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My 5 yr old Autistic kid screech all night. its a brand new behavior. don't know what to do.?
I have a 5 year old high functioning Autistic kid and he is getting ABA therapy at home. he is potty trained by 3 yrs old.
when I compare to his previous year, he improved a lot. no tantrums at all. was doing good. All of a sudden yesterday, he started to screech little bit and then he screech a lot, over the night he didnt sleep at all , he scream every three seconds. we couldnt stop him. when I tell him to stop, he is trying to control himself, but he was doing a lot.
I tried to distract him and he didnt stop.
I m worrying about his throat. I don't know what to do. please share your thoughts about it.
1 AntwortToddler & Preschoolervor 6 JahrenHow to store wines at home?
I like surprises. so, this is for my husband, who will get surprised after 25 years. I recently got married. I like to buy wine for my wedding anniversaries every year and store them all the way till my 25th anniversary. I like to celebrate my 25th anniversary with 25 bottles of wines. what do you think? Before buying them, I should learn how to store them to maintain its good taste. Is it possible to store wines for many years and how?
2 AntwortenBeer, Wine & Spiritsvor 9 Jahren