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  • (Marines) which of the following Mos should I choose?

    I scored a 90 on my asvab so I can pretty much pick anything. I've slimmed it down to 03xx and m1a1 operator or AAV operator. If any of you could tell me about your experience with any of these job fields, if you liked/hated it, or if you would choose something different it would be greatly appreciated.

    5 AntwortenMilitaryvor 6 Jahren
  • What move do the New Jersey Devils need to make this summer to make the playoffs next season or the season after?

    Realistic ideas only, I don't want to hear about us trading 10 picks and and half our roster for Crosby. Do you think a JVR trade is possible, or may be Kessel? We have very solid goaltending, decent and developing defense man, and and maybe 2 or 3 decent forwards.

    2 AntwortenHockeyvor 6 Jahren
  • I m a hockey player looking for a new pair of ice skates.?

    I want a pair tighter at the heel up to the part right before your toe before they are a little looser for the toes. I have a pair of bauer supreme 140s that are nice, but I want to upgrade before practice starts in about a month, any suggestions? My budget is $100-200, but I can go a little higher if they are really nice.

    1 AntwortHockeyvor 6 Jahren
  • What is one way religion has positively impacted society throughout history?

    I'm not here to argue whether Christianity, Islam or any other religion is right or wrong. I'm an atheist, and you can't change that. I'm wondering if you have examples of how religion has impacted society. Positively, or negatively, and why you think this. In my opinion, religion has negatively impacted society far more than positively. Religion has caused wars ( the great crusades, the 9/11 attacks that lead to Iraq, not to mention all the Greek and Roman wars caused by their multiple gods), it has caused persecution against gays, it was used as a reason to kill people in the holocaust, it had many killed in soviet Russia, it is the cause for a large number of middle eastern wars, many were killed in the French Revolution for being catholic, it is the main difference between Palestine and Israel, it is a major political barrier between the left and right, it has caused numerous attacks in Ireland. Religion, as a whole, causes tension between people who would get along without their religious barriers. Do you have any examples of ways religion has positively impacted society?

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • How to tell my family I'm joining the marines?

    I'm 16, and want to tell my parents I'm joining the marines very badly. My problem is my dad is a conspiracy theorist. He watches Alex Jones, and thinks the U.N. is trying to take over the world. Regardless of my dads insane political views, I love him and respect him for being a great dad my whole life. Basically, I've spent the past five years pretending to agree with his politics because its easier than arguing with him. Any idea how I can tell my parents I'm joining without a huge political arguement that would eventually piss everyone off?

    5 AntwortenMilitaryvor 7 Jahren
  • How do I start a conversation with this girl?

    Ok, so three years ago I was talking to a girl for several months. We're both awkward and shy, but we had a lot in common. Over that summer, I asked her out. She said that she wanted to date, but she was moving later that month and we would never be able to hang out. This year, she moved back and we go to high school together. We are both still awkward and shy, and I don't know how to start a conversation with her because she very rarely talks to anybody. I really want to start talking to this girl again, but I have no idea how to. Don't say that thing about how it's all about confidence, because I have absolutely none. Please help

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • How do i tell my parents I'm joining the marines?

    My dad is a very anti war type I person. He is into infowars and all the conspiracy theory bullshit. I pretend to agree, just to avoid the argument. But I want to join the marines. I've done my research, and I've made my decision. Is there a way to tell him that could avoid an argument?

    6 AntwortenMilitaryvor 7 Jahren
  • Would Rand Paul and Dr.Ben Carson be a strong republican ticket for 2016?

    It seems like with Rand you get republican and libertarian support, and with Carson you would get support from blacks, as long as no blacks run on the democratic ticket.

    7 AntwortenElectionsvor 8 Jahren
  • Do you think Cyprus will happen here?

    With the government shutdown and the default closing in, what would stop the government from seizing U.S. bank accounts in order to pay off debts?

    3 AntwortenGovernmentvor 8 Jahren
  • Why is everybody so scared about the federal government going into default?

    When is the last time they did something useful? Should we get rid of every politician paychecks, keep paying the military, and just drastically reduc the number of government employees and powers?

    8 AntwortenGovernmentvor 8 Jahren
  • Classic rock suggestions?

    My favorite bands are pink Floyd, the Beatles, CCR, I like Clapton, not a fan of zeppelin though... Any suggestions?

    10 AntwortenRock and Popvor 8 Jahren
  • Should we reform welfare?

    It would seem there are several flaws with the way welfare works. Here is what I think welfare should do:

    1 require all welfare recipient to take a monthly drug test. It's not fair that they can smoke pot and collect the money that I make while I can't smoke it because I would get fired

    2 require them to show proof that they are actively seeking employment ( unless they are past retirement age, or are not legally able to work)

    3 require that they work in a soup kitchen, or clean trash by the highway, or some form of community service, for a minimum of 40 hours a week( unless they are retired or not legally able to work)

    5 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 8 Jahren
  • How is intervening in Syria in the best interest of America?

    It doesn't help us no matter how you look at it. It hurts foreign relations terribly, it costs a ridiculous sum of money, it doesn't protect American interests, and we would be on the side of al queada, by many reports.

    5 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 8 Jahren
  • Trying to build a gaming laptop, advice?

    I have a very old compaq pressario. I'm hoping to replace the motherboard, graphics card, and basically bring it up to date. My alienware m17x crashed, and I've been told its a goner, so I could really use a new laptop, but there's no way in shelling out $1500 on a computer that crashes a week out of warranty. So will I be able to rebuild the compaq, or would I be better off saving up for a completely new computer?

    1 AntwortLaptops & Notebooksvor 8 Jahren
  • Any ideas what I should ask for Christmas?

    I have an Xbox 360, tv, iPod touch, and all the clothes I want for now. I want a gaming computer, but I don't want to ask my parents to spend $1200 dollars on me, because my parents are the kind of people who would work overtime for five months to get it, and that's not fair to them. Any ideas?

    3 AntwortenChristmasvor 8 Jahren
  • Physical training for Marine force recon?

    I'm currently 16, an I've decided to join marine force recon( MOS 0321). How should I train physically and mentally for this? Any advice from former recon marines?

    5 AntwortenMilitaryvor 8 Jahren
  • Why do people look down on marines?

    People complain that marines have too much of a marine attitude. Why is it considered less honorable to be a marine than other armed forces? Marines are the best non- special forces out there, it would seem, so why do people not like them?

    11 AntwortenMilitaryvor 8 Jahren
  • Is it time for serious change in America?

    I'm not talking about Obama's 2008 "change". I mean reshaping taxes, the way we look at politics, the way we decide if we go to war, how we spend tax dollars, Etc. Here is what I would do.

    Taxes- abolish Federal income tax, trade it for approximately 8% sales tax.

    Elections- get rid of the electoral college. They suppresss democratic votes in texas, republican votes in California, and third party votes everywhere. Instead of needing electoral college votes, the presidential candidate should need to just win the popular vote. Allow Americans to decide to hold early presidential elections at midterms.

    Voting- I think Americans should be able to weigh in on bills. I don't think a bill should be able to pass unless 51% of Americans or more agree with it. And if 75% or more Americans agree with something, we should be able to override federal government to have a bill implemented.

    War- Americans should have more say in whether or not we go to war, considering we would be the ones dying, not the congressman in Washington.

    War on drugs- allow state voters to decide which drugs should be legal and which should not. Abolish federal war on drugs. Have a 16% tax on all drugs.

    7 AntwortenImmigrationvor 8 Jahren
  • So do you think pot should be legalized?

    In Colorado :

    Violent crime is down 400% for the first quarter.

    Tax revenue is going at an expected rate of 400 million a year( just from pot)

    Teen use of marijuana in colorado has recently dropped.

    7 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 8 Jahren
  • Is America on a path to economic collapse?

    Seeing the effects of qe4 (quantitative easing 4), and the way that the stock market was up for weeks( Bernanke pumping billions of dollars into the stock market), and then bernanke said he might stop drilling for oil, and the stocks drop 800+ points in one day, and qe4 is nearly at an end. With these two things happening, is 2013 going to make the depression look like fun?

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren