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Bob K
Air switches from vents to defrosters while driving.?
I have a 1995 F150 that when the AC or vents are on the air switches from the vents to the defroster vent. When the vehicle is first started, it all works correctly. Once the engine starts to warm up is when the problem starts. The air will come out the vents until the engine is under a load then the air comes out the defrosters. I know this is a vacuum issue and I have already had to repair the common vacuum leak that happens to the vacuum motor next to the fire wall on the heater core box. All the lines as I can see look in good condition. What confuses me is when the engine is cold I don't have an issue. Looking for ideas on what lines to look for to be bad. Also I don't hear a vacuum leak and the engine appears to be running fine. Thanks
2 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 5 JahrenWhat was the name of a sci fi cartoon from the early 80's or late 70's?
The story was a sunken battle ship that was converted into a space ship and defended planet earth.
1 AntwortComics & Animationvor 9 JahrenIs anyone else having a problem accessing free yahoo mail account?
Every time I try to access the inbox, I get the log in screen. After I log in, it goes to mail briefly then right back to the log in screen. I have tried four different computers on two different ISP's and the same problem. Yahoo says there is nothing wrong with the account, it is the PC or the ISP. I logged out of my yahoo paid mail, and tried to log into the other account and it just keeps happening.
4 AntwortenNotices and Errorsvor 10 Jahren1993 Saturn Fuel Pump Won't Run?
Ok, to make a long story short. Through process of elimination decided the PCM was bad. If I apply 12 volts to the signal wire out the PCM to the fuel pump relay the fuel pump will run. Tried a total of 3 different PCM's. If the problem is not after the PCM, and 3 pcm's all have the same result. What else can I check? Is there something in the ignition circuit that tells the PCM to turn on the fuel pump that might be bad? I am at a loss.
1 AntwortGMCvor 1 Jahrzehnt