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apple juice
History loving, antique shopping, political junkie, hiking and camping, agnostic, moderate, white fella from South Jersey, U.S. of A. , be-otches.
Why do Republicans constantly choose far right running mates?
Why did Romney choose Ryan who is to the far right? We need some moderation in this country. Palin kept me from voting McCain now Ryan will keep me from voting Romney. Not voting for Obama so I am left w/ a 3rd party. Might as well burn my vote. Why can't they just try a middle o the road running mate to solidify the country rather than separate it? We NEED campaign finance reform. No more bowing to lonbyists.
9 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 JahrenDo I qualify for the Earned Income Credit if I made less than $10k and have no children?
Without any children I made less then $10,000. Do I qualify for the earned income credit?
3 AntwortenCreditvor 9 JahrenWhen filing taxes for my business is the $25 a month maintenance fee deductible that my bank charges me?
I have a $25 a month maintenance fee from my bank for my business account. Will that be tax decutible?
1 AntwortOther - Taxesvor 9 JahrenHow to transfer heating oil from one tank to another?
I am trying to transfer heating oil from one tank to another. I know I can do this with a petroleum transfer pump. Is there any other way w/o high cost. I cannot find a place that will rent one. Tried a drill siphon and it did not work. Oil must be too thick? Thanks
9 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 9 JahrenSatellite TV in wooded areas. Any problems?
I live in a wooded area and would like to switch to satellite television. Any suggestions? Thanks.
1 AntwortTiVO & DVRsvor 9 JahrenMy question is below. Format has changed since the last time I asked tax question. ?
Hi. I made $31,500 last year. I have one child whom I pay $100 weekly child support for and another whom lives with me. I also support his mother. What forms do I need to fill out? I got a 1099 from a contractor for a little more than $7000 and the rest were just jobs I picked up. What forms do I need and whom can I claim as a dependent? Thanks.
1 AntwortUnited Kingdomvor 9 JahrenWill the Frontman Nyko guitar for wii work with Beatles Rock Band game?
Just learned different guitars work with different games for Wii. Does anyone know if the Nyko Frontman guitar work with the Beatles game for the Wii?
2 AntwortenNintendo Wiivor 1 JahrzehntHow does a uterine fibroid affect an amniocentesis?
4 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 1 JahrzehntWhat is the difference between a Zune mp3 player compared to an Ipod?
Is an Ipod really that much better? I do not know anything about mp3 players. I have a Rio that was loaded up when I got and never changed a thing. Is itunes easy to navigate and what do you use for Zune. Thanks.
2 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 1 JahrzehntWhat should I expect from a workman's compensation audit in NJ?
2 AntwortenInsurancevor 1 JahrzehntAre there any good chicken recipes that I can throw an entire chicken in a crock pot?
I would like to throw a chicken in a crock pot and let it cook while at work. One that is tasty that a kid will like too. Thanks.
4 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 JahrzehntIf I purchase a movie on demand, can I record it to my dvr
If so how? Thanks.
5 AntwortenTiVO & DVRsvor 1 JahrzehntMy 11 y/o wants a quad.?
My daughter wants her own quad. I have one and give her rides around the yard and she's seen video of us riding on the trails. I started riding at 10 on a dirt bike. Does anyone else think a bike is a better way to go than a quad. Looking at a 90cc four wheeler. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
3 AntwortenCyclingvor 1 JahrzehntIn the state of NJ do you need added insurance to use a trailer behind a truck/car?
I have a quad that I would like to haul over to a friends to go riding. If I were to purchase a trailer what do I need to do? I see plates on them, but do I need additional insurance also? Thanks.
2 AntwortenInsurance & Registrationvor 1 JahrzehntIs there anyway to rent and watch movies online?
If I join Netflix, do they rent so I can watch it online?
2 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 JahrzehntAre there really any CDs that work to help you learn another language?
I know a little Spanish, not much. I'd like to learn more. I enjoy listening to books on tape on my way into work. This way I can accomplish two things at once. I already bought one for Spanish and listened to it twice and it sucked. Any suggestions?
6 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 JahrzehntIs anyone familiar with the moviesdownloads site?
I want to rent movies online, but was told that this site is better than netflix or blockbuster online. It's $35 for a lifetime membership. Also, is this legal?
1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt