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i love my Cat ,Chung :)

  • I have fallen for a guy I probably shouldn't have...?

    Okey well me and my ex boyfriend were mates for a couple of months after we broke up,he has a friend (lets name him bob).

    Well me and bob get along really well,but me and my ex had a massive argument ..what means we no longer talk at all. Anyway me and bob still talk and we get along really well!

    Bob is still a virgin and has never had a girlfriend as he finds it hard to talk to girls. He is 18 btw and I'm 17. Well recently I keep thinking about him and I think I have fallen for him without even knowing it.. But he's my exs best friend!

    Do I just leave the idea of me and bob becoming anything more than friends??

    Thanks for helping out

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • How do i make my hair stay perfect ..?

    How do I keep my hair looking perfect all day.?

    My hair always looks great in the morning but by the middle of my college day., it doesn't look like I even bothered with it.!

    Ideas please.?

    3 AntwortenHairvor 7 Jahren
  • so he's my ex boyfriend but?

    okey so me and my ex go back years! we were dating for 3 mouths (we were seeing each other ,kissing and all that before we dated for about 2 months - did not have sex then)

    well we have our ups and downs and atm i dont know what to do!

    i do still really care about him , i dont know if i still love him or if ive somehow trained myself not too anymore.

    he's really confusing because its like he wants me when ive nearly completely givin up!

    should i just give up or should i wait and see if we'll date again ?

    im 17 and hes 18

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 8 Jahren
  • honesty am i just not attractive?

    I am 17, love to have a laugh with people and can get along with pretty much anyone! I'm strong minded in what I want to do with my life and I always make sure people are happy.

    Why do i never get any male attention?

    I mean men will look and smile at me but yet never seem to want to be anything more than friends. I've only had one boyfriend.

    here's some pics of me

    im on the right --

    am i ugly or something?

    9 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 8 Jahren
  • I want to become a art teacher in a prison?

    hey , im 17 , female.

    Im at college studying Art and Design Level 2 at the moment.

    I want to become a art teacher in a prison (uk prison btw) ... will i need to do the uniform services course as well to do this ?

    3 AntwortenTeachingvor 8 Jahren
  • ART DECO artists names please?

    I need names of 4 art deco artists ???

    art and design homework .... needing help!

    thank you

  • why dont guys ever see me as anything but a friend?

    okey , so all my friends get load of attention from guys and they actually come and talk to them .. my friends are pretty so i understand why they get guys attention. Thing is .... I get none! no guy ever approaches me , all they do is stare at me ! whats just strange and creepy. when i get to know a guy i just end up being a good mate... its not like im a tom-boy either as im very girly!

    just so you can see what i look like



    am I really that unattractive that ever guy it seems doesnt try and chat me up! haha

    i'm a confident, young women (17) , i study art and design in college and friendly to everyone ... i honestly dont understand why i get no guy talking to me other than a mate

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 8 Jahren
  • Is there a film like this?

    Is there a film were

    A girl wins someone money but doesn't tell anyone., then one day she gets up really early in the morning and leaves and just leaves a note saying she doesn't know when she'll be back - she leaves a box under her baby brothers cot with £1000 in side it. She's about 18-19.

    So she leaves and jumps on a train with only a couple of tops and trousers/shorts with her.. She ends up going to new Zealand and works there for a year or so without contacting anyone she once knew before she left, she doesn't use the money she won., she still likes to spend her earnings and keep the money for when she needs to get away again. The girl leaves new Zealand and travels around the world teaching the poor art and English., she enjoys to live alone and to live free without anyone really knowing who she is. She changes her name everywhere she goes . She keeps a diary and takes photos so she'll never forget the people she's met and helped. After 7 years she returns back home , with nothing in her bag other than her passport and her purse with very little in .. But her bank was still full. She lived in her hometown for a couple of months before returning back to her family .

    As I think that'd be a really great film

    2 AntwortenMoviesvor 8 Jahren
  • Is it possible I'm pregnant as I feel so different in myself?

    Hey., well okey I've always used a condom and about two months ago now I got the injection.. So its not like I planned too.

    Well last time I had sex was about two months ago now (as me and my boyfriend split up) , well I haven't had a period since and I know the injection can stop them but its weird how I came off after being kinda on for 3 weeks (it was like the brown stuff you get at the end., but that the whole 3 weeks). Well I have also gained a little weight , I'm on slimming world diet so should be losing.! Well I also feel completely different in myself., my belly feels like really strange inside - I'm not completely sure how to explain it .. It feels like butterflys but nearly all the time.

    I never knew if the condom split but I am on the injection.. Is it even possible.?

    1 AntwortPregnancyvor 8 Jahren
  • I want to start going running but dont know how?

    So I'm nearly 17 and I want to start going running but finding it hard to motervat myself to do it.... HELP????

    6 AntwortenRunningvor 8 Jahren
  • Do guys find ginger hair attractive?

    Like a dark ginger on a beautiful women.?

    1 AntwortHairvor 8 Jahren
  • Why do I cry myself to sleep every night when I have a great life?

    Ever since my cat died 3weeks ago my life is going down hill, everything I do is going wrong and its just sht . I cry myself to sleep most nights and cry everyday at some point. I have a great family and friends and used to be really happy., I have the perfect life but all of a sudden I'm so upset and think about just ending it all or cutting myself but knowing its stupid stops me. I don't understand how I can have the perfect life but now everything is going down hill and I'm so upset alll the time


    7 AntwortenMental Healthvor 8 Jahren
  • How do you know if your depressed or just upset sometimes?

    Hey , I'm 16 years old and atm I'm upset a lot or just have no feeling at all towards anything

    Two and a half weeks ago my cat (also my befriend) got poisoned by something outside and died. I am still very emotional about this., and cry every night for him to come back and be with me again. My parents have done loads to help me though this time- paid vet bills, let me print off photos and even got some of his fur personly put in a necklace charm so he's always with me <3

    I finished my boyfriend and later on found out that he had slept with other girls when he was on holiday .

    My rabbit had a heart attack.

    Basically everything has gone down hill in the last couple of weeks. I feel happy and I hang out with friends but once I'm at home or just walking/being alone I hate how everything is and I then get upset again. Sometimes I just sit doing nothing with no feelings towards anything, I don't think about anything then either .

    My dad said that I'm depressed but then took it back quite fast after he said it.

    How am I ment to know or is it best not to know.?

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 8 Jahren
  • Please dont say im pregnant?

    Ok so I had sex for the first time nearly a month ago now .. I lost it to my boyfriend .

    We've had sex 3 times in total now and we always use a condom!

    But recently my nipples really hurt to be touched , I'm always needing a pee.. I can hold it I'm but no where near as much as I use to be able too. And today my legs really really itch! Like the only time there not itching is when there in the bath., as I am atm.

    I also keep getting dreams that I have a bump

    I'm not due on till the 19th , but I'm really sacred that I could be :(

    Do they sound like early pregnancy symptoms ?

    I'm 16 and my boyfriend is 18.. Were to young to have a baby and I don't believe in abortions

    6 AntwortenPregnancyvor 8 Jahren
  • what baby names do you think sounds best?

    - asking for a friend-

    Tia-Bea (said as tia bee)



    2 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 8 Jahren
  • how can i make sex better for him?

    it feels like he does all the work and i just enjoy it

    what can i do to ake it feel like im doing something too?

    im 16 ( was a virgin before him ) and he's 18 and has had quite a few girls

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 8 Jahren
  • will vintage-style clothes look good on me ?

    hey im 16 (very nearly 17) and im starting college in September and need to buy new clothes for college!

    i've lost quite a lot of weight these last couple of months - gone from a UK size 14 to a UK size 8-10! (still losing weight) .... well i really like the vintage look ... like this ::: :

    me : , ,

    do you think i'll pull it off well??

    4 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 8 Jahren
  • how can i take a nice photo of myself?

    heya, so im 16 girl....

    i've got a really great camera but it doesnt matter how much i try to get a good photo of myself ... i can get one! I dont know any good poses or how to stand or anything!

    I need to know how to take a good photo of myself???? help me out with some ideas please

    thank you

    1 AntwortOther - Beauty & Stylevor 8 Jahren
  • when can we do more than just dry humping ?

    hey so me and my boyfriend dry hump (we've been 'seeing ' each other for 3 weeks , dating one week) ... anyway i want to do more ,like fingering- tosting him off ect ect. he says that he wants to wait a while before doing anything because he does want me to feel uncomfortable or rushed (im a virgin , hes not) .... thing is i wanna do something now as im ready now. im 16 , he's nearly 18.

    how much longer should i wait before saying that i wanna do more ?

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 8 Jahren
  • rate my drawing out of 10 please ?

    im 16 years old ... gonna start art in college in September

    tell me what you think

    4 AntwortenDrawing & Illustrationvor 8 Jahren