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  • Does Monistat cause dryness?

    This is the second time I’ve experienced yeast infection. The first time, I used Monistat 3 (was more severe), this time I am using Monistat 7 (doesn’t seem severe, made me even question if it was even YT, but used Monistat incase). Both time, I realize my hoo ha feels dry.

    Does Monistat cause dryness?

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 2 Jahren
  • Discharge?

    Sorry, TMI warning.

    For the past two days, I’ve been getting this strange discharge that I can’t seem to make out.

    It is not creamy like my normal discharge would be before my period (which coincidentally is coming soon though).

    However, it is not clumpy like yeast infection - which I’ve experienced before.

    It is kind of thin, but whiter.. kind of milky I would say?

    I am experiencing a bit of itchyness but it wasn’t nearly as itchy as when I had the yeast infection.

    What could it be? Am I being paranoid. Or is it just the “calm” stage for an oncoming YT?

    Thanks in advance

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 2 Jahren
  • Vulva pain/bleeding from sex..?

    (Sorry TMI warning): I had no vaginal-related issues in my life until I recently got a yeast infection a couple months back.

    After the YT was taken care of by Monistat 3, I started having pain/irritation on the vulva area (bottom of the vagina hole, basically near the actual pee hole). It doesn’t get irritated every time I have sex, but it happens here and there and the most recent time, it began bleeding.

    You would think maybe it’s due to friction/because I was dry, but I had felt it with my hands, and it was not dry down there at all.

    I knew it wasn’t my period or anything because when I had wiped, it wouldn’t stop lightly bleeding for a couple minutes. The next day, my vulva/vagina area is uncomfoetable. It doesn’t hurt to pee and doesn’t itch like a YT, just uncomfortable.

    Is anyone able to explain what this might be?

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 2 Jahren
  • Broken or bruised tailbone?

    Hi there.

    Today, my dumb a s s slipped, most likely hit my tailbone, and fell face forward down the stairs. Everything else felt okay and was not injured, but I did experience pain in the tailbone and my left butt cheeks.

    It's been less than 24 hours, and it hurts to sit/lay down in certain positions and there is a small bruise on my tailbone. Might be paranoid, but think it is swollen as well. It also hurts when I squeeze/flex my left buttcheek (right cheek is totally fine).

    Is this a bruised or fracture? Also, any advice on how to take care of this and help with the recovery?

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AntwortInjuriesvor 2 Jahren
  • Bled during sex?

    Sorry, this is a bit lengthy.

    I recently had a yeast infection but used Monistat 3 to treat it. All symptoms seemed to have disappeared. I had sex for the first time since the first sign infection (a week ago), and it was DRY down there. It was a bit uncomfortable and it did burn when I peed but I was okay afterwards.

    Fast forward a couple days, we tried again, and it was dry again but it didn't hurt as bad until the end. Then we realized there was blood and assumed the penetration caused my period to come earlier (has happened a lot). I had peed afterwards and it burned way more than the previous time but was fine after a couple more pees. After a couple hours, I checked my tampon and there was no blood.

    I am also sick and have been taking cold medicine which I read causes dryness due to antihistamines.

    Should this be something I should worry about? What is going on?

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 2 Jahren
  • Bleeding during sex?

    Sorry, this is a bit lengthy.

    I recently had a yeast infection but used Monistat 3 to treat it. All symptoms seemed to have disappeared. I had sex for the first time since the first sign infection (a week ago), and it was DRY down there. It was a bit uncomfortable and it did burn when I peed but I was okay afterwards.

    Fast forward a couple days, we tried again, and it was dry again but it didn't hurt as bad until the end. Then we realized there was blood and assumed the penetration caused my period to come earlier (has happened a lot). I had peed afterwards and it burned way more than the previous time but was fine after a couple more pees. After a couple hours, I checked my tampon and there was no blood.

    I am also sick and have been taking cold medicine which I read causes dryness due to antihistamines.

    Should this be something I should worry about? What is going on?

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 2 Jahren
  • Another toothache or something more serious?

    My dad has been having this toothache to comes and goes every other week/month. The toothache is accompanied by swelling. He takes painkillers that can only help so much. I'm a little bit worried that this might be something more serious like oral/jaw cancer or a tumor. I don't understand why the pain would revisit so often. My dad is quite old school so he doesn't believe in medical treatment + it might be expensive.

    I'll convince him to seek medical treatment but as for now, do you think it's someone more serious than just a typical toothache?

    Thanks in advance.

    4 AntwortenDentalvor 5 Jahren
  • Bloating and rotten egg fart?

    Lately, I've vomitting a lot. Every time I vomit, my stomach tends to bloat for a day or two. Though for the past week, my bloat won't seem to go away and I realize that my gas smells of rotten egg. I did not change anything in my diet besides eating orange. (Usually I don't eat any, but I've been eating 2 a day due to cravings).

    What is the cause of this and how do I get rid of it? Thanks in advance.

    3 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 6 Jahren
  • "Next Choice Plan B One Dose" symtoms?

    My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex in the beginning but wrapped it afterwords. I took Next Choice Plan B One Dose pill to be on the safer side. There were no side effects the first two nights after taking the pill. On the 3rd night, my stomach was crampin and I felt like vomitting. When I did, I felt a bit better but was still naseous. The next morning, I felt fatigue and my body began to ache (mostly head and arms). Once when I went pee, it was tinted orange.

    Could these symtoms mean that the pill worked?

    1 AntwortPregnancyvor 6 Jahren
  • Do I have pink-eye?

    Yesterday noon my left eye got quite itchy so I gently scratched it. By night, the left corner of my left eye (the white part of the eyeball) was red. It was still there when I woke up this morning. No pain and no further irritation. A couple days prior, I noticed my eye had gooey gunk and some eyebooger. I'm also sick (fever) as well (not sure if that has anything to do with it).

    Looks similar to this but it's only on the left side:

    1 AntwortOpticalvor 6 Jahren
  • 3 mile runs or Insanity?

    I've been doing Insanity for over 2-3 years now. I'm 18, 4'11.5" and 102.5 lbs. My goal is to slim down but still have some muscle. I'm aware that Insanity is better for maintaining muscles but it seems to be getting boring now. Will jogging cause a shock to my body and help with weight loss or should i stick to Insanity?

    1 AntwortDiet & Fitnessvor 6 Jahren