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Favorisierte Antworten11%
  • What is the time limit a a stool a sample for a cat?

    True Question. i have 2 cats sharing a litter box. i need to take them both to the vet with stool sample for each. Meaning i would pretty much have to setup camp in front of the litter box. my thought was to try and get a sample for 1 cat friday night and get the others saturday night to be ready for our appointment sunday morning.

    1 AntwortOther - Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • are there any safe mold cleaners?

    i live in an apartment with an unnatural amount of condensation around the windows, especially in the bathroom (of course).Other than turpentine and bleach is there anything i can use to clean and kill mold without suffocating the entire family? I also have two cats in the home as well, so i must keep their health in mind as well.

    4 AntwortenCleaning & Laundryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Am I wrong? If so, why am I wrong?

    i married my husband when i was 21 he was 27. i was young and in love, but it really hasn't been easy. a little back ground i had our son 22weeks into our pregnancy and it was a struggle for a while there. During the midst of dealing with my son my husband goes into a deep depression and tries to commit suicide. for the past 10 years i've been dealing with his depression and quite frankly i'm tired. he finally went to counseling about 2years ago but i don't see much in change. Yeah granted he takes his meds everyday he smiles a little more but i don't think his doctors really converse with him to find out why he is depressed, or what the root of his problems are. Bottom line i'm tired and i'm finding myself more and more realizing that i'm not in love with my husband anymore, don't get me wrong i love him but i have not been in love for many many years. Would it be wrong of me to tell him how I truly feel knowing that it may upset him and send him over the edge. Because I don't know how much longer i can deal. I feel like my having to hold it in is making me despise and resent him even more.

    6 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I need ideas for my vacation........HELP?

    Funds of course now adays a low and this is the first year in 10years of being a parent and wife hat i am planning a family vacation. i wanted to try and rent a timeshare for a few days but this just isn't working for me. I live in the washington,d.c. / baltimore area so i know that i can take the kids to the national zoo for free and the smithsonian museums for free, along with the beach, but after that what else is there. Mind you my sister and I are trying to plan this together and haven't got a clue ages for our children run from 7months up to 14 years old 3 girls 2 boys. Keep in mind we are toting a baby we can't go to amusement parks or theme parks because bot the baby and my sister suffer from xtreme heat stroke... ANY SUGGESTIONS? ALL HELP WELCOMED :)

    16 AntwortenOther - United Statesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what is wrong with men today?

    why do men think that because they don't have any money in their pockets that they don't have to recognize an important day in your relationship. to give detail my husband is very much like a kid when it comes to his birthday and our anniversary, and even christmas asking "what are you going to get me? or what are you thinking about getting me for (what ever the occasion is )?" , and here i earn less then him usually break my neck to make sure he has a very good day sometimes with a nice dinner or a gift something he has asked for or wanted for a long time, but when it comes to reciprocating or remembering my birthday because he didn't have any money the day is not special. this really burns me. i am really to the point where i just want to say lets observe our sons birthday and xmas and nothing else. don't get me wrong i do love my husband and it truly is not about getting a gift from him it really comes down to the subject of it being the thought that counts.Just a thought.Had 2vent

    30 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • where can i go ...?

    need help to understand the online language system need to know where i can go to find out what different abbreviations mean? like imafo mainly looking for a dictionary of sorts help??? thanks

    1 AntwortLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • where can i find software and downloads for free?

    someone gave me 2 ipods last years models i think with no directions or software for downloading. where can i find the software online and where can i got ot get free downloads, that really are free with out signing up for services.?

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what is the name of this card game?

    when i was in french class we used to play a card game i can't remember the name. it was like a driving game where you needed a green light card to travel the, but if you pulled a red card you had to stop. in between you would pull mileage cards and out of gas cards and full tank cards and accident cards and repair cards. the object was to answer as many questions right to accumulate a certain amount of miles to win. Any french majors out there?

    4 AntwortenCard Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • please clarify?

    went to YAHOO groups was looking for help for parents of special needs children with ADHD that were premies of 22 week gestation, but i came across a site speaking of micr-premies. What exactly is a micro-premie? Would my son who was 22 weeks gestation and birth weight of 1lb 6.2oz qualify?

    3 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how many can you remeber?

    i being a person who grew up in the 80's could not believe that my sister 4years older that me could not remeber one of our favorite t.v shows The High Mountain Rangers basically baywatch on snow skies starring Robert Conrad and sons. Please tell me someone remembers it. Also how many can you remember, here's a start KIGHT RIDER, AIRWOLF, A-TEAM,AMERICAN HERO, SCARECROW AND MRS KING, SHE-RA, HE-MAN, OH AND REMEBER TRIBES (The first teen soap opera that was so taboo it was taken off the air in the first season) CAN YOU ADD TO THE LIST?

    5 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • should i unplug my freezer?

    i believe my deep freezer chest is about to die. i can hear it click on for a few seconds and then it turns off. call me paranoid but my house burned down a few months ago. should i leave it alone because it is still cold and filled with food, or should i put all the food in my ice chest until monday when i can buy a new one? help.

    2 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has there been a recall on the febreze scentstories products?

    I've been looking for months now for the febreze scentstories products mainly the replacment discs and it's like they've fallen off the face of the earth .febreze doesn't even have the product on their web site anymore. Have they discontinued production?

    1 AntwortOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • been looking for a Dean Koontz book for a year ...HELP.?

    started reading a book series over 3 years ago been looking for the last 2 books in the series can't find them. Authors name is Dean Koontz and the book series is believe it or not frankenstein, the first book was prodigal son. Any input or advice where to look? thanks.

    5 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how do i filter out annoying emails?

    within the past month i've been getting endless emails from over seas saying you won the lottery . your email was randomly selected these are all juat a ploy to get you to send money to them for "courier" charges they are annoying and i want them to stop. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2 AntwortenAbuse and Spamvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how do i find excel?

    my boss asked me to do a chart using excel. can't find it in her system i know she uses it but have no clue where to look. can i do a systems search?

    4 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • when should i file for unemployment ?

    i just found out 2 weeks ago my company was shutting down. I know i am going to be laid off , but the office staff was kept on to help with clean up. Rumor is that we will be closed by the end of the month. Since i know i will be unemployed soon should i file now since it can take a few weeks to process or do i have to wait until it is all over?

    4 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 1 Jahrzehnt