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  • What s wrong with my rib?

    For a couple of days one of my right ribs (right underneath my breast) has been very painful. I feel a very sharp pain when I inhale deeply and also sometimes when I run (I haven t been running much to test it out) It s very sensitive to touch but there doesn t appear to be any bruising or swelling. And it doesn t hurt around it just right on it. When I turn a certain way be it during the night or getting up from a chair during the day I feel an extremely sharp pain. I cannot laugh or cough, any movement like that (sneezing, burping, hiccuping) causes an extremely sharp pain. Almost like someone is twisting a sharp knife in my rib.

    I don t recall getting hit or anything, I noticed it the day after a conditioning session for soccer. Its only been going on for two or three days now. My parents know about it but don t think I should go to the doctor.

    Should there be a point where if its been hurting for a certain amount of time without getting any better that I should go to the doctor? Does anybody have an idea of what might be wrong so I could just kind of "milk it at home"? Also do you think I should miss soccer? I mean, if I can t breathe I feel like going to soccer conditioning would be kind of stupid... lol...

    (I m 15 by the way)

    Thanks for you help!

    1 AntwortPain & Pain Managementvor 5 Jahren
  • My teacher/mom don't get my depression?

    So my French teacher, let's call him Mr. B is also the coach of the guys soccer team, which my brother is on and my mom is the manager of. Anyway, I'm 15 and a sophomore, I've been going through some stuff and been struggling with depression for the last couple of months, one night everything just kind of fell apart, I went to school the next day and was extremely shaken and couldn't focus. That's what it's been like for the past 2 weeks. The other night at the sports awards banquet Mr. B came up and started talking to me and my mom about how the season went and stuff. I don't know how exactly they got on the topic of me, but all I really remember is him saying "Haha, yeah, and she'll act all depressed and stuff during class, better that then distracting the everyone!" And then my mom laughed and agreed with him! I looked at them and then walked away! I feel so betrayed! I haven't told my mom about what I've been going through, and I'm definitely not going to now! I just don't know what to do, I just feel extremely angry and upset and really really confused! please help!

    1 AntwortMental Healthvor 5 Jahren
  • My depression just got worse, and I failed a test... How do I talk to my teacher about it?

    I'm 15 and a freshman in HS.. I was diagnosed with depression 14 months ago. My parents know and I've had counseling for my cutting and stuff. I've been doing really well, but the other night everything just fell apart. I dont know why, I just lost it.. The next day I was really shaken and couldn't focus. When I took my French test I left at least half the answers blank because my mind was just not functioning. I'm feeling better, but I'm still really shaken and paranoid. I know I failed the test, and I need to talk to my teacher about it.. French is my best subject and I know I can do better if he just lets me retake it. The teacher is kind if a family friend. My brother is on his soccer team and my mom is the team manager, so he and my mom are most always in contact with each other. I don't feel comfortable enough with him to tell him what happened (I havent even told my parents yet. About my breakdown I mean, I will though) I'm afraid that if I just make up some excuse he won't let me retake it, but if I tell him what happened he might tell my guidance counselor or my parents.. And I dont want my parents to find out from him... It needs to come from me. Please help me, its almost the end of the quarter and this will drag my grade down...

    3 AntwortenMental Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • I get really bored in French class?

    Okay, so I'm a Freshmen in higbscjool, and I'm taking French 3 (which is a sophomore lever class) I'm not trying to be obnoxious or anything, but I'm really good at French. It just comes easy to me, the grammar and the tenses and the conjugations just makes total sense! But the class moves so slow! I like the teacher, but he'll teach us like one thing a week, and then on Fridays we'll learn some silly French song... I mean, I love to learn about French culture and stuff, but next semester I'm taking a class dedicated to French culture, and so are some other people in my class... I feel like I'm not learning anything (I think because I grasp the concepts so quicktly) And when I get bored and restless I start acting up, which sucks because I really like the teacher and I feel bad because I'm distracting the people who need help. I try to get the teacher to let me go ahead, to give me extra homework and class work to keep me busy. But he thinks I'm just joking! I love to learn, and I don't think he gets that! (its an honors class so it's not like I can switch into a different one...) Please help, I don't like to disrupt the class, but I just can't help it! It's my ADD, I need to be doing something that I think is beneficial, and doing nothing just isn't working for me...

    1 AntwortTeachingvor 6 Jahren
  • I'm 14 and I want to stop my period?

    Like I said, I'm 14, freshman, and I play varsity soccer. I started my period last December and now that high school soccer is starting up, I'm finding it hard to manage my period! (I'm petrified of tampons and period cups!) And I hate not being able to swim and do the stuff I normally do! Is there anyway I can stop my period, like for months or even years without permanently making myself unable to have children? And if so do you have to be over 18 do have it done? Also, how would I approach my mom about it? I don't really like to talk about my period with her, so how would I make it less awkward?

    Thanks for your help!

    7 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Sims 4 Mac release on Origin?

    The Sims 4 for Mac is coming out tomorrow on Origin and I'm so excited! Is there a specific time it's released? Like midnight? Or does EA just release it randomly?

    Thanks for the help :)

    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 6 Jahren
  • Which TV show is this?

    I'm totally drawing a blank here... The show was about these people trapped in a town and they had cameras all throughout the town and they were being watched. It got cancelled in like, 2010, and on the final episode they all woke up on a boat... If I remember correctly it starred Daisy Betts and Jason... something (I can't remember the last name) Wasn't it called, like, Person Unknown or something like that? Thanks for the help! This has been driving me nuts!

    PS: I think it was on NBC

    2 AntwortenOther - Entertainmentvor 6 Jahren
  • My friends are leaving me out?!?

    So we have five people in our "group" I'm the oldest (8th grade) my best friend is the same age but in 7th grade, her little sister is in 5th grade and we have two neighbors who are both in 6th grade. Every week we go up to the "Farm", we go snowboarding and tubing, and explore the creeks and the woods. But for the last couple weeks they haven't invited me. They've lied about going, and are ignoring my texts and calls. I know my best friend wouldn't exclude me, we've been best friends since pre-school, but she's kind of special needs... Her little sister kind of manipulates her into doing stuff... Every time I see them outside I go and meet them, then they make excuses and leave... Then 5 minutes later they meet back up again! I've been trying to talk to them but they won't call/text me back, when I go to their house they pretend that they are not there, and they refuse to make eye contact with me on the bus! I don't know what to do! I don't know what I did to upset them... Whatever I did I can't apologize for becaus they won't even talk to me! Please help! I miss hanging out with them and laughing with them... I know they obviously don't want to be friends with me anymore, but I'd still like some closure... I just need advice!

    1 AntwortFriendsvor 6 Jahren
  • How to get my dogs ready for a puppy?

    I have two dogs, Chester (8 years old) and Max (5 years old) and my dad is going to get a new puppy to go hiking and camping with him. I'm just worried that my dogs will feel left out or something... I know that happened to Chester when my family got Max, Chester got overweight and started being much more protective, and I don't want that to happen to Max or to Chester again.

    We're getting the puppy in four weeks, is there anything I can do to "prepare" my dogs for the new puppy?

    Thanks <3

    1 AntwortDogsvor 7 Jahren
  • What happened to my ankle?

    When I'm sitting down its kind of throbbing, and it hurts when I flex it, or when I push off of it while walking/running... It hurts on the outside of my ankle and I don't know what I did to it. What's wrong?

    If it's nothing serious do you think I'll be okay the play in my soccer tournament this weekend? I'm playing 3-4 games and reffing 7.

    PS. It's on my right foot and about a week and a half ago I had a knee injury on my right knee. Just thought I'd throw that in there.


    2 AntwortenInjuriesvor 7 Jahren
  • How can I make right choices?

    How can I do what's right even if it involves other people getting hurt? Or how can I avoid doing something that will potentially hurt me but will also hurt somebody else?

    6 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 7 Jahren
  • Should we take my dog to a cardiologist?

    My mom and I took our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to the vet the other day, and they detected 4 heart murmurs. The vet recommended a cardiologist but it's $750 just for the first appointment! We don't know what to do, Chester (our dog) is turning 8 this October, does anybody know whether he would be okay if we didn't take him to the Cardiologist? We love him to death, but $750 is way too expensive! Please help!

    7 AntwortenDogsvor 7 Jahren
  • I want my hair to be a little lighter?

    I went to the salon yesterday and got my hair dyed. I wanted a dark brown hair color and when my stylist showed me one, I said I think it's too light, she said it would be a little darker on my hair, so I went with it. Instead of being a darkish brown like I wanted it, it's like an esspresso color. Is there anyway I can make my hair a little lighter? Thanks!

    2 AntwortenHairvor 7 Jahren
  • How can I avoid depression?

    My mom has suffered from depression for a long time, and so have both of my older brothers. My mom started to talk to me about what it feels like to be depressed, how it's not "all of a sudden" you just seem to feel sadder and sadder, digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole and you any get out, she said it's not one event that triggers depression. She said that if I start to feel really sad for a long period of time to talk to her and we can get me help. I've started to feel sad for a while now, I haven't wanted to get up, I've gotten annoyed at the tiniest things, all the stuff I used to love to do I have no interest in any more. I can't tell if it's just hormones or if I'm getting depressed! I don't want depression, my mom says I don't have a choice, but I want to stay the happy, bubbly girl I've been my whole life! Please help!

    2 AntwortenMental Healthvor 7 Jahren
  • Can I dye my hair after highlights?

    I've died my hair a lot, I died it a darkish brown, and then I got golden highlights, but I want to dye my hair a dark brown and get red tips, do you think this will damage my hair? I would be getting it done at the salon.

    P.S. I also have perm but I really healthy hair and it doesn't take a lot of damage. Just waned to add that in there. Thanks!

    1 AntwortHairvor 7 Jahren
  • How can I download a Sims 3 mod on my Mac?

    I'm terrible with computers, so I have no idea whatsoever how to download a mod for the sims 3 on my Mac. I know you have to have a mod file but I don't know how to get one, or anything else for that matter.

    The more details would be the better, and if you could somehow include pictures that would be great! Thanks!

    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 7 Jahren
  • Is the Sims 4 demo only for the PC?

    I was just curious because all my friends with PC's got the demo and my friends who have Mac's (including me) didn't. I'm just checking to see if I'm right.

    Thanks :)

    1 AntwortPCvor 7 Jahren
  • Camera in a headband?

    I've always wanted to videotape one of my soccer games in my point of view, which means is have to have a camera on me, and what better way than to tape a camera onto one of my headbands?! But the only issue is that I don't know how.

    I dont think they sell them, but I'm pretty sure I could make one.

    Does anybody know of a small camera that I could glue or sew to my headband to make that happen?

    Thanks :)

    1 AntwortOther - Beauty & Stylevor 7 Jahren
  • Where can I download the Sims 2?

    I can't find a place to download The Sims 2 for Mac, I've searched origin but I couldn't find it...

    By the way, I have every intention of paying for the download.

    Thanks :D

    2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 7 Jahren
  • I don't like him!!! Help?

    There is this guy and he's had a crush on me for a couple years, but I've just never felt the same way. He's one of my best friends and I've talked to him about this, but he still keeps pushing me... He also keeps guys from me, like I'll be asking my crush about a question on the homework and the guy who likes me will come, stare at my crush until he leaves! I've talked to him about this too, but he won't stop! I've made it very clear, but he keeps pressuring me! I will never like him in that way! How do I get him to realize that?!

    I also think he stalks me, he'll send me tons of texts, call me and like ALL of my pictures on Facebook/Instragram, and I also found out yesterday that he told everybody we were dating for the past two years! I need help, please!

    And please no hate comments <3

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren