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  • question about liability policy, Thanks!?

    I recently got rear-ended by a lady in a STOP Light, it was not her fault. There is an Un-insured driver who hit her, and then she bump into my car and took out my bumper. And the one who hit her turned around and drove away. yes, we got his liscense plate number, the Cops pulled out all his info and looking for him. My question is, Assuming the hit and run driver is un-insured, is her insurance company suppose to pay me for the repair even tho is not her fault?

    if not, here is my question, Liability insurance is suppose to protect other people's property or bodily injured for the damage you've cause, from what I understand. Let say if an uninsured driver hit her car, and then she lost control and slam into my property, such as my house, and damage is less than my dedectible. even tho is not her fault, and the one who hit her has no insurance, am I pretty much screwed?

    I just want some advice before I deal with the Insurance company, we all know they will come up with all type of excuse when it comes to claims.

    My insurance company told me they'll look into it and see what'll happen, at this moment, they are still trying to collect information.

    Just extra info, I have full Coverage with State Farm, and $500 deductible. However, the price on a New Painted bumper probably runs around $500-800 in my area.

    1 AntwortInsurance & Registrationvor 9 Jahren
  • Is there Power Steering fluid color Black?

    I am working at a Chrysler dealership. Today a Car came in for oil change, i check the Power Steering fluid, as usual. The power steering fluid is Black.

    I recommended to change it, then the customer got pissed off and swear he just changed somewhere else. Probably a quick lube place.

    I know newer Chrysler Vehicles takes Automatic Trans fluid, as well as many other manufacturers like GM, Toyota, Ford, Mercedes, etc. ( Except Honda. )

    ATF is dyed red. Un-dyed ATF would be yellowish.

    My question is, anyone seen Power Steering fluid that is dyed Black or another color other than red or yellow???

    6 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Water heater problem, will not stay lit. please help?

    My (gas) water heater will not stay lit. Every time after it boils the water and shuts off, the pilot flame will go out with it, and we have to manually lit it up again.

    Basically, it works for a while after I light it up manually, and then it goes out.

    I've replaced Thermocouple, same problem. Vent is clear.

    I've spent some time on google, and some info said the Spill Switch could be bad. Does anyone have any idea where is it usually located? what does it look like? what does it do? and how to check it? Can i

    buy it from hardware store or Home Depot?

    and anything else could be the cause?

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    5 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wheel bearing question, can any mechanic give some help?

    my dad's car started to make a high squeaking noise at the driver side front wheel when the car moves, and it is more noticeable at low speed, below 30 MPH. The Noise most likely occurs when i turn right, and goes away when i turn left. So i concluded... ok, must be the wheel bearing. We did not had any time to fix it, so my dad drove it as it is.

    After 2 months, the noise went away, but when i drove the car, it feels like something is wobbling as the wheel rotates. It feels like an unbalanced weight swinging up and down as i drive. It only happens when the car moves.

    02 Toyota Camry, Automatic.

    My question is, can bad wheel bearing cause a symptom like this? or it must be something else more expensive? Like the CV shaft?


    4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Thermodynamic question?

    Hi, i just have a little confusion on a homework question.

    I assume we know that when most gas expand, it absorbs heat and cools down.

    The problem is:

    If you have a solid sealed container, initially evacuated (vacuum).

    and you drill a hole on a wall, the gas diffuse inside until it reaches atmospheric pressure, what is the temperature of the gas inside?

    I dont really need the exact answer, but whats the equation? can anyone help?

    Assume that i have a table that list out the entropy, specifific heat, and all those values that cant be caculated by math.


    Ideal Gas law PV=nRT does not work.

    1st: the initial pressure is 0

    2nd: all gas behaves differently, example, Refrigerant vs Still air.

    3rd. If it does work, that means the temperature would increase, which does not make sense. It suppose to get colder. Think about the CO2 bottle, you spray it out, it gets colder, not hotter.

    Thx to everyone who answer or tries to answer :)

    3 AntwortenEngineeringvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • a Gas expansion Thermodynamoic problem?

    Hi, i just have a little confusion on a homework question.

    I assume we know that when most gas expand, it absorbs heat and cools down.

    The problem is:

    If you have a solid sealed container, initially evacuated (vacuum).

    and you drill a hole on a wall, the gas diffuse inside until it reaches atmospheric pressure, what is the temperature of the gas inside?

    I dont really need the exact answer, but whats the equation? can anyone help?

    Assume that i have a table that list out the entropy, specifific heat, and all those values that cant be caculated by math.

    4 AntwortenEngineeringvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Police can not beat up attacker when he gets attack?

    I dont understand, first the Judge who sues a Laundry owners $60 millions for a lost pants, and now this??

    Why does America got so many Morons as judges?

    Below is a New article links.

    I'll summerize it here:

    A police Officer was attacked by a drunk person at his house, so he Beated up that drunk person near death "IN HIS PROPERTY".

    Then, the judge sentenced 5 yrs of jail term for the officer, saying that "he should have ignored the attacker and run away, not to beat him up because the officer is a trained man."

    Please tell me, is there a law that states "Police" or "millitants" cannot defend himself when he gets attacked?

    13 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where can i get an adapter?

    googled, walmarted, didnt find my answer.

    I am making a trip to china from US, and i believe we all knows that Electicity is rated at 225 volts at Eurasia, and 110 volts at USA.

    so, where can i find a Convertor? retail store or online store?

    Any input will be appreciated.

    5 AntwortenOther - Electronicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you think we needs this kinda of commerical in the State? or everywhere around the globe?

    Its either irish or New Zealand, but they dont Effing around on making commerical.

    Do you think this is just too disturbing and inappropriate on the US television, or we needs something like this?

    I think we need something like this here, too many reckless drivers that believes driving faster = driving skills.

    3 AntwortenSafetyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How to deal with tail gators?

    The title saids it all...

    And nope, brake checking does not work, if the person behind you is intentionally tail gating you. Nor do you want do slam ur brake at 60-0 stop. You dont wanna get rear ended, right?

    The worse thing you can do is give him a middle finger.

    So, what do you do is you found the person is tail gating you? just flip up the rear view mirror and ignore him?

    15 AntwortenSafetyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • $67 million dollar lawsuit for a lost pants, ABC news.?

    $67 million dollar lawsuit for a lost pants, and has been dangling around for quite a while. How you think about it?

    by legal expert Philip Howard told ABC News' Law & Justice Unit

    "People in America are now scared of each other.That's why teachers won't put an arm around a crying child, and doctors order unnecessary tests, and ministers won't meet with parishioners. It's a distrust of justice and it's changing our culture."

    I am totally agree with him, this really gave American Cultures a pretty bad image.

    What you think about it? do you think this is Law Abuse or hes reasonable?

    12 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • C++ hw help, i dont understand the question.?

    Ok, so i got this emailed hw from ym professor, here is the instruction. But i dont understand what is it asking... what does my professor expect me to do? or what is the program suppose to be about?

    Given the following declaration:

    int examPrep [12][15];

    a. Write a loop to print the first row of the array on one line on cout.

    b. Write a loop to print the first column of the array on one line on cout.

    c. Write a loop to print the first seven rows of the array, each on a single line.

    d. Write a loop to print the entire array backwards and upside down, so that the last line appears first, with last column on the left.

    Some help would be apprecated.

    What is an Array, btw?

    2 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why does people have bigger reaction when their new Toyota or Honda goes to shop?

    I felt like when someone owes a New Toyota and Honda, when it goes to shop, they have a huge reaction and rants over every review website.

    But when their Brand new Ford or Chevy goes into shop, they seems to be keeping quiet...

    While a Focus and Cobalt has about the same MSRP as a Corolla and Civic...

    9 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Funny video on lexus self park system. ur inputs?

    It is a great feature, but too bad for the Lexus Tech.

    take ur time watch that "FUNNY" video, and whats ur thought on the self park system?

    4 AntwortenLexusvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • End gun violence with more gun?

    Gun bill gets shot down by panel

    HB 1572, which would have allowed handguns on college campuses, died in subcommittee.

    By Greg Esposito

    What do you guys think about this suggestion?

    I think it is very idiotic, end gun violence with more guns? that must be insane.

    19 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • A question about "if" function on C++?

    I am trying to do a HW. It is about identify an input from the user, then apply the equation to what was inputed, then show the answer. i.e. assume that i ask for w,x,y,z from the user. If the user inputs 3, 4, 5, 5, my equation will be x+y+z, as 4+5+5 = 14. (ignore the 3 for now) but the equation will apply "if" w =3.


    if ( w = 3)

    answer = x+y+z

    ok, thats kool. However, what if the input for "w" is suppose to be a letter? let say if the first input is letter "S", then do the equation. and not a number? when i do that, it wont compile!

    i am sure it will not be

    if (w = "C") or if (w = C)

    any idea plz? or am i not clear enuff?

    5 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Toyota becomes the #1 auto maker?

    I kept hearing that in Auto news and articles, but does anyone knows the the number regarding the sales rate between GM and Toyota these few recent yr?

    I thought Toyota's sales rate are barely 2/5 of GM's sales rate.

    or... does the new articles means in USA?

    5 AntwortenToyotavor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What does Curb rash on ur rim do?

    I googled, searched, found nothing. What does curb rash do if you dont fix it? i don't understand why most of the poeple gets so obsessed and spends hundreds of dollars to replace the the whole rim for a small scratch. Someone told me it will screw up ur driving, but how?

    6 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Basic C++ question in I/O Data?

    Hi, i m kinda new to C++, but i m running into a problem for doing I/O data input and output. Supposely, using the if/of stream allows you to input data from a word/text document with number or word, then it will output w/e ur equation it is inside the execution file. However, when i done it in school with a Mac, it works fine. when i do it in all my window computer, the input is not what i wrote in the txt file. Instead, it took the number from" I donno where" and then plug me the output. It took the numbers like 4.342e24, 3.23e34, etc.... can anyone help? i just cant input the things correctly. at least in school, if i put the program.exe in one foulder with the txt, it took it and ran. In my home, no matter how I wrote the program, it takes the same things i mentioned above. (a source that i donno where it came from) some helps plz...

    5 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • whats the max handling of stock speaker copper wires?

    I just wonder how much power can a regular 18-20 gauge copper wire handles. I did an amp installation in my car thru the stock speaker wires. 18-20 gauge. and it is running 111watts.

    some people told my you gonna get rust all over soon or burns out.

    Is it true?

    Will it cuase trouble or will it be fine?

    I thought 111watts is very small amount of power thats barely enuff to lit up 2 light bulbs.

    5 AntwortenCar Audiovor 1 Jahrzehnt