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Lv 1107 points


Favorisierte Antworten17%
  • I need help constructing a diet/exercise plan?

    I am very self-conscious about my body/weight and I'd like to lose around 30 pounds. I'm 5'5 and I weigh 170-180 pounds(it goes back and forth a lot). I'm not really sure what to look at before eating something to know how fattening it is-do I look at calories, carbs, or what? I've heard either, but I don't know. I tried joining a sports team and I did it, but even with avoiding pizza, burgers, and stuff like that it didn't make a difference plus it kept messing with my sugar, which sucked. I plan on running every other day for now until I get back home then I'll be able to run every day, but is there more I should be doing and what should I watch with food? I rarely drink soda, I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke.(I'm 19) All I drink is water and occasionally orange juice. Its the food and exercise part I'd like help with. If you have any tips I'd be very grateful. Please do serious answers only. :)

    2 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 9 Jahren
  • How to prevent breathing problems?

    I sometimes have difficulty breathing and its not just when I'm physically active. It's weird because I'm breathing, but it feels like somewhere along the way the air is being blocked. Are there any tips on things I can do to make it easier to breath?

    1 AntwortRespiratory Diseasesvor 9 Jahren
  • Want to get pet lizard what should I get?

    Hello, well I recently had a small common green lizard come in my room and kind of make my room his home. He's been here for almost 3 weeks now and I've grown quite attached(named him Buddy), but since he's shed I've been told to expect him to leave soon. Well I was very disappointed and because of that I've decided to just go to the pet store and get a lizard, but I don't want one as small as my little green friend. I'd like one that I'd be able to hold on occasion without fearing loosing a finger lol. I'd also like one that would be within reason to take care of like if I have a difficult situation I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong or what can be done to help. Also this lizard is going to be moved like moving from house to another house because I will be leaving eventually so I don't want one that would die if he was moved more than five feet. If I'm crazy please tell me. If not and you know the lizard for me please tell me so. Thank you.

    5 AntwortenReptilesvor 9 Jahren
  • What would I need to label the cost of this package as?

    Hello, I'm on eBay for the first time today trying to sell my PlayStation 2 and some(8) games. I have now reached the shipping portion of the information sheet and I'm not sure what to put the cost as. Since I'll be shipping a PlayStation 2, a controller, an 8MB memory card, and 8 games it should be a rather larger box, but I'm not quite sure what the box proportions should be since I don't even know if I'll be able to sell this item nor do I know what to label the shipping cost for this particular box. Any help?

    1 AntwortOther - Business & Financevor 9 Jahren
  • What do I do with this lizard situation?

    Okay this is a little odd and probably a bit silly, but a common green lizard has found its way into my room and its been here for like two weeks. I looked up things about lizards and learned that its bad to keep them as pets. We've tried to put him in good places outside, but he ends up back in the house and back in my room as well as the same spot in my room. I don't have a problem with lizards I even named him Buddy, but I don't want him to die. Does anybody have any clue as to why this lizard keeps coming back and more particularly to the same spot. Maybe its really a girl and its laying eggs or something I really don't know, but I'd feel better knowing whats going on because I would feel bad if this lizard died.

    3 AntwortenReptilesvor 9 Jahren
  • Was ist gut Deutsch musik?

    Was ist gut Deutsch musik? Ich will eine gut musikbibliothek für wenn ich gehe auf meine reise zu Bonn. Und Ich bin American, aber ich liebe deutsch. Tut mir leid fur alle fehlers.

    12 AntwortenSonstiges - Musikvor 10 Jahren
  • Cute ring tone for boyfriend?

    I don't want a ring tone that says "Im falling in love with you" because we aren't really there yet. I just want a cute ring tone that would work for a country boy who has stolen many kisses <3 So If you have a good idea please let me know..

    1 AntwortOther - Musicvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How would you graph this equation?

    In the equation y = 2x + 4 how would you graph it? Graphing is one of my weak points in math and Im never sure if Im graphing the equation right so will someone please tell me how this should be graphed.

    5 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Whats the name of this upbeat song sounding almost like its saying "ooh sweet lady man to man"?

    I've looked on you tube, Google, and on here and I just cant figure it out so if you recognize it that would be very helpful lol my lyrics guess is very strange I know, but its as close as I can get.

    1 AntwortLyricsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is going on with my ears?

    Alright it didn't use to be this bad so I didn't think anything of it, but its a daily occurrence now and I'm starting to get worried..what happens is first I'll hear this high pitched noise in my right ear and then I just wont be able to hear at all out of that ear..It hasn't happened to my left ear(only the high pitched noise switches ears) but it really freaks me out to randomly not be able to hear anything out of my right ear..what is going on in my eardrums????

    2 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Temperature difference(Physics)?

    Explain why the same temperature difference (not the same temperature) could be expressed in "degrees Celsius" or "kelvins"?

    2 AntwortenPhysicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Speed = 55mph(physics question)?

    Consider the common measurement: speed = 55 mph. What is the...

    1.physical quantity?


    3.symbol for the unit?

    4.numerical value?

    3 AntwortenPhysicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do whales contribute to the ecosystem?

    My dad and his girlfriend are watching a show called whale wars and while watching they got in to this argument about whether the Japanese killing of the whales is right or wrong.

    My Dads point of view was that the Japanese aren't even using everything on the whale and they're hunting the whales excessively.

    While his girlfriends(Natalie's)point is "What do whales do for us? How do they help the ecosystem?"

    Now I can see where their both coming from, but I've also seen what the Japanese do in their hunting techniques and that makes me think its really wrong-especially if the number of whales is getting lower. So Id like to know what is it that whales do for our ecosystem, what is their part in the ways of the world?

    Id be very grateful to anyone who could help.

    Yours sincerely,


    3 AntwortenBiologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do you know if you are diabetic?

    This will probably sound stupid, but I know I'm not fine and it concerns me to watch all these medical health shows(house, scrubs, etc.) and think about what could happen to me. I'm not going on with things the Wilson's disease, but I have considered things closely along the lines of being a diabetic or an asthmatic. I do suffer a lot of fatigue and have often actually fallen asleep right after dinner. I get extremely shaky when I haven't eaten anything in awhile, it's kind of like I don't have enough sugar and this happens on a daily basis. I have very low blood pressure-which my mom only encourages my love of salty food-so that's okay. If you can help I'd really like some answers.

    Yours Truly,


    5 AntwortenDiabetesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you think I have asthma?

    Whenever I do anything athletic my lungs flame up and burn until my ribs and stomach hurt so bad I have to sit down and try to drink water immediately. I sometimes receive random jolts of pain stabbing at my ribs and chest.

    P.S. whenever I tell someone they think I'm being dramatic and trying to get attention or something, but I'm honestly worried.

    Know any answers?

    2 AntwortenRespiratory Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt