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Favorisierte Antworten14%
  • Quote from C.S. Lewis?

    There is a quote I saw one time by, I THINK, C.S. Lewis that said something along the lines of "it is better to obtain a firm understanding of the bible than a secular education." I don't know where or when, but I can't find it now. Could someone please help and give a citation of it? Thanks!

    1 AntwortQuotationsvor 8 Jahren
  • Evolutionary Progression?

    I'm curious about what evolution posits as the grand scheme. I know the framework, however, I would like for someone to explain, in great deatil, the progession.

    This is exactly what I'm asking for: Bacteria--> fish --> dinosaurs --> man.

    I know this isn't exactly right, but please, make a chart VERY DETAILED like that. Give the progression from the first cell to 2013 biodiversity. Please give many references and genus/species names. Please give details about what the progression was (dino to bird). Thanks!

    10 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • How to publish a book?

    I am considering becoming an author and I have a few great ideas for books. I am asking what is the specific procss of making&/pubishing a book. Please answer in an organized 1-2-3 step way and be specific with notes. Gives sources as well. And skip the "get an idea" step. Thanks

    3 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 8 Jahren
  • How do we know what we know about Paleontology (read description)?

    Ok, so I'm trying to reasearch about dinosaurs, and I look EVERYWHERE on the internet and cannot find ANYTHING that is empirical. ex) I look for a dino like Pedopenna Daohugouensis and I can't find many things. 1) I can't find EMPIRICALLY all fossil finds there are 2) I can't find the discoverers articles about the fossil and how they found it (and if I could, how could I read it?) 3) I can't find any of it's basic traits. These problems (and many more) come up frequently make me wonder, where can I find any empirically proven and documented evidence of fossils (like the one above). Please help, thank you.

    2 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 8 Jahren
  • Paleontology question about evidence?

    Ok, so I'm trying to reasearch about dinosaurs, and I look EVERYWHERE on the internet and cannot find ANYTHING that is empirical. ex) I look for a dino like Pedopenna Daohugouensis and I can't find many things. 1) I can't find EMPIRICALLY all fossil finds there are 2) I can't find the discoverers articles about the fossil and how they found it (and if I could, how could I read it?) 3) I can't find any of it's basic traits. These problems (and many more) come up frequently make me wonder, where can I find any empirically proven and documented evidence of fossils (like the one above). Please help, thank you.

    2 AntwortenZoologyvor 8 Jahren
  • Good Evangelical Christian Books?

    Does anyone know of any good Evangelical Christian Books? Ones that teach you how to share the Gospel with non-believers? Please. no joking around.

    3 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 8 Jahren
  • A Violin Quandry... Or Two?

    I used to play violin in junior high for 1 year, then I did some lessons over the summer going into freshman year. I quit it and now I'm pondering weither or not to pick it up again. I'm halfway through my Junior year in HS and they offer no classes for violin. I wouldn't want to take lessons or do anything school affiliated, but rather just have fun playing it and know a bunch of songs... maybe play for my Church. 2 Problems: (1) I have no idea how to find GOOD sheet music for say (for example) Christian songs (for Free) and (2) whenever i try and play it it sounds horrible, not like a professional. I rosined the bow and had it tuned but still don't know how to make it sound good. Thanks!

    1 AntwortPerforming Artsvor 8 Jahren
  • Where can I find a complete Lexicon of the Bible with BOTH Old and New Testament?

    I have looked all over, and I can't find it. I know there are ones for just Old or New, but is there one with both combined? Also, if you could find one with Strong's numbers that would be Fantastic! Thanks!

    2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • How can I download a video from youtube that i can use in, say powerpoint?

    i already tried the "video download converter" idea and it doesnt work. please help.

    1 AntwortYouTubevor 9 Jahren
  • What choice(or say) do i have in the matter?

    I and my brother are 16. We live i arizona with our dad and step mom. Our father divorced our mother when we were 2 years old and she lives in Virginia. We also have a grandmother in Alabama.

    Now, our Dad hates us and says that he wants to send us away to our Mom(or grandma).

    We want to stay here in arizona and finish the last 2 years of high school. we are strait A students, honor classes and in the run for Valedictorian(s). we have no relatives that live within 1 hour of us.(or even in Arizona for that matter)

    we don't want to leave. What say in the matter do we have beside "talk it out" because he is unreasonable and could be defined as emotionally abusive.(he will be defined as physical if we stood up to him and said we aren't going anywhere.

