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I dont believe in Gay marriage,abortion, or stupid health care reform.Yup I said it.

  • I always think he's sleeping with the girls he hangs out with?

    Me & my ex are no longer officially together but by the way we act you wouldnt be able to tell(We're not toether due to distance I'm in the Air Force he's in the Army)I'm home till Tuesday then I leave.Tonight he's having a party that I cant go 2 because I have other obligations.He's coming to my going away party tommorow & I know the first thing I'm gonna say is "So did u have fun at yur little party"Then im gonna wanna say "So did u have sex with any of the stupid girls at your party" Which he wont be able to because it's his moms house & she adores me & wouldnt let that happpen plus I have no reason to think that seeing as im thr only girl hes had sex with since or breakup yet I still ALWAYS ask him if he's slept with someone else everytime we hang out.But the thing is I know im gonna wanna ask which will provoke an argument which I dont wanna have.Can u give me some advice on how to stop thinking negativly and just try 2 avoide thinking about what he's doing right now & avoiding asking about it?lol

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Military copyright info?

    I went to a bakery in Florida caled Publiz it's basically a supermarket with a bakery inside.Last year my dad retired from the Marine Corps and we got him a cake from there with the embelem his rank & pictures of him in his cami's on the cake.That was when we lived out in the "country" you would say so they didnt care about copyright they would do whatever on a cake lol.Now I'm leaving to the Air Force tuesday & having a going away party Saturday.And where we live now their saying they cant do the Air Force insignia due to copyright.But I've heard from multiple people that they military doesnt have copyright laws against using it n a cake or something like that.Any help?(If I didnt get help I'll just dirve down to where I used to leave 45min away they already said they'd do it lol I just dont wanna drive down there for a cake)

    3 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • HELP I want thinner hair!This thick hair drives me INSANE!?

    I just recently got it cut short(From waist long to above the bra line) Now its RIDCULOUSLY thick.It was always thick but now that its short its worse.I leave for the military on Tuesday the 20th and I cant barley put it in a bun because the thick ends are so hard to deal with.I even tried razoring it thin but its still freakin thick!HELP can you suhjest a conditioner to make it thinner or anything?

    4 AntwortenHairvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Help how can I lower my sex drive!!?

    First off I'm 19 as of this Jan and he'll be 19 this August.I'm sure there are other people who have higher sex drives than I do but in my case i just feel like it's to high.Yesturday me and my bf had sex 5 times within about 6 hours. After the first time I was ready to go again like 10minutes later.But we had to go out and do something for about 2hrs.Then we came back & had sex again for about 30min.After he was done again I was ready to go after about 10min.But he had to wait like an hour.Then the same thing 30 or so min he was done.Then we waited another 30min and we went for an hour.After that time I was DONE.I couldnt even walk lol.But my thng is he was like I was fine after number 2.I just wish I could be like that too.(I had this same problem in my last 2 relationships as well)We've been together for a year & a typical day like this happens 3 times a week.(Minus the past 5months he's been away for Army training)

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are Air Force ABU jacket's zipper or button up?

    This is kinda of a dumb question lol But me & a friend are sitting around talking because i leave for BMT on the 20th and he's in the Army and we were talking about his ACUS and he's like oh yeah they have a zipper to zip them up.And I was like hey I wonder if Air Force ABUS are the same?lol

    3 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do I have to go to the same doctor for my follow up surgery?

    I'm in the Air Force and I plan on getting breast implants when I go home on leave for 2 weeks.After those 2 weeks I have to go back to my duty staion in Korea or Germany I'm not sure where yet.My question is I have to go back is there a way I can just see a doctor on base for the follow up or a doctor in the city.I know this isnt normal its usually the same doctor but I dont have a choice about this

    1 AntwortMedicinevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I think my sex drive is too high any tips PLEASE!?

    I'm sure there are other people who have higher sex drives than I do but in my case i just feel like it's to high.Yesturday me and my bf had sex 5 times within about 6 hours. After the first time I was ready to go again like 10minutes later.But we had to go out and do something for about 2hrs.Then we came back & had sex again for about 30min.After he was done again I was ready to go after about 10min.But he had to wait like an hour.Then the same thing 30 or so min he was done.Then we waited another 30min and we went for an hour.After that time I was DONE.I couldnt even walk lol.But my thng is he was like I was fine after number 2.I just wish I could be like that too.(I had this same problem in my last 2 relationships as well) He has been gone for 5 months due to Army training so that might've been why.But I dont think so because like I said this was the case with my last to bf's too and that used to be on a 2 times maybe 3 times a week basis.He didnt complain btw but I can tell he was tired

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Should I eat after or before my run tonight?

