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Favorisierte Antworten13%
  • is a legitimate site?

    I ran into this website and I can't seem to find anything about it...

    I wanted to know if anyone has ever heard of it? is it legit?

    1 AntwortYahoo Shoppingvor 10 Jahren
  • is silver-bearing solder the same solid solder wire?

    I was going to solder some electrical wires and I have a role of solid solder wire but I was told by my friend to use silver-bearing solder... I was hoping that they would be the same and I wouldn't have to spend some money on the solder. basically can I use the solid solder wire in place of the silver-bearing? is it not recommended to use them interchangably?

    5 AntwortenDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What insoles are better for running?

    I was looking for an insole for running that will also do something for my pronation... I was looking at Spenco PolySorb Total Support Insoles and Sof Sole Graphite Orthotic Insoles.

    which one of these two are better? or can anyone recommend a specific insole that worked for them and helped their pronation. I have over-pronation.

    1 AntwortRunningvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Somehting wrong with my 03 chevy impala's stereo....?

    My car's battery died one day and I called triple A for a jump... which they did but my radio doesn't work anymore. all the lights on it are on but it just doesn't turn on and also when I would leave the key in the ignition if the door was opened it would start ringing and now it doesn't do that neither... what can I do about this? has anyone had any experience with this?

    I'm going crazy without music in my car... please help me!

    4 AntwortenCar Audiovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Navy or Air force to be a Fire Fighter/Paramedic?

    I have been wanting to join the millitary since I graduated high school, and have not since I know that my family would be devastated. but now I have decided that I am going to do it for myself and that it's my life and not theirs. I have made my decision to be a Fire Fighter/Paramedic but the question that remains is to join the Navy or Air Force. I know that for the Navy the paramedics are the corpsman and the Fire Fighters are crash crews on ships. and in the air force the paramedics are pararescue and the Fire Fighters are on the bases. I think this is all correct but I would like more info from others and then I will make a decision.

    Thank you


    4 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What type of oil and oil filter for a 2009 Hyundai Sonata 4cyl 2.4?

    I have been trying to find it but I can't find it and I even called the dealer and the guy didn't know and he told me I would have to do the service with them to find out. I was also wondering Regular or Synthetic?

    4 AntwortenHyundaivor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • looking for cities about 1 1/2 hours away from disney!?

    I had a similar question and everyone answered close cities I saw that gainesville is about 1 1/2 hours but being a fire fighter I need a job and they are currently not hiring. what other cities are close to gainesville and are still good cities to live in.

    1 AntwortOther - United Statesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Good places to move to about 1 to 2 hours away from disney?

    I am a fire fighter and I live in Miami it is way too busy and crazy here. I was born and raised in miami so I don't know any places up north. I was looking into some place about 1 to 2 hours from disney due to family members living there, but I don't want to be that close that they can come over everyday. lol! I'm looking for cities that are safe with low crime rates? cheap housing? good schools for future kids? jobs for fire fighters? close to shopping malls and grocery stores?

    curently I would have to say I need a 1bd 1 bath room apt. max price would be like 750 maybe! if possible including utilities with washer and dryer.

    I have no idea but any help will be very much appreciated!!

    3 AntwortenOrlandovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • who thinks that, that Audrina Girl is Beautiful?

    I was just randomly changing channels on my T.V. and I came accross that show hills and I say that audrina girl and OMG!!! I thought she was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Driving problems with 2003 chevy impala.?

    When I drive my impala at 60mph or higher it starts shaking. a lot of mechanics have told me it needs a balance. but, I don't want to do that because I need new tires anyways. otherwise I would do it. when I first got the car i took it to midas and they told me that the rear axle tie rods were bent which you could plainly see that they were bent. I thought they were just lying and wanted to screw me over with something else. well, time elapsed I took it to a friend of a friends and he told me that its the tie rods and that they need to be changed ASAP that its a life threatening thing. now he gave me an estimate and hes charging me 155 per tie rod to change the inner and outer tie rod ends so that's 310 for the both sides. plus 82.50 for the labor. so it comes out to about 400 plus tax.

    Now I wanted to know is this something I could do by myself and save myself A LOT of money on or should I spend the money and save time?

    Thank you


    P.S. I bought this car with rebuilt title and it was crashed from the rear.

    4 AntwortenChevroletvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My cars back tires are eating on the inside?

    I have a 2003 Chevy Impala which was in a crash from the back. My back tires are eating themselves alot on the inside. now some people told me that it could be the alignment of the car but there was one point in time where i took my car to midas to change the oil and they showed me how there are some rods next to the tires which are bent. you can see they are somewhat bent and thats what they said was going to happen and it did! my question is what can I do or what should I do? get new tires and align the car or should i find some place that will somehow check the car hopefully not chartging me and tell me if those rods are the problem?

    5 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the best motor oil for a 2003 chevy impala and 1 more thing?

    so i was looking into changing my own oil. i dont know what oil to get ive always taken my car to change it to wal-mart but i need to save som more money so yea! i wanna change the oil myself but not sure which oil to choose whether regular oil like wal-amrt stuff or like castrol gtx or mobil or quaker state.

    also when is it that the windshield wipers need to be removed?

    6 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what can i get with $500 dollars?

    I need a subwoofer system with box and everything dont really know what to get though! I went to this place where i got my tints and they told me that they could sell me 2 pioneer subs and a kenwood amplifier with box cables installed and everything else for $500 dollars. is that any good!

    5 AntwortenCar Audiovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • supercharging a 2003 chevy impala?

    Hi! i would like to get some info on that i have an 03 impala the 3.4l version though! would it be a bad idea to supercharge it? how much do superchargers sell for? and where can i get them for my impala?

    2 AntwortenChevroletvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • So should i buy this car?

    it is a 2001 limited ed pt cruiser with a 2002 pt cruiser engine the guy said he changed it out b/c the old engine had problems so he got the newer cars engine and fixed all the problems that they usually have. hes selling it for $5,500 with 40k miles.should i get it? what suggetions do you have?

    7 AntwortenBuying & Sellingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 2001 pt cruiser any good?

    I think i found the car for me! people have told me that its a bad car. I want to know why though? and what is wrong with getting that car? its a 2001 limited ed pt cruiser with 40k miles.

    6 AntwortenChryslervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • is this a good laptop?

    I was looking into this dell the E1505!

    Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7200 (2.00GHz, 4MB L2 Cache, 667MHz FSB)

    15.4 inch Wide Screen XGA Display with TrueLife™(glossy)

    2GB DDR2 SDRAM at 667MHZ, 2 DIMM

    256MB ATI MOBILITY™ RADEON® X1400 HyperMemory™

    Hard Drive 120GB 5400rpm SATA Hard Drive

    Windows Vista™ Home Premium

    Integrated 10/100 Network Card and Modem

    8X CD/DVD Burner (DVD+/-RW) with double-layer DVD+R write capability

    Integrated Sound Blaster® Audigy™HD Software Edition Intel PRO/Wireless 3945a/g

    85 WHr 9-cell Lithium Ion Primary Battery

    is all of this good for a laptop?

    I want to do a little gaming, computer programming, web design, and a lot of music for my ipod.

    should i have gotten something different?

    3 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Looking for a car good on gas, and good price? 2000 or newer?

    well, the title sais but i am looking for a car that is good on gas and that is selling for a good price, can anyone help me. I want a car that is from the year 2000 and newer.

    I like impalas.

    2 AntwortenBuying & Sellingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • im looking for a good used car which one?

    well, the title kinda sais it all but i want to buy a used car but i dont know what to really get i wanted a chevy impala but not the newer, smaller version. i just want someone to help me out picking out a car and where to get it. lol!

    7 AntwortenBuying & Sellingvor 1 Jahrzehnt

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