    WHAT DO WE DO?(what can we do?)

    2 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 9 Jahren
  • What exactly does someone have to go through to go to the olympics?

    lets take swimming for example. what would someone have to do (step by step) to actually go to the olympics. please be desriptive and start from childhood ig.

    4 AntwortenOlympicsvor 9 Jahren
  • how does Potassium–argon dating (K-Ar dating) work?

    I know some of you will rant, please keep it in laymans terms please. I cant understand wikipedia, or other websites. Please also dont give me links. Just give me a brief explanation of HOW they do it. What process do they undergo in K-AR dating? im just curious. Not if its right or wrong. thank you.

    2 AntwortenChemistryvor 9 Jahren
  • I plan to go to college - help with pre-med/college course plans?

    i plan to go to a community college for 2 years, then transfer to a four year universtiy for 2 years and get my bachelors in science - preferrably biology/physics. i plan to go to college for those four years in arizona. here are my course plans. i plan to also only take 3 classes per year(9 credits).

    freshman college














    Organic Chemistry


    is this possible? what is good, what is bad? please give me good advice - preferrably from a pre-med student/doctor. i am a junior in high school currently. all a's. just please help me beocme a GP. thanks so much.

    4 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 9 Jahren
  • do i have Tourettes, or some wierd OCD addiction?

    every now and again i have the urge to snap my neck. i do it like 5 times in 10 seconds and do that every like minute or so. its wierd/hard to explain, but people make fun of me cuz its kinda wierd. is it toruettes? if so, or even if its not, how do i stop doing it. i can stop doing it when i want but then neck hurts. if i do it then at the end of the day my neck hurts. thanks. please be descriptive.

    1 AntwortMental Healthvor 9 Jahren
  • CTRL key acting wierd?

    ok, i play a game called StarCraft 2 and my CTRL key directly messes with it. ex- when im playing, i press it and im not able to talk/ it clicks me out of the game. I want to know how to make the CTRL key disactive/disabled/doesnt respond. this problem also happens with my internet. please help??!! i have a HP Pavillion g6. thanks so much.

    1 AntwortLaptops & Notebooksvor 9 Jahren
  • how to improve eyesight?

    ok, i just recently went to the optomologist and they said i need to wear glasses were ever i go. i dont want to. my mom says that after wearing them for about a year, my eyesight will improve and i dont need them anymore. i completely negate that and think that there are better ways to improve eyesight( i dont wanna wear my glasses!) if you could explain the ways, please be simple and short because i looked everywere and its all so complicated. thanks. and is my mom right or me? don't glasses change your look when you stop wearing them after a year?

    6 AntwortenAlternative Medicinevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • broken computer, please help?

    C:\Users\Jesse\all stuff\Desktop\broken computer\2011-01-30 15.24.44.jpg

    C:\Users\Jesse\all stuff\Desktop\broken computer\2011-01-30 15.25.12.jpg

    C:\Users\Jesse\all stuff\Desktop\broken computer\2011-01-30 15.25.21.jpg

    C:\Users\Jesse\all stuff\Desktop\broken computer\2011-01-30 15.25.30.jpg

    C:\Users\Jesse\all stuff\Desktop\broken computer\2011-01-30 15.25.43.jpg

    ok, my computer screw on the left side popped out and i lost it. the computer has a loose portion of its screen but still works. my main problem is that my computer now only turns on/ stays on when the cord is in it. and even then it's at 0% and if its just slightly unplugged, then my computer shuts off. i would like to know why it does this, how i can fix it, or how much the computer would cost to fix it. Thanks for your help

    1 AntwortDesktopsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how to publish a book?

    i have created a book, i live in arizona bullhead city. were would i go to get this published? also, does the publisher edit the book, make corrections, and give ideas?

    6 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • my computer doesnt have microsoft office word on it?

    how do i download it for free and were?

    5 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • question about a nerf gun?

    the gun im talking about is the nerf barrel break ix-2 N-strike blaster. can it use any other kind of bullets/ can it only use whistler bullets? that is the only question,here is a link to one review on youtube of it if you dont know what it is ----

    the bullets im specifically asking for is streamline bullets. I want to know if they are compattible with this gun. aka the ones with orangish heads that go in clips

    2 AntwortenToysvor 1 Jahrzehnt