    I'm only going to run about a mile maybe even 1.50 but it's going to be around 9 or 9.30 my boyfriend is going to come home with dinner around 8.30 should I eat then or should I eat when I get back from the run.I dont know if this matters because like they say dont eat right abefore bed but I'm going to go to bed around 2am

    6 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Should I eat after or before my run tonight?

    I'm only going to run about a mile maybe even 1.50 but it's going to be around 9 or 9.30 my boyfriend is going to come home with dinner around 8.30 should I eat then or should I eat when I get back from the run.I dont know if this matters because like they say dont eat right abefore bed but I'm going to go to bed around 2am

    3 AntwortenRunningvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I think my sex drive is to much for a girl?

    I'm sure there are other people who have higher sex drives than I do but in my case i just feel like it's to high.Yesturday me and my bf had sex 5 times within about 6 hours. After the first time I was ready to go again like 10minutes later.But we had to go out and do something for about 2hrs.Then we came back & had sex again for about 30min.After he was done again I was ready to go after about 10min.But he had to wait like an hour.Then the same thing 30 or so min he was done.Then we waited another 30min and we went for an hour.After that time I was DONE.I couldnt even walk lol.But my thng is he was like I was fine after number 2.I just wish I could be like that too.Any tips?(I had this same problem in my last 2 relationships as well)

    6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does you get a later reporting date if you do recruiters assistance(Air Force)?

    Is it the same thing 2 weeks?My boyfriends in the Army and he graduated AIT on April 2nd but doesnt have to report to Germany till May 2 Im guessing its because he's doing hometown recruiting...In the Air Force is it the same do they give you a later reporting date of you do recruiters assistance?(Btw I know you get charged leave the extra days after recruiters assistance no matter the reporting date)

    4 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can I get a custom Browning buckmark bumper sticker?

    This is going to sound really weird but my bf is half Puerto Rican and half white.More white than anything his dads a redneck(he basically is too lmao)so he loves fishing hunting all that.But he still says he's Puerto Rican.So for a little gift I would lovvvvvvvvvvveee to get him the browning buckmark bumper sticker but with the Puerto Rican flag in it...Is there anyway I can do that?Through a site or something?

    4 AntwortenHuntingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do Air Force recruiters get their DEPers jobs?

    I already have a job I leave April 20th but I had tp wait around 7 months.I'm just curious how they get perople jobs.Do they get calls from Lackland AFB telling them hey we have this date open or do they calls from tech schools.Or is their a program on the computer that lists jobs and recruiters have to check them daily.Just a question lol

    1 AntwortMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How hard is it to CLEP spanish?

    I'm Puerto Rican and spanish is my second language.I speak it fluently and can also read it.My only problem is I can write it but I never remember where to put accents and stuff like that.The CLEP exam is FREE but I still dont want to take it if writing is going to be a big part.Any advice?

    2 AntwortenStandards & Testingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Plastic Surgery is not considered convalescent leave..right?

    I keep having this argument with people is it or is it not?

    6 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Help Help my friend's stuck at Ft.Sill?

    He graduates on the 1st and doesnt have enugh money to go back home to KY..but he's getting stationed at ft campbell in KY..I told him well they're paying for yur friend 2 get to his base in germany why wouldnt they pay for u to get to yours ask them he said he did and they said no..Wtf?

    3 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • In the Air Force if you sign up for 6 years what will you be making in tech school?

    I know upon graduation you become an E-3 but from BMT until tech school graduation do you make E-1 or E-2 pay or do you just gor from E-1 pay all the way through BMT and tech school then jump to E-3 upon graduation

    4 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does every Air Force AFSC get a reenlistment bonus?

    Just a question because I leave for BMT in 3 weeks and still havent made the desicion of 4 or 6 years.And people keep saying wait and go with 4 because you get a higher reenlistment bonus when you sign up again but my job's 4A0X1 basically medical admin so I know the bonus wont be that big if there even is one.So im thinking maybe the 6 year option is better?(It's not about the money either it's jst the money is a part so I wanna know all my options)

    3 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt