely doesn't work, I've tried it already.

    First time taking care of puppies.

    6 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is your favorite music video, why?

    mines currently matt white-love, he's cute & i like the song since it played in "she's the man" movie.


    if its in youtube the better, so i can grab it coz im trying to update my music video library.


    7 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Is there any similar sites that plays songs instantly like in , no need for streaming or waiting?

    Philippinesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Boggling Questions-Weird Practices?

    Do you like bearded men?or clean-shaved? or with little facial hair/mustache or beard ?

    They say-

    1. Some place in middle east, non-bearded men are classified as gay and have the highest possibility of being raped by men. T/F.

    Do you know incident of these happening?Does it also make them gay as well?

    2. Woman are not allowed to be seen in a company other than their family or relatives or they get lashes,or worst executed?


    Is it a religious thing? culture or tradition perhaps?

    2 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Watch phones?

    Where in the Philippines can I find these gadgets for sale?

    5 AntwortenPhilippinesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • A guy trouble?

    If your married and caught your man in bed with another man? How would you feel?Will you be more mad than you caught him with another woman?

    1 AntwortMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wanted: Master Painter Advice.?

    I am doing the paint for our house this summer. I already applied the initial white primer(flat latex white) after the washing,scrubbing,patching and sanding. Then I bought another flat latex white and tinted it with the color i like and applied it and think I did well.

    Here comes the first question>>

    What paint the 3rd layer would be?Coz a guy came by this morning to do some estimates and says I should apply another coat so it wont chip?


    What is the procedure of painting the ceiling

    (made of wood w/ little crack in it & small nail holes)?

    2 AntwortenDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Refilling Stations?

    Do you think it would be possible in the near future where some products can be refilled directly by those manufacturers. I mean, like coffee,creamer & sugar. We just go to the manufacturer's designated refill stations with our coffee/creamer/sugar containers and fill them up instead of buying those in plastic bags? Or there will be a 5 gallon containers of coke which you can just put in our water/coke dispenser? :D

    What else??

    2 AntwortenOther - Environmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • New Zealand place?

    rochester street, palmerston north


    bevan street, woodville rural ,tararua

    how do you go from one place to another?

    (let's say starting from palmerston)

    plane?bus?a short walk?

    1 AntwortOther - Destinationsvor 1 Jahrzehnt