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BASKETBALL, Miami Heat BASEBALL, New York Yankees FOOTBALL, San Francisco 49ers
Did anybody else hear Taker whisper something to lesnar?
After lesnar kicked out of the tombstone and heyman made that funny face Taker was setting himself up to do another tombstone and as he is picking Lesnar up you can hear him say something that lead into Lesnar reversing the tombstone and doing the F5.
3 AntwortenWrestlingvor 7 JahrenWhat did i miss on smackdown so far?
can someone let me in on what happened earlier
2 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenWhy are these divas matches garbage?
even after the match its seemed awkward
3 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenDoes WWE think we are stupid?
how many time are they going to teach us how to download a freakin app
6 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenLMAO why does Booker T opens his eyes so wide?
lol his eyes at the end of the segment
5 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenWhat superstars were not on the stage?
Cena don't count because he is injured but i didn't see Punk and the Wyatt family. who else was not there?????
4 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenWill that AJ promo help the divas division to step up?
what you guys think?
10 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenRumor has it that Ryback will get a big push but.........?
He will go back to a face. Is this a horrible idea for the WWE?
8 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenHow much money will the WWE lose if they go back to TV-14?
im not saying to go back to the attitude era but at least something similar to the ruthless aggression era. i know the WWE make alot of money from kids but how bad will it be if they go back to TV-14
5 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenRumors has it that Lesnar will face at WM30?
rumors has it that undertaker will accept to face Lesnar at WM30
9 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenWho would you rather have return to the WWE? Batista or Goldberg?
12 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenWhy does Colt McCoy suck??
I remember back in his college days he was a really good QB but now he is horrible why is that????? I mean I know that sometimes talent doesn't translate to the pros but he is just horrible. Did he get injured while with the Browns or what?
BQ: Tebow or McCoy?
6 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 8 JahrenCan somebody explain to me why WWE got rid of Smackdown vs Raw era?
remember when Raw superstars will on appear on Raw and Smackdown superstars on Smackdown. Why they got rid of that. I think it was great. What do you guys think?
3 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenWhats your top 10 best "wrestlers" in the WWE today?
give them between 1-10 if you like
13 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenSince Brock Lesnar isn't fighting till Mania 30?
Lesnar has a three PPV fights in his contract so how long will this Punk and Heyman feud going to last
2 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenWhat did Paul Heyman mean when said?
he gave an interview after the segment and he said "Punk is coming home" and that he is "Almost there" what does that mean????? You can see the interview in the WWE app or
2 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 JahrenSo is the shield replacing batista and ric flair?
2 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 Jahren