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Lv 31.242 points

Too Blessed To Be Stressed!

Favorisierte Antworten12%
  • Would like to know the approximate value of a Radiobar by Philco, ca. 1937?

    It is Model 507-37-610. In decent condition and has most if not all of the bar ware.

    I am researching this for a friend and all I can find is the original for sale price of $177.50.

    The maker's website with a picture of the model is here:

    If you have any information, I'd really appreciate it.

    1 AntwortRadiovor 10 Jahren
  • How much would the following square footage cost?

    I did the math but I don't think it's correct. WIll you please do the following math and let me know what your total is.

    I am selling pieces of slate at $2 per square foot.

    I have the following amounts and sizes to sell:

    11 pieces of 60 inches by 30 inches

    6 pieces of 36 inches by 18 inches

    7 pieces of 19 inches by 23 inches

    If I sell all of it together, how much would I charge?

    Thank you.

    (P.S. I need this by tomorrow morning. I don't want to get screwed over in this deal I am making.)

    2 AntwortenMathematicsvor 10 Jahren
  • Do you have any tips for meeting with the parents of the child I am tutoring?

    I have been tutoring their 12 year old daughter for nearly 2 months, mostly in Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension and Social Studies. The girl really just needs to learn focus and study techniques. What I have come to realize is that one major problem lies in her parent's lack of consistency in expectations and discipline. The mother gives almost as many excuses as her daughter does. I believe that if her parents became more involved (even 20 minutes per day) in their daughter's education than she would be fine on her own. As it is, I am meeting with her up to 4 times per week, 2 hours each day.

    I am meeting with the parents tomorrow because I don't believe there is any real reason for me to be on such an intensive schedule with their daughter. And I want to get it through to them that they need to be involved and consistent with her education. Of course, I will discuss her progress and behavior also.

    I would appreciate any suggestions on this type of meeting. I am not a teacher by trade nor have I ever tutored before now. I want to get my point across and be heard; however, I don't want to cross any boundaries. I meet with them tomorrow. Help!

    Thank you.

    4 AntwortenOther - Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How much is reasonable to charge for tutoring?

    I am 29, and a former co-worker of mine asked me to tutor her daughter who is in 7th grade for (at least)this next marking period. She says her daughter is failing or borderline failing most subjects and has very little motivation. She has tried everything except tutoring. Since she knows me and knows I'm generally knowledgeable, she would like me to try working with her daughter. I will be helping her daughter in general, and it's definite that I will be working on motivating her. It's an overall tall order- educationally and emotionally- for this young girl.

    I do not have a college degree yet, but I did work as a medical secretary for nearly a decade. I am working towards a degree in psych. I have never formally tutored anyone but have helped a lot of kids and handled teaching and in-servicing my old co-workers on new systems and guidelines. I am good at teaching and have patience.

    I will have to travel to her home which is about a half hour drive one way and about 45 minutes to one hour back home (because traffic is very heavy when I'd be headed home). And, of course, it is head long into winter and snow here in New Jersey, so that does not help with driving and traffic. She wants me to tutor 2 hours per day, 4 days per week. Also, it will be me mostly alone with her daughter during those times since she and her husband don't get home from work until early evening.

    What is a reasonable charge? She has made an offer that my husband and I think is nearly insulting; however, I am not certain since this will be my first formal tutoring position. I thought of charging a lower rate for 2 or 3 weeks and than increasing it once she is certain she wants to proceed with my services.

    Your expertise, thoughts, ideas are much appreciated and quite welcomed....

    3 AntwortenTeachingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Suggestions for great Christian music to play at my wedding reception... Upbeat, positive, Godly?

    Not necessarily in the realm of praise and worship. Want something you can move to.

    I like all types from Michael W. Smith to TobyMac to LeCrae. But I'm so not familiar with much of anything in the last several years. So please help me out with Artists, specific songs, etc.

    Oh and these songs will be mixed in with other neutral songs (oldies, romantic, 80's, 90's, etc).

    Thank you ;0)

    2 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Story for gift to give a bride a groom that incorporates the name of the giffts given?

    I went to a bridal shower where the bride was given a basket of things- all to use in a new home. There was a story that accompanied it that stated the name of each product (Like ALL laundry detergent and bread and etc... )

    I can't find it online and don't have any more patience (or time at the moment) to look for it. Can you help me out? Thank you.

    1 AntwortWeddingsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Average Wedding cake cost for 140 people (excluding the top tier for the bride and groom)?

