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darren m
the petition from Daily kos only acknowledges u.s. zip code for a Global problem.
2 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 6 Jahren**** heads put F.BI. Warnings on dvd hep me make fun of them?
to illustrate the racism and stupidity of hollywood 20th century copyrights on dvds
i need people two play both sides of a civil side the copyright confedracy and the other the union.if u.s. citizens are nott ibsentive pricks they should feel like sticking it to hollywood so will yhelp me please?
1 AntwortOther - Society & Culturevor 6 JahrenWill Brainwashing Continue to manipulate U.S AND Canadian Citizens to vote for corporate interests in election?
page 248 and others suggest crime and poverty ignored in future as well in place called Solarian League in Old Chicago.
So I ask will a First Nations Party a native American Party be able to upset the political landscape and defeatThe Conservative Party of Canada and a Communist Party also win or will the corporate crime brainwashing prevail?
4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 JahrenObama and U.S. Green Party and U.S. Bill of Rights anti-malicious computer program wil be implemented since Obama says better to?
Obama critiqued Boehnar for trying to impeach him .So will U.S. Congress ever implement U.S. Bill of Rights Preamble as anti-malware computer program?
4 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 7 JahrenFBI confuse terrorism with bill of rights as computer anti-malicious program is that what they thought yahoo user was?
I read something on Yahoo search engine that FBI alledge that a Yahoo Answers user was a terrorist.Is this why U.S. Government is unable to use U.S. Bill of Rights Preamble as computer program? Is torture the prefferred method of fighting terrorism of U.S. Government or is it possible to use U.S.A. Bill of Rights Preamble as computer program to scan for and disarm bombs?
Yes i understand computer programs can be hacked but better idea than the torture claimed to be advocated.Is anyone opposed to torture thought to be a terrorist by The F.B.I or Home Land Security?
3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 7 JahrenIsraeli IDF raping Israeli IF Women members does this happen like u.s. military?
Have any israeli women serving in The IDF been raped by members of The IDF or hve Palestinians or PLO prevented Iaraeli women sldiers being raped by members of The IDF?
HAS iSLAMIC jIIHAD, al Qaeda or the muslim brother hood ever stopped a rape of woman IDF member by IDF or the rape of a u.s. service woman by a U.S. soldier?
1 AntwortCurrent Eventsvor 8 JahrenIs Jose Ibenez considered dangerous because OF RACISM IN kANSAS?
iS jOSE iBENEZ ONE of the u.s. citizens accused of being illegally in u.s. becuause of hispanic descent and was the result of this his aggravated assualt escape from prison? was jose ibenez harrased by Immigration and customs enforcement agency and held in one of the detention facilities for those deemed illegal? was he considdered dangerous for resiting racism or was there some oher reason as being listed as dangerous on the Kansas escaped prisoner list? are all escpared prisoners deemed dangerous? also are inmates still raped by other inmates?if so why feel compeled to return male prisoners there?
1 AntwortOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 8 JahrenIs Priscilla Frey A REAL PERSON the Kansas Sherrif's department list her?
Kansas Department of coorections lists priscilla frey prscilla anne frey and this sounds like psudonym or alias is that a fake site?IS A FIVE FOOT WOMAN DANGEROUS TO OTHERs as the kansas most wanted SITE SUGGESTS?
2 AntwortenKansas Cityvor 8 JahrenSmall ville season 6 DISC Americans enjoy pretending racism towards Mexican?
Do Americans enyou pretending to be racist about Mexican Americans IN PLACES LIKE kANSAS as way to needle sensibilities of Liberals over obsolete racism?ALSOwhy would mexilatino workers on a farm in Kansas be thought illegal? isn't it in Texas that the border racism is prevalent?
Also why would thw wife of a man with inregrity who she is standing for as senator of Kansa feel obliged to report a latino boy to an armed fascist type shaerrif's deputy and say it is the law and shee hased to uphold it?
2 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 8 Jahrenhow to use +ADD this sharing button TO put server not found in spam box?
how to use the popular add this sharing button api to put server not FOUND MESSAGES ON SERVERS INTO SPAM BOX? i know the API can be copird and pasted but how to set it up so can put the share function direct into spam box? HOW TO GET SHARE SITE TO SHARE SPAM FOLDERS SO CAN SHARE SERVER NOT FOUND MESSAGES WITH SPAM FOLDER?
1 AntwortAbuse and spamvor 8 JahrenSieg Kale joke ON Germany?
Two people are walking on the street when a crowd passes carrying a KALE cabbage shouting sieg kale and eating bits off of it. they ask a passerby why they are doing that. oh that is The Fuhrer he says pointing to the kale.see after fewer bits are on it they will take it to the Reichestag and appoint it Chancellor.
A tourist is travelling in Germany and says did you see the kale i have never seen so many kale before.the police arrest him and say that is twice you have said it now
2 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 8 JahrenGeorge Washington would lock up occupy wall street protesters today?
In the book Founding Finance it is said that George Washington was an elitist and helped set up a debt financed government Are the historical versions as non accurate as stated. like the work of Chenow? is it to be sure now we are getting the truth? is this what Conservatives mean when they say Liberals are stupid or foolish on issues?
1 AntwortCivic Participationvor 8 JahrenGiant Ionosphere weather modification heater by U.S. miltary is it possible?
It has been suggested that HAAPR the military advanced studies organization uilt a giant heater to modify the Earth and sodium vapour was also suggested by Arkady Arkin a Soviet physicist so are any of these methods possible? can armed forces use weather as a weapon?
2 AntwortenWeathervor 8 Jahrentwitter says 140 chracters to long tweet want tweet for petition so how to tweet?
i want to shaare a petition on twitter against bigotry inon page 23 of j.d. austin novel booby's girl. chracters make reference to white trailer trash .so how do i fix twitter so will quit saying oops chracters 140 over/ is theere some reason twitter behaves like that? letter highlighted in red inside tweet box
2 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 9 JahrenNevilleChamberlin SEEN AS APPEASER OF NAZIS but MAGNETS defeat nazis?
WHY DID nEVILLE cHAMBERLIN pRIME MINISTER OF ENGLAND IN 1930'S NOT USE magnetic shields to derfeat the nazis or the rest of europe for example France or poland ,czechslovakia ,norway,and russia not use magnets to defeat the nazis?
3 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 9 JahrenKen Follet in book winter of world states nazis seemed unstoppable ? no magnets?
in the Ken Follet book winter of the World Ken Follet had a character named llyod who observed the nazis as unsoppable. wwhy no use of magnetic shields? there was physicist grigori peshkov who might seen this since said to be brilliant physicist studying at university
1 AntwortCivic Participationvor 9 JahrenARE THE f.b.i AND DEPRTMENT OF HOME lAND Security Iliterate?
ARE the F.B.I and Department of Hoome Land security illiterate? the possibility of u.s. bill of rights as anti-malicious software exist as does bill of rights so i was wondering are these agencies illiterate for viewing things in obosolete terms of guns and terrorism/? i mean like viweing peace protesters as people to be beaten up? and asking local police to beat up peace marches
2 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 9 Jahrenwant to know why yahoo mail server down? the computer code has been altered?
anyone want to know why yahoo mail server is down it is because the code has been altered to say that.
1 AntwortCivic Participationvor 9 Jahren