    I want a square cake with a few layers (enough for that many people- I think 3) and I want it frosted preferably in butter cream with probably a butter cream filling. Nothing too exquisite but tastes good and looks nice.

    I just want to know what an average cost would be. I live in central NJ.

    Thank You

    7 AntwortenWeddingsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Formal baby carriage for two for processional.... And not too crazy of a price.?

    Since I don't know any little girls the right age to be a flower girl, I originally nixed the whole idea of having a flower girl and ring bearer.

    Than I had this idea to have the babies of each of our best friend's babies be our mini (no real function having) "flower girl and ring bearer." Thankfully his best friend just had a boy and my best friend just had a girl. So I am searching for a formal carriage for two.

    I found a single wicker one but it cost totally too much for me to spend. Even if I could rent one. I am in Central NJ. It's not a definite plan but I would like to research it.

    I would appreciate any of your help and ideas. Thank you.

    3 AntwortenWeddingsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is Win32:Trojan-gen?

    I downloaded Avast (the free home edition) last night. I had it run a scan while the computer was restarting. It came up with this message saying that in file c (etc etc etc) there is this "win32 trojan-gen {other}". Than it gives me all these options of what to do with it (ie. delete, delete all, move, etc).

    I am not computer literate. I need help with this. I want to know what it is and what to expect.

    Also I have been getting these messages every time I turn on my computer, as the very first screen, that have a mess of stufff but near the bottom it says "hard disk failure is imminent." I am a mess trying to figure this stuff out. Does this have to do with that trojan thing? Is my computer just dying? What would cause the hard disk to fail? I have never had problems really so I don't know what to do. Thanks.

    Oh and I am about to run a free virus scan from the Kaspersky website.

    Please use extremely basic language to explain otherwise I'll be lost. I dont understand any of the message boards I read after googling for answers.

    Thank YOU!

    10 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how do you say in Spanish- "What is the differencwe between..."?

    Need a quick answer thank you.

    Oh and maybe you can tell me also how to say something comparable to "I'm hanging out with Rosetta." Or something similar. Thank you

    4 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Have any of you ever heard of or shopped from

    I want to know if it is legit. And if the quality is what they promised.

    Also have any of you ever shopped from Same questons.

    I want to buy because they seem so good; however, you know what they say... if it's so good then it's usually too good to be true. But not always....


    Thank you.... :o)

    Happy Holidays everyone!

    1 AntwortOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If you "take a break" from a long term relationship, what does it mean?

    Not an easier way to break up or anything like that but time apart because the relationship at this point can go either way- 50/50.

    If nothing changes then it can never happen but change is possible it may seem.

    And while on a break can either of the two go out on innocent dates (just like dinner or movie-nothing more than innocently spending time with and chatting with someone else and seeing what the end feelings are)?

    14 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anyone else set their alarm to wake up every few hours & change their tampon or pad? Heavy periods suck!?

    It is so annoying! I sometimes think I'm the only one in the world who goes through this. I know I'm not but I need some comfort here.....



    5 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are you ever fearful that when you kill a bug (especially in your home) that the bug's family is going to come

    and get you? I think this everytime I kill a bug in my house. It's not a real fear but a thought that comes from when I killed one bee before I went to church (last year) and when I got home, my kitchen, bathroom and living room were swarming with bees. And trying to find an exterminator was useless because apprently the stupid bees are protected and can't be killed. And a Sunday afternoon coupled with my broke financial state (at the time) didn't culminate in getting a bee keeper there. I guess I broke the law when I went and got a bug fogger thing and threw it in after I grabbed some clothes and left for the night. The next day the dead swarm covered half of my apartment floor. Anything like this ever happen to you?

    1 AntwortPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Women, when did you realize you finally "became" your mom and Men, when did you realize you "became" your dad?

    And what things made you realizze it? Like characteristics, speech, ways of acting, etc? I am thinking about t because I just walked into my kitchen and realized one more thing I do like my mom. I always swore I would never be my mom (LoL- don't we all?). ;o)

    I still won't admit it to her. I am 26. I have time to admit things... I hear that's what death beds are for...... ;o)

    I can't wait to hear your answers....

    3 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are there any feminists....?

    who are pro life?

    10 AntwortenGender Studiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Isn't it funny that if we never talked about religious beliefs we may all get along rather well?

    Do you think we let beliefs ruin possible acquaintances and friendships or even civil speech.

    We have all (even me) been guilty of not so nice speech. I apologize for my not so great stuff but still the question remains....

    17